Poll shows Conservative party winning majority of Jewish votes in Toronto—St. Paul’s byelection


“Jewish Voters Prefer Conservative Candidate in Recent Toronto—St. Paul’s Byelection”

In a surprising turn of events, a new poll conducted by Mainstreet Research revealed that the Conservative candidate gained significant support from Jewish voters in the Toronto—St. Paul’s byelection. With 62.8% of Jewish residents in the riding showing their intention to vote for the Conservative Party, compared to only 20.7% for the Liberals, the political landscape in the area underwent a major shift.

The Changing Tide of Jewish-Canadian Voting Patterns

The victory of Conservative candidate Don Stewart, ending over three decades of Liberal representation in the riding, marked a significant change in Jewish-Canadian voting patterns. Historically, Justin Trudeau had enjoyed strong support from the Jewish community. However, recent events, such as the Oct. 7 attack on Israel and the subsequent mixed messaging from the Liberal party regarding support for Israel, led to a shift in allegiances.

Prominent Jewish MP Anthony Housefather even considered leaving the Liberals after a controversial motion perceived as “anti-Israel.” Stewart’s unwavering support for the Jewish community, including attending important Jewish ceremonies and rallies, further solidified the Conservative Party as a popular choice among Jewish-Canadian voters.

A Seismic Shift in Voter Intentions

The recent byelection and polling data signify a monumental change in the voting intentions of Canada’s Jewish community. What was once a stronghold for the Liberals among Jewish voