Ahead of Canada Day, 1 in 10 say they feel country is “broken”: Ipsos


[Music] preparations are underway in Ottawa for the country’s biggest Canada Day celebration but even the best party planner would have a hard time changing the national mood I think it’s going to take a long time to get back where we were before an ipsos poll done for Global News found many Canadians think the country needs fixing after 9 years of this prime minister everything is broken everything’s broken Everything feels broken Everything feels broken 70% of Canadians pulled agree Canada is broken and the younger you are the more likely it is you’ll believe that 78% of Canadians between 18 and 34 share that view he’s capturing a mood it’s not something that Pierre PV has created Pierre PV is going around saying that Canada’s broken he’s doing that for his own narrow interests you double pev has dominated the pools for more than a year and this week his party breached the walls of a liberal Fortress winning the Toronto St Paul’s byelection there is a lot of um discomfort uh even anger certainly frustration in in not just Canada but a number of countries right now and the primary reason for that is inflation in Montreal this year’s Canada Day Parade was cancelled because of red tape and a lack of funding to ipsos it’s just one more example contributing to an overwhelming sense of pessimism in the country driven in large part by economic uncertainty I think that government is time for a change new ideas no uh new way of of doing stuff right now for others there’s still lots to celebrate there’s always conflict and there’s always things that will be going on in the world that we don’t necessarily have as much control over as we’d like but um I love this country which is about to Mark its 157th birthday for better or worse teria isri Global News Montreal

Canada Day is just around the corner, but many Canadians are not in the mood to celebrate, according to a new poll done exclusively for Global News.

Seventy per cent of Canadians agree with Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre that the country is “broken,” according to Ipsos polling.

Ipsos surveyed 1,001 Canadians between June 12 and 14 and found feelings of pessimism are highest among those aged 18 to 34, with 78 per cent holding the view that the country needs fixing.

Touria Izri breaks down the numbers and explains what’s behind the low morale.

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  1. Im spending time with family .
    I will celebrate them not Canada day .
    We have far too many issues going on in Canada. Nothing to celebrate about.
    This is what they wanted .
    Liberals are divisive.

  2. Hey Global you would think with all the money you get from your Liberal buddies you could at least get the headline right. Is it 1/10 or 7/10? Stopped watching your Liberal propaganda after you tried to malign the Trucker convoy for your political masters. Your reporting has turned into a farce and is essentially Pravda Canada. The only thing worse is CBC.

  3. The Liberal House of Cards is Collapsing in upon itself, More and more Liberal Ministers MPs , MLAs, Senators, Life Long Supporters are saying enough of the Liberal Party leadership under Trudeau. The Party has no clear direction for the people of Canada and is in Complete and Total Panic. Many Liberals feel even with a change now in leadership it is to late and the irreversible catastrophic damage is done and the Party Doomed for the next election in 2025. They feel it will take at least a decade to rebuild and rebrand the Liberal Party to where it once was. A complete House Cleaning must be done from the ground up, new names and faces with clean proven .ethical backgrounds are drastically needed. The proven corruption and under invesigation if found guilty Liberal Members sitting as Liberal Parliamentary members in the house today must be removed and punished under the law. The Liberal Party funding in and from the private sector has all but dried up, it is unlikely there will even be enough to run a proper campaign for the 2025 Federal Election. The chances are very high the the Liberal Party could very easily lose Party status in Canada. The NDP are in the exact same boat.

  4. This is who runs our Country aside from the WEF: A failed drama teacher as PM, a failed journalist and a WEF board member as finance minister, a radical criminal activist as environment minister, A foreign Affairs Minister who ran/runs in the same circles as Trudeau, A transport minister who has been convicted 3 X for drinking and driving. Last but not least, an alliance formed with another party, whose leader (Jagmeet Singh) supports terrorism against a friend and strategic ally. What could possibly go wrong? Canadians just want to brush the "Stink" of Liberals off them once and for all." We as Canadians need to strip the Liberal Party of its official status in Canada. We need to stand together and vote "against" every single Liberal to put them out of power and Parliament. There is no one Canadians can trust in the Liberal Party.

