Puppy mills are now illegal in Ontario, but will that help curb the problem? ?


[Music] puppy males are now illegal in Ontario new laws Target those whose business model is to turn out puppies for sale as quickly as possible but sadly critics say they won’t do much to curb the problem under the province’s beefed up pups act those found guilty of operating poppy Mills will now be subject to a minimum $10,000 penalty and a $25,000 fine for the death of a dog it’s now illegal to inbreed breed a female dog more than three times in a 2-year period and breed a female dog younger than a year let that sink in also illegal being a broker for puppy mills one in three Canadian puppies comes from a mill though many people don’t realize this the profit first approach means many dogs suffer from poor health and behavioral issues as well as psychological trauma caused by the confinement and neglect they experience

Puppy mills – homes that intentionally breed dogs and churn out puppies for a profit – are now illegal in the province of Ontario. Under the now beefed-up “pups act,” those found guilty of operating puppy mills will be subject to a minimum $10,000 penalty and a $25,000 fine for the death of a dog. Critics, however, say this may not do as much to curb the issue as many hoped.
#Animals #Dogs #Puppies #Ontario #Crime




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