Ex-Liberal minister calls for Trudeau’s departure – National

Former Liberal minister says it’s time for Trudeau to go - National

“Is it time for Justin Trudeau to step down as leader of the Liberal party? According to former environment minister Catherine McKenna, the answer is a resounding yes. After a shocking defeat in a former Toronto stronghold, McKenna believes that the party needs a fresh face to lead them forward.

McKenna, who served in Trudeau’s cabinet from 2015 to 2021, has voiced her concerns about the current state of the party. While some of Trudeau’s ministers continue to support him, McKenna’s call for a new leader is gaining attention.

The Fall of Toronto-St. Paul’s

The recent byelection in Toronto-St. Paul’s resulted in a win for the Conservatives, marking the first time in thirty years that the Liberals lost the seat. This defeat has sparked a debate about Trudeau’s leadership and whether he should consider stepping down.

New Ideas, New Energy

McKenna’s message is clear – it’s time for new ideas, new energy, and a fresh perspective. She believes that there is too much at stake in this election, especially when it comes to crucial issues like the economy and climate change. While Trudeau has a legacy to be proud of, McKenna sees the need for a change in leadership to address the challenges ahead.


As the pressure mounts on Justin Trudeau to reassess his role as leader of the Liberal party, voices like Catherine McKenna’s are calling for change. Whether Trudeau will listen to these calls and make a decision about his political future remains to be seen. But one thing is certain – the question of leadership is a critical one for the Liberal party as they navigate the road ahead.”

(Note: This rewritten content is original and may not match the exact details of the original article.)



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