Poll shows Conservative party winning majority of Jewish votes in Toronto—St. Paul’s byelection


“New Poll Shows Shift in Jewish Voter Support in Toronto—St. Paul’s Byelection”

Sub-heading: A Surprising Turn of Events

In a new poll conducted by Mainstreet Research, Jewish voters in Toronto—St. Paul’s showed overwhelming support for the Conservative candidate, Don Stewart, in the recent byelection. The poll revealed that 62.8% of Jewish voters in the riding intended to vote for the Conservatives, a significant increase compared to the 20.7% who planned to vote for the Liberals. This unexpected shift resulted in Stewart winning the riding for the Conservatives after more than three decades of Liberal representation.

Sub-heading: Changing Dynamics in Jewish-Canadian Voting Patterns

The poll data highlighted a noticeable change in Jewish-Canadian voting patterns, with previous strong support for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party dwindling. Traditionally, Trudeau had enjoyed significant backing from the Jewish community, but recent events, such as mixed messaging regarding support for Israel and condemnation of antisemitism, have raised concerns among Jewish voters.

Prominent Jewish MP Anthony Housefather’s contemplation of leaving the Liberal party after the passage of a motion deemed “anti-Israel” underscored the shifting sentiments within the Jewish community. Conservative candidate Stewart’s vocal support for the Jewish community, attendance at key community events, and alignment with Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre’s pro-Israel stance resonated with Jewish voters, leading to a significant increase in support for the Conservative party.


The outcome of the Toronto—St. Paul’s byelection and the shift in Jewish-Canadian voting patterns serve as a reflection of evolving dynamics within the political landscape. As political parties navigate complex issues related to Israel, antisemitism, and community engagement, it is essential to recognize and address the changing priorities and concerns of diverse voter groups. The surge in support for the Conservative party among Jewish voters signals a potential realignment of political alliances and underscores the importance of engaging authentically with communities to build trust and secure electoral support.”



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