Shocking Liberal defeat in Toronto byelection spells trouble for Trudeau


hey did you see the results of the Federal byelection in the writing of Toronto St Paul’s I bet you did because it was huge news it was a liberal stronghold since the 80s and it is so deep in Toronto which you know winning that seat for the Liberals is as obvious as the conservatives winning oh say Calgary Southwest if Calgary Southwest ever falls to the Liberals it would be you know pigs would fly but that is exactly what happened absolutely astonishing you could get a feeling that something was a foot because every day another Federal cabinet minister came into the writing to door knock or at least have a selfie taken it was an enormous effort all hands on deck the Liberals were Fielding a candidate named Leslie Church who was a former senior advisor to Christia Freeland and carried with her some of that policy residue people are little but tired of Christie Freeland and even though lesie church was more physically presentable and less irritating it was still Christia freeland’s gal it was an ultra Trudeau candidate you could tell things were a foot when Trudeau’s face and name appeared nowhere in the liberal campaign materials I have to tell you I never thought the conservatives would win I thought the margin would narrow but seriously winning Toronto St Paul’s look at this map I saw this on Twitter this is the red these are the districts of Toronto red are liberal and that blue chunk right in the heart of it is conservative unbelievable only a few percentage in the end but you win by a one vote or by a million it’s still a win and it was utterly shocking and it is a premonition of things to come I think it’s true that a byelection gives voters more freedom to clap back at the government because if they go Rogue and do something dramatic it’s not going to change the entire country you can be more courageous in a byelection vote knowing you’re not changing the government or the whole direction of the country you’re sending a message but I think that that message is going to be shared in the general election unless something dramatic happens in the next year and it could I mean Trudeau has been 10 15 20 points back in the polls for about a year if I were a liberal MP or a liberal cabinet minister even from almost anywhere I would be terrified right now this feels like for those of you who are my age or older the uh Brian Maron handing the Baton off to Kim Campbell who in the 1993 election wiped out the mighty conservative party winning just two seats not even Kim Campbell’s own I don’t say the Liberals are going to go down to two seats they have some seats in the Toronto and Montreal areas that will probably survive any flood but they’ll be under 30 seats for sure a wipe out is coming and um right away uh Trudeau said he will not quit and chrisa Freeland echoed that here’s a clip of that just to see for yourself before I wrap up I would like to say a few words about last night’s byelection first uh I want to thank all the volunteers and candidates for putting their name forward and participating in this important Democratic exercise including our tremendous liberal candidate lesie Church who ran a strong positive campaign I also want to congratulate Don Stewart on his victory in this tightly fought race but most of all I want to thank the people of Toronto St Paul for exercising your right to vote and making your voice heard now this was obviously not the result we wanted but I want to be clear that I hear people’s concerns and frustration these are not easy times and it’s clear that I and my entire liberal team have much more work to do to deliver tangible real progress that Canadians across the country can see and feel we’ll never stop working and fighting to make sure that people have what they need to get through these tough times my focus is on your success and that’s where it’s going to stay Deputy Prime Minister can the Prime Minister still stay on to lead the Liberal Party into the next election given that you just lost one of the safest seats in the entire country last night yes he certainly can can you explain why because everybody we’re hearing from behind the scenes believes that the result last night means catastrophic losses across the country if you cannot win in Toronto under Justin Trudeau why should why should anybody believe you can win anywhere else under him our gu government is focused on working hard for Canada and Canadians and on delivering results for Canada and Canadians that is what the prime minister is focused on that is what we are all focused on the prime minister is committed to Leading us into the next election and he has our support even if Trudeau is deciding to quit I think he would still say he’s not deciding to quit while he figures out how to do it so just because a liberal says something doesn’t mean it’s true especially with Trudeau but I’m starting to think that he won’t quit now I I think that there’s a lot of reasons for him to quit he has been repudiated by voters he has led the country into disaster No One Believes him people laugh at him um they’re not even noticing the things he does no one trusts him anymore the Deep dislike to him I don’t think it can be turned around even liberal po bers like David ketto I remember a com a comment he meant it’s like if if a friend if you if a friend becomes an enemy or if if you decide you don’t like someone you you’re just not going to listen to them anymore and that’s how Trudeau is he’s like a former friend that you have an emnity with now ketto said it more gracefully than that but here are the reasons why I think