Biden-Trump debate spurs panic among Democrats: “This is bad”


this morning some Democrats are actually calling on US President Joe Biden to step aside after his poor performance in last night’s presidential debate against Donald Trump now Biden struggled to answer questions and his voice was noticeably weak and raspy confirming many voters fears about the 81 year-old’s Fitness for the job our Washington bureau chief Jack sosco joins us now with more on the follow Jackson we appreciate this so obviously it goes without saying this is not the headline that Democratic supporters nor his campaign want uh post debate but how much concern is there about Biden after last night well good Morning Anthony I have to tell you you know it feels like there’s a five alarm fire within the Democratic party here this morning uh I think people were stunned when they saw Joe Biden walk out on that stage last night and within sort of the first 10 minutes of the debate realized what that performance was going to look like uh this morning in the New York Times Thomas fredman who’s a close friend of President Biden writes uh Joe Biden a good man and a good president has no business running for re-election uh saying that he is uh heartbreak heartbroken by the performance last night and really that’s what we’re hearing a lot of of course you know the narrative for a very long time now has been that uh Biden is too old is not capable of seeking out another term based on his performance last night you’ve got some critics questioning whether he’s capable of finishing out his current term and yes that has set off Panic within the Democratic party you’ve got operatives playing the blame game for Biden’s uh performance last night he spent 6 days at Camp David preparing for that and that’s what we saw last night during the debate uh the White House on background of the campaign on background started saying that Biden was perhaps suffering from a cold and so now you’ve got all these people wondering is it too late to replace Joe Biden at the top of the ticket does the party need to find a new candidate uh November is yes a long way away but that convention where that will be decided is creeping up very very quickly and I think the bottom line is yes we’ve started historically early with both a debate and a full-fledged presidential campaign but the Panic is very real in the party right now so that is the incumbent and normally traditionally we’ve seen so much conversation about Donald Trump’s performance what stood out for him last night you know a couple things first of all yes he was measured you know there was no crowd in the room to play to his mic was cut off when he wasn’t speaking and so really he was relatively measured by Donald Trump’s standards that said it was sort of a replay of the greatest hits which is still going to unnerve a lot of Voters just as much as Biden’s performance did for example uh Trump continues his election denialism denying or you know leveling claims about the last election being stolen uh he was waffly when asked flat out if he would accept the results of this election and he continue to espouse conspiracy theories and Flatout lies and you know really the kind of thing that a lot of Donald Trump’s detractors have pointed to uh since he first launched his very first presidential campaign almost 10 years ago now that he struggles to tell the truth that he really does not come across as presidential and so uh yeah I think a lot of people uh you know who do not support Donald Trump were certainly not swayed by his performance last night despite concerns that they might have about Joe Biden’s performance all right the electorate already divided uh divided at the best of times in many cases uh not a lot of support the polling has shown for either of these candidates even going into last night’s debate so where does this leave voters in what is expected to be a very close election again yeah I mean the polls continue to show this this real horse race between Trump and Biden it’s within the margin of error you know kind of jostles back and forth between the two of them we’re talking about what less than 10% of the American electorate who are actually undecided and might switch their vote around and so I think that’s who last night was targeted at I’m not sure that last night though is going to change a lot of Minds again we are a long ways away from November a lot can happen between now and then potentially to change voters Minds uh you’ve also got to remember the fact here that yes voters may have concerns about both candidates the bigger risk is that they are just generally dismayed by their choices and decide to sit at home and that’s where it’s going to come down to whose supporters are mo more motivated at the end of the day and so I think we’ll be looking at a lot of rapid response polling I think you’ll see a tendency to dismiss that polling as being too early to be predictive of the final election outcome and really I think it’s going to come to how this shakes down especially within the Democratic party about whether or not they keep keep Joe Biden at the top of the ticket uh can Joe Biden escape the calls now to drop out from the race and does something happen here in the next few weeks to sort of let Joe Biden reset look presidential look like he’s in command and in control or do the calls for him to resign just snowball here and this becomes an unescapable avalanche heading into the convention and then we’re really in Uncharted Territory here a party potentially looking to dump its incumbent nominee uh safe to say Anthony last night’s debate completely upset the election at a historically early inflection point there’s recovery time out there but the path forward is very uncertain yeah there’s not a lot of time obviously the convention uh in the summer so not too far in the future but that being said there’s not a lot of time before the election is there anyone that is even a possible candidate I obviously the vice president would top the list for a lot of people but are there other people who are at least being considered it’s hard to even imagine this in in this unprecedented situation though yeah I mean in formal behind the names you’ll behind the scenes you’ll hear names like California governor Gavin Newsome uh Governor Gretchen Whitmer from Michigan uh you’ll hear other state Governors like Wes Moore uh state senators like Raphael warnek but really it is it is completely unclear where the Democratic party goes from here if they are unable to salvage Joe Biden’s candidacy and I think one of the arguments you’ll hear from Democrats in favor of switching candidates is an argument that Biden himself has made time and time again he has said look democracy in the future of Amer American democracy are on the ballot this November and you know Democrats are asking themselves if the case is that serious for protecting American democracy is Joe Biden really the right guy to lead that fight given his performance last night all right a lot of discussion about this we appreciate all of your time Jackson thank you so much that is our Washington bureau chief Jack sosco joining us from the US capital thank you

U.S. President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump clashed in the first presidential debate in the 2024 presidential election campaign.

They argued over the fate of American democracy, abortion, immigration, their age, and other families’ legal issues.

However, Biden’s uneven performance left allies and Democrats concerned and “heartbroken”, some calling on him to step aside.

Jackson Proskow outlines the key takeaways from the historic debate.

For more info, please go to?

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