Newly appointed human rights commissioner under investigation by feds for alleged antisemitism


"The Trudeau government is facing scrutiny over the appointment of Birju Dattani as the head of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, with allegations of past anti-Israel activism sparking controversy and debate.

Unpacking the Controversy

Dattani’s history of comments and actions, including speaking at events supporting the BDS movement and protesting outside the Israeli embassy in London, has raised concerns about his impartiality and commitment to human rights. The government has acknowledged the need to address these allegations and is currently investigating the matter.

Different Perspectives

While Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre and others have condemned Dattani’s past statements and associations, the Canadian Human Rights Commission has expressed confidence in his ability to fulfill his role effectively. Dattani himself has stated that his views on Israel have evolved and that he is committed to combating antisemitism.

Conclusion: A Call for Transparency and Accountability

The refusal of the Liberals, New Democrats, and Bloc Quebecois to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the appointment highlights the need for transparency and accountability in government decisions. As Canadians await the outcome of the investigation into Birju Dattani, it is essential for all parties involved to prioritize the principles of fairness, respect, and justice in the pursuit of upholding human rights for all."



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