Newly appointed human rights commissioner under investigation by feds for alleged antisemitism

Feds to investigate newly appointed human rights commissioner over antisemitism allegations

“Is the newly appointed head of the Canadian Human Rights Commission an antisemite? The controversy surrounding Birju Dattani has sparked a heated debate and calls for investigation. Let’s delve into the allegations and different perspectives surrounding this hot-button issue.

Allegations of Anti-Israel Activism:

Birju Dattani, the former head of the Yukon territory’s human rights commission, is under scrutiny for his past comments and activities deemed as antisemitic. From sharing a stage with Islamic fundamentalist groups to participating in anti-Israel events, Dattani’s history has raised concerns. The promotion of boycotts and sanctions against Israel, along with inflammatory statements, has led to accusations of antisemitism.

Government Investigation and Reactions:

The Trudeau government has initiated an investigation into Dattani’s appointment, emphasizing the need for impartiality and fairness in the role of the Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre lambasted the appointment on social media, highlighting the serious implications of appointing someone with a history of antisemitism to a position of authority.

Differing Perspectives and Responses:

While some condemn Dattani’s past actions and demand accountability, the Canadian Human Rights Commission stands by his appointment, citing his expertise in human rights and commitment to combating anti-Semitism. Dattani himself has claimed that his views on Israel have evolved and that he is dedicated to upholding the rights of all Canadians impartially.


The controversy surrounding Birju Dattani raises important questions about the intersection of personal beliefs and public service. As the debate continues, it is crucial to consider the implications of appointing individuals with contentious pasts to positions of authority. Can someone with a history of antisemitic activism effectively serve as the Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission? The answer remains to be seen, but the scrutiny and debate surrounding this issue are paramount in upholding the values of fairness and equality in Canadian society.”



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