Biden’s debate performance was “very shocking” | Republican strategist


is Anette Meeks a Republican strategist Anette thank you very much for joining us uh after seeing that clip right there uh how confident are Republicans right now with Trump’s performance well I I think uh one thing we all know about uh former president Trump is he is a master salesman and he believes what he says when he says it uh it often times doesn’t prove uh true uh upon factchecking but he is very very good on his feet and he was uh very very good last night especially in cont to the president but with the not being very good at factchecking I mean how are people supposed to believe him then well it’s one of those things where uh our our country is so deeply and almost so evenly divided especially when you get into the key electoral states that um you’re not going to win by a landslide uh the 2024 presidential election you’re going to win by eeking out a victory in certain States and that’s where this all matters and it’s going to come down to a couple of things it’s going to come down to who has the most money and resources to continue uh telling their side of the story about the issues that matter the most and that’s illegal immigration into the country and the economy and when not not their golf scores and not their golf championships those things don’t matter uh and whoever has the resources and can can make it to the end through November uh without any other um uh fatal debates or any other horrible uh performances like that will likely be the winner do you think either of them scored a knockout with those with the undecided voters and the double haters the ones that don’t like either of them no I don’t think they did and I think all they did was reinforce to all the key partisans why their candidate is the best but he did President Biden did uh a lot of damage to himself amongst people who were watching the debate who maybe haven’t made up their mind I don’t think a lot of people haven’t made up their mind uh let me be clear I think people um would like to believe that he was the person they voted for four years ago which was a calm influence on on the presidency and and a good strong leader who will tell you the truth what they saw last night was very shocking and something that his key supporters have told us isn’t happening when in fact it is uh we have an elderly president who sometimes has a lot of struggles and when you struggle in that job it causes a lot of people to have a lot of concern and that’s what they saw last night with their very own eyes and it was very shocking is it is it a knockout no but I think it’s strike one uh and to use a baseball metaphor did you see his rally today at Biden’s rally today what did you think of that I saw part of it and I think he was wise to confront it head on uh I don’t know that that’s going to uh sway any voters who were so shocked by what they saw last evening but I think right now what he has to do is one thing and that’s calm down all of his key Democratic allies uh so that they don’t start abandoning him there were a couple key Senators today that by what they didn’t say said a lot which is well you know it’s President Biden’s decision to step aside oh my goodness that that’s a horrible thing for a sitting senator of your own party to say about you uh they should be rallying around the president at this point if they really believe that he could Prevail in November they would be doing that what I heard today from several uh elected officials is we don’t have confidence in this man and and we don’t know what to do but do the Republicans have confidence in Trump well that’s the interesting argument isn’t it um there’s a a a huge group of very partisan uh trumpies that believe that he is the greatest president of all time and they will never be swayed from that and so he is going to be our nominee no matter what and he then becomes a presumptive leader of our party that’s something that will be hashed out after uh the November election if he prevails he will control the party for the next four years and probably for sometime after uh because people just walk away uh the more traditional Republicans will just walk away uh if he loses then it becomes a battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party okay Anette thank you very much for your analysis appreciated my pleasure thank you

Republican strategist Annette Meeks on why U.S. President Biden’s debate performance is causing concerns.

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  1. More criminals and gangsters will come to Canada and claim asylum if Trump wins. And of course, Trudie doesn't and will not stop those criminals and gangsters. Thank you Trudie for open borders!

  2. America will continue to suffer from Joementia because they are terrified of a primary that they couldn't rig against Bernie Sanders or someone who actually represents what American's want, not what the ultra wealthy pay the Democrats for.
    The system works

  3. Anyone else notice that Trump didn't actually answer any of the questions he was asked? He talked about whatever he felt like talking about and the moderators let him do so. Add a vacant Joe Biden to the equation…and we get what passes for a political "debate" these days. ?


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