COWARD: Jagmeet Singh dodges accountability from Rebel News


conss want to cut the Liberals will let you down new Democrats got your back why do you continue to support them take care is your pension more important than the lives of Canadians there St from Rebel news we’re here at gamble playground in East Toronto where jug meet Singh just held a press conference now this press conference was supposed to be an hour later but they last minute moved it to an hour before so we were late getting to the press conference and thinking we weren’t going to be able to get a question to jug meet but believe it or not we caught him just as he was coming out but of course as usual jug meet refuses to speak with Rebel News why will he not answer questions that are actually seeking accountability from the leader of the NDP party watch for yourself hi I just have one question sorry we’re with Rebel news we don’t talk to Rebel News why don’t you speak to Rebel news you know Rebel news viewership is on the rise right now CBC viewership is downhill so it kind of seems like Canadian seem to care a lot more about Rebel news coverage and seeking accountability from politicians why won’t you speak to us sorry thank you very much thank you it doesn’t seem like the liberal government’s doing a pretty good job right now cost of living is on the rise you yourself admitted to foreign interference good thank you so why do you continue to support them take care is your pension more important than the lives of Canadians your pension that you’ll be receiving next year $1.2 million nope Mr Singh why do you continue to support Justin Trudeau and Canadians you know Canadians aren’t happy with Mr Trudeau why do you continue to support him you’re yourself you’re not happy with Trudeau good to go Mr Singh what’s more important your pension or the lives of Canadians is it with Jonathan tell me sir what’s more important your pension or [Music] Canadians Canadians want to know where does sing’s heart lie is he really in it for the people of Canada or is he in it for his own pension is that why he keeps on propping up the Trudeau liberals and delaying an election till next year when clearly everyone wants it and the liberal government is not doing a great job we see a cost of living is through the roof there’s been foreign interference corruption there are a number of MPS who have knowingly provided help to foreign governments some to the detriment of Canada and Canadians but jug me does not seem to care and he does not seem to care about freedom of the press or answering any sort of tough questions from news agencies who are not going to agree with everything that he says quick note I find it interesting how politically disengaged Canadians seem to be because the leader of an NDP party held a press conference Here We Came as a press conference was ending but still there were three people here so you were here for the duration of the press conference that’s right yeah and how many people would you say were here roughly eight according to my knowledge yeah yeah eight okay an estimated eight people were here at the press conference Rubble news is one of the biggest media companies in Canada when it comes to viewership and engagement so why won’t jug meet Singh speak to us and speak to the Canadians who really want to hear from him and find out where his heart lies and where his loyalty really stands for Rebel news I’m Sarah St if you want J me sing to vote no confidence put an end to the liberal government please head over and sign our petition at jug meets

| Singh’s handler told reporter Sarah Stock ‘We don’t talk to Rebel News’ as the NDP leader refused to answer questions about the motivation behind his continued backing of the failing Liberal government.
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  1. It show how much us the people, really disconnect and just dont care what these politicians have to say. We have our own lives to live, and these politicians are not apart of it. 8 people at the press conference, lets keep this up people, the thing they say, and what comes out of their mouth is ?.

  2. So either he feels he is too good to even acknowledge you as a human being and at least say thank you for the question but i have no comment for rebel news OR he is too scared.
    Either way having his man servant smirk, reply and then brush you off is not fitting for a politician who is supposed to work for all Canadians, even the ones who didn't vote for him

  3. Jagmate is a pathetic liberal puppet who is directly responsible for what is happening in Canada right now.Because he is keeping Trudeau, the dictator the w.E!F puppet that is sent to destroy this country in power.

  4. Funny how all these corrupt politicians seem to know rebel news are the journalists that actually hold them accountable and refuse to answer questions ALL CANADIANS WANT TO HEAR ANSWERS .


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