Trudeau would stay he would go to maybe let someone else have a chance to revive his party he would go because his time is up he has passed his best before date he would go because he’s brought us disaster those are all reasons to go but none of that appeals to who Justin Trudeau is in his heart I mean think about it here are some reasons I have why I don’t think Justin Trudeau will quit number one he has to stay to manage the cover up I I’m talking about Chinese influence pedaling I’m talking about Iranian influence pedaling um we’ve seen the steps he’s taken to cover that first he dispatched his family friend David Johnson to write a white wash and now he’s you know contradicting CIS reports like he is scared obviously of facts coming out he is he instructs his liberals to to hide and to vote against certain disclosures so I think number one is a cover up not just of foreign interference but of financial corruption too we’re starting to see Millions hundreds of millions billions of dollars of spending absolutely crooked the case of the arrive can app is sort of an obvious one but that’s only 60 or 70 million we’re talking billions so number one reason he wants to stay I would imagine is so he can make sure the Machinery of the state the levers he has to pull covers up what he has done and what he is doing and will do a related reason is even if he wants to go a lot of other people have a stake in Trudeau REM remaining in power not just the Liberals but Trudeau himself if you’ve paid Trudeau $100,000 in bribes and if you’re saying that’s that’s a shocking allegation that’s defamatory what proof do you have well okay let’s get use the example of the Communist chin agent communist Chinese agent who made a sixf figure gift to the Trudeau Foundation that was picked up by Trudeau’s brother so let’s say you’re someone who paid a bribe like that well you don’t want the person you bribe to leave you want to keep earning a rate of return on your bribe uh if you are someone who’s plugged in to the lobbyist Machinery to the procurement Machinery if you’re someone who gets sweetheart contracts like Anita anan’s husband does if you’re McKenzie and you’ve got sweet deals through chrisa Freeland you don’t want the team to change you’ve invested hundreds of millions in in your team you’re probably getting billions out in the case of china and Iran you’re getting policies out I mean if Iran didn’t have control over Trudeau and his brother um it’s unlikely that Canada would have such a promos position so all these people even if Trudeau wants out Trudeau’s courtiers Trudeau’s financiers Trudeau’s threateners his honey traps they want him in an example of that would be Ukraine put aside your views on the Ukraine conflict which I think is awful and I hope it resolves itself peacefully as soon as possible um the amount of money and material and weaponry that Canada is sending to Ukraine might not be the same if if Trudeau is no longer prime minister um that’s certainly something they’re saying in the United States if Trump succeeds Biden so that’s just one example of an enormous stakeholder in Trudeau’s continued Prime ministership so coverups for himself his you know stakeholders insisting he stay here’s a third reason I don’t think he’s going to go he doesn’t really care about democracy he doesn’t have Democratic impulses he has authoritarian impulses anti-democratic impulses when he was asked what his favorite country was he said communist China and he didn’t just say China he continued here watch the clip again because of its basic dictatorship take a look at the clip there’s a level of of uh admiration I actually have for China um because their you know basic dictatorship is allowing them uh to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go greenest fastest we need to start start you know investing in solar I mean there is a flexibility that I know Steven Harper must dream about of having a dictatorship that he could do everything he wanted uh that I find quite interesting not because of wonderful things about China you know I’ve got a long list of things I like about China from the food to the culture to the art to the history the architecture to there’s it’s a wonder there are many wonderful things the most odious thing about China is the thing that trudo likes just like Trudeau always admired Castro just like Trudeau’s brother um did a u a propaganda film for Iran called the new great game um trudo doesn’t care about a vote in St Paul’s he doesn’t care about a vote anywhere because he’s an authoritarian uh he’ll use the mechanism of an election to get where he wants but he feels no compunction defying the Democracy the next reason is related I think it’s how he views himself not just an authoritarian but I think he thinks he’s some sort of magical um destiny child uh a messiah that he is a super person morally or personally or cosmically Superior than the rest of us he actually believes he’s God’s gift to Canada um he thinks that he is the chosen one I I think you can see that in how he talks about himself how he sociopathically lies um how he is completely unprincipled if it’s to say how he refuses to apologize for anything he has never apologized for anything in history other than apologizing for other people as and I apologize for what Stephen Harper did I apologize for what the past government he’s got a messiah complex why would a messiah quit

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra discussed the Liberals stunning byelection loss in Toronto-St.Paul’s this week in a seat they had held for over 30 years.

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