Celebrate Canada Day ’24: Embracing the Greatness of Canada | Editorial


"Happy Canada Day weekend everyone! As we celebrate this special day, it’s important to acknowledge the turmoil and unrest that seems to be looming over our country. Many attribute this negativity to the influence of certain world leaders, which has seeped into our culture and mindset since around 2017.

Despite all the imperfections and challenges we face, we must remind ourselves that we are privileged to live in a remarkable country, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes. From the fields of science, arts, sports, business, and education, Canada boasts exceptional talents and minds. And let’s not forget our uniquely Canadian ability to laugh at ourselves and not take life too seriously.

This Canada Day, let’s shift our focus from criticism to celebration. Instead of dwelling on what’s wrong with our region or country, let’s highlight the beauty and positivity that surrounds us. It’s time to embrace the good and be grateful for all that we have.

Welcoming New Voices

In exciting news for our newspaper, we are thrilled to welcome Keith Lacey to our newsroom. With over 35 years of experience in print media, Lacey will be covering exclusive local news, enriching our publication with his expertise. We are also proud to feature more of Gord Goble’s work, along with contributions from other talented individuals who bring diverse perspectives to our pages.

Embracing Local Talent

This weekend, Penticton will come alive with the Pacific Northwest Elvis Festival, a celebration of the King of Rock and Roll. As we enjoy the festivities and entertainment, let’s remember to support local events and talent that enrich our community.

From local film stars to sports achievements, our community is filled with individuals who inspire and captivate us. Let’s take a moment to appreciate these accomplishments and show our support for Canadian talent.

Looking Ahead

As we reflect on the recent Stanley Cup results and upcoming milestones, let’s remember that setbacks are just stepping stones to success. Whether it’s in sports or everyday life, resilience and determination are what define us as Canadians. Let’s continue to support each other and strive for greatness, no matter the challenges we face.

As we mark another Canada Day weekend, let’s remember the strength and unity that binds us together as a nation. Let’s cherish the beauty of our country and the diversity of our people. Let’s strive for a brighter future, where kindness, compassion, and understanding prevail.

Happy Canada Day to one and all!

James Miller, Valley Editor of Okanagan Newspaper Group"



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