Using drones to fight wildfires ?? #Tech


Skys Scout uses drones Guided by satellite data and artificial intelligence to spot fires when the first Flames are detected by the Scout drones thermal cameras it sends coordinates to the much larger tanker drone which Zooms in and sprays a non-toxic fire retardant Mist to extinguish the fire skyscout says its drones could operate remotely and detect a flame as small as a candle from an altitude of 400 ft and it’s encouraging uh to see how uh businesses and Industry want to step up and you know look for applications for technology uh that you know may not have been thought about but how could technology that’s used in other ways today apply to firefighting the company hopes to win provinal and private contracts to not only fight fires but pre-spray properties with its unique fire retardant too making it a leader in Wildfire detection suppression and protection

A company in British Columbia is hoping its drones could be a new tool in the battle against wildfires. SkyScout Ai is developing a system that uses satellite data and drones to spot even the smallest of wildfires and then snuff them out before they get out of control.

#Wildfire #Drones #AI #BC




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