Body language expert says “Trump was more engaging in debate”


[Music] and let’s look at the debate now from another angle we’re going to bring in Karen Donaldson a communication body language expert and Coach uh Karen first of all welcome from a body language perspective what did you make of Joe Biden’s performance Oh indeed I know everyone was speaking about his age ahead of time however it was highly telling and there was a few things that were very significant that people may not have scene and well there some pieces we all witnessed so the rapid blinking was him being frustrated and not being able to gather his thoughts when we saw him close his eyes that is someone shutting out the world so you can regain the memory that you have and capture a thought before you dispel it through your mouth so Biden was a little shaky you could tell that his memory was an issue as well okay what about Trump what did uh his communication and Body Language show throughout the night indeed so what we saw with Trump is his tone was very authoritative and commanding he used a lot of hand gestures which allowed him to emphasize his points and keep everyone following so it’s great to use hand gestures because it deepens the connections with the viewers on the other hand the split screen was very interesting we saw his typical smirk and you would see a quick puckering of the lips when he heard something that he fully did not disagree with so the split screen was genius as far as being helping me read their body language and what they were truly feeling when they weren’t speaking or not responding uh President Joe Biden getting some criticism for his performance uh did his age show through his words and actions last night it really did it it was the pausing and the recalling and the fumbling of information and recalling of information because you’re thinking of a repres ative and I don’t want to touch on the content the representative of a Nation having to recall the thoughts your ideas and actually going off tangent that’s not something that you know some people may want so as age showed in that and the one thing I want to touch on some people may have not witnessed every now and then he held on to his pen as he spoke I know he took notes they weren’t allowed to have notes but as he spoke he held on to that and what that’s called is anchoring it allows you to keep your thoughts focused when you speak so those times where you s pick up his pen when speaking it’s because he want to gather his thoughts and stay centered and not you know go left right or get distracted by what was previously said by Trump was the Body Language by either of them what you’d call presidential Trump had his typical assertive not as aggressive as we usually see at body language with Biden it was a lot calmer it was a lot more pois but it always it was also a lot of a lot slower and nonreactive so Trump was more engaging right while he was speaking and when it was a split screen as far as Biden you found at times when he was looking or listening to Trump’s speak he had a surprised look on his face with his mouth slightly open which is you know when you’re leaning into more presidential you want to see a more composed or reactive or responsive body language gesture as well as facial expressions so we lacked that from President Biden this is all very interesting that is our time H thank you very much for this Karen Karen Donaldson communication body language expert and a coach

Body language expert Karen Donaldson on the key takeaways from Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s body language during the debate.

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  1. If you’re smart and you were paying attention you can see that Biden is still alert. Despite being older and getting tired more and faster but his brain is still active.

  2. Trump was charge now he is allowed to run as a candidate for President?what is this? Body language is not important here. its how you run the country to be peaceful. especially theres lots of shootings going on. This is nonsense. worried about body language to derail the train.


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