Rainbow clouds paint sunny BC skies ??? #Weather


a beautiful Optical phenomenon was spotted all across the South Coast Tuesday afternoon it’s called Cloud iridescent and it’s similar to a typical rainbow in how it’s created but these less common rainbows look like they’re painted on the clouds the reason is the Sun’s light is getting diffracted or bent by the water droplets or ice crystals in the clouds this defraction causes the Sun’s light to separate into its individual colors now what’s even more special about these irid clouds is how Vivid the colors are for this to occur the water droplets in these clouds had to be of uniform size causing a more efficient defraction of the light [Music]

A weather phenomenon known as iridescent clouds gave people in parts of British Columbia’s southern coast a beautiful rainbow on an otherwise sunny day on Tuesday. Senior meteorologist Krisi Gordon explains what causes the painted cloud effect.

#IridescentCloud #Rainbow #BC



  1. Usually coincides with chemtrails. As the dust clouds spread across the sky attracting water with uniformity. Which is what happened yesterday and why we have the type of rain today. That's why morning clouds don't burn off in Vancouver anymore and the sun often gets a halo. Anyone over 50 knows these things were not common if ever seen.


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