  5. Poilieve's accomplishments in 20 years as MP:
    – Voted against same-sex marriage and trans-gender rights
    – Voted to reopen the abortion debate
    – Voted against measures to make homes more affordable
    – Made it clear he’s willing to use the notwithstanding clause to override Canadians’ Charter rights
    – Told Indigenous residential school survivors they needed to learn the value of hard work instead of receiving compensation
    – Fought against workers to make it harder for them to unionize
    – As housing minister, built zero new apartments, supported zero co-ops, and built just six affordable housing units
    – Made it harder for half a million Canadians to vote through the Fair Elections Act
    – Qualified for his pension at 31 while raising the retirement age from 65 to 67
    – Promoted volatile cryptocurrencies to “opt-out” of inflation
    – Campaigned to defund the CBC and Radio-Canada
    – Blocked a free trade agreement with Ukraine, that would benefit Canadian businesses who want to participate in Ukraine’s economic reconstruction and recovery from Russia’s illegal invasion
    – Voted against cannabis legalization
    – Voted against a one time grocery rebate to help Canadians through the peak of Covid and related supply chain price increases
    – Refuses to denounce endorsements from American far-right conspiracy theorists
    – Hangs out with far-right extremist groups with connections to Diagolon
    – Voted against a national school food program, against giving all low-income students a $2000 Learning Bond, and against expanding student loan forgiveness to more essential health and social support workers
    – Voted against minimum wage
    – Voted against increasing provincial health care transfers to keep pace with growth, and against speeding up Canada Disability Benefit payments
    – Was kicked out of the House of Commons for unparliamentary behaviour, personal attacks, and name-calling
    – Voted for deregulation of mortgage insurance which made Canada vulnerable to the 2008 Financial Crisis and cost Canadians their 300,000 jobs
    – From 2006-2015, oversaw the worst economy & jobs creation performance of any Canadian govt since WWII, 800,000 affordable homes were lost as the price of housing went up 60%
    – Endorsed eliminating capital gains taxes to further enrich the ultra-wealthy
    – Clawed back military pensions for injured soldiers and closed 9 Veterans Affairs offices across Canada
    – Promoted Islamophobia by saying that Syrian refugees posed a threat to security, and voted against an anti-Islamophobia motion after the mass murder of Quebec Muslims, was a speaker at a Yellow Vest anti-immigration rally, attended a fundraiser for FluTruxClan in support of the Ottawa convoy protest, and uses white supremacist dog whistle rhetoric like “Reclaim what's yours”, “Take Back Canada”, and called the carbon tax a tar baby in need of a paternity test and used the n-word in Parliament
    – Tagged hundreds of his YouTube videos with the hashtag "MGTOW" ("Men Going Their Own Way"), targeting followers of a misogynistic incel movement
    – Spent $1 Billion on security for the 3-day 2010 G20 summit in Toronto, where 1,105 arrests were made – the largest mass arrest in Canadian history.
    – Lied about plans to make groceries more affordable while his top strategy advisor is a lobbyist for Loblaws
    – Voted for a $1.4 Billion tax break for oil companies and slashed childcare spending by $1.2 Billion pay for it
    – Turned a blind eye to the 200% increase in opioid-related deaths while he was in government
    – Was accused by former a Conservative Prime Minister of being “a liar and a hate-monger.”
    – Claimed to be "Libertarian-minded," like his mentor Stephen Harper
    – Saw Alberta gas prices increase 33% during his 8 years in government, compared to a 30% increase during Trudeau's 8 years in government
    – Attacked Elections Canada for investigating the Conservatives in-and-out campaign spending scandal that ripped off Canadians for $780,000
    – Said he would limit MPs to two terms, although he has now had seven
    – Mocked Prime Minister Trudeau's teaching career, even though the only job he ever had was a call centre collections agent
    – Staged an "Axe the Tax" campaign of distraction over a rebatable 17¢ climate initiative as the oil companies broke records with over $50 Billion in annual profit
    – Called for a non-confidence vote on PM Trudeau, but got no support outside his own party
    – Got a $3 million image makeover including contact lenses, makeup and a girdle, and removed his personal profile from the WEF website
    – Gave out the address of a Niagara Falls waitress and called her 1 1/2 storey house a tiny little shack, while living in the public owned 34-room Stornaway mansion with a private chef, butler and chauffeur
    – Increased his net worth to $25 Million while holding public office. Believe it or not, I've got more for serious inquirers.

  6. Canada is definitely broken I spent $45 on fuel to get to the grocery store and 140 for mostly fruits and vegetables I need in my diet and one pack of hamburger walk walk right past the steak section


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