U.S. Supreme Court allows abortions in medical emergencies in Idaho — for now


well in the US the Supreme Court has cleared the way for Idaho hospitals to provide emergency abortions for now the ruling comes one day after the opinion was accidentally posted on the Court’s website before quickly being taken down cbc’s Richard Madden is with us from was Washington so uh Richard tell us more about this ruling and how the justices came to their decision well we got a sneak peek of it yesterday when they accidentally posted it on their website is a tremendous blunder by the High Court uh but today they made it made it official this is a significant decision and a bit of a win for the Biden Administration that argued federal law supersedes state abortion bans and in this case in Idaho now the high court has allowed abortions to be performed in case of emergencies not just when pregnant women’s lives were at risk because what was happening before Idaho is that doctors could not perform emergency abortions and women had to be airlifted out of state for the procedure because under Idaho’s law on Idaho’s law anyone who performs an abortion would face criminal charges including up to 5 years in prison and they could lose their medical license so this decision means emergency abortions can be performed in Idaho for now but the court basically punted it back down to the lower court so we could still see another legal challenge down the road now zoom out a little bit ever since the conservative leaning Supreme Court overturned Federal protections 2 years ago at least 14 Republican Le states have banned the procedure other states have imposed restrictions causing Mass confusion and several messy legal challenges it’s turned women’s Reproductive Rights into a major political issue and speaking of which we’re still waiting for its ruling on what could be the Court’s most consequential decision affecting the election and that is whether Donald Trump is immune from Criminal prosecution over his alleged role leading up to January 6 but today’s abortion decision significant nonetheless Richard how are these Supreme Court rulings especially that abortion one um which has been a key campaign issue how is it likely to play into the big debate that will be happening tonight between uh President Biden and Donald Trump yeah I think we’re going to hear about it significantly President Joe Biden as you know is making abortion rights Central to his campaign so this decision gives him a fresh storyline to attack his Challenger Donald Trump expect Biden to likely blame him for stacking the Supreme Court that led to the overturning of roie Wade and the cha chaos that followed uh former president Trump on the other hand has taken credit for the ruling and he’s been applauded by pro-life social conservatives for returning abortion laws back to the state so this is really another example of the stark contrast between these two leaders in the first presidential debate of this election cycle the earliest debate in US history and a debate between the oldest presidential candidates to Face Off women’s rights economic anxieties and immigration expected to be major themes but beyond the policy differences there are other factors that many voters will be watching for age Fitness for office and temperament take a listen in this case we have one candidate Donald Trump where people are goingon to be looking a lot about questions of character and one in President Biden that people are going to be looking a lot about questions of competence the big question Will trump fly off the handle will Biden lose his train of thought these are some of the questions that’s being posed by the punditry here now both Biden and Trump are raising expectations on each other and the debate itself is taking place in the key swing state of Georgia where Trump faces separate criminal charges of election interference for trying to overturn the last election so much to watch out for Richard the cbc’s Richard Madden in Washington

The U.S. Supreme Court has cleared the way for Idaho hospitals to provide emergency abortions — for now. The 6-3 ruling, with three of the six conservative justices dissenting, effectively reinstated a lower court’s decision that Idaho’s near-total abortion ban must yield to the U.S. Congress’s Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act when the two statutes conflict.

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