Calgary police focus on enhancing accessibility in public spaces with ‘hot spots’ initiative

‘Hot spots’ targeted by Calgary police to make public places more accessible - Calgary

“In the heart of East Village, Madeline Foy navigates through a myriad of challenges to extend a helping hand to those in need. She braves the streets lined with drugs and alcohol, armed with newspapers for seniors and scarves for the cold. Despite being robbed once, this 70-year-old refuses to be deterred by the grim realities surrounding her home.

Acts of kindness like Foy’s, however, stand in stark contrast to the recent crackdown on drug trafficking in downtown Calgary. A collaborative effort between Calgary police, Transit Public Safety, and Calgary Community Standards resulted in the arrest of seven individuals facing a total of 47 charges. The aim was to make public spaces safer and more accessible for all, acknowledging the impact of street-level drug trafficking on public safety.

Understanding the complexities of the issue, Calgary police also recognize the need for support and intervention rather than solely punitive measures. By working with addiction and mental health professionals, there is an effort to provide opportunities for those caught in the cycle of addiction to access resources and find a way towards rehabilitation.

As the city grapples with the challenges of social disorder, a beacon of hope shines at the newly opened basketball courts near the 8th Street train station. While these spaces offer a place for community engagement and physical activity, concerns about drug use linger. The juxtaposition of joyful basketball games and wary glances serves as a reminder of the multifaceted nature of the issue at hand.

In the midst of it all, Madeline Foy’s unwavering dedication to helping others serves as a poignant reminder of the resilience and compassion that exist in our communities. As we navigate the complexities of social disorder and drug trafficking, perhaps it is this spirit of kindness and perseverance that will ultimately guide us towards greater understanding and positive change.”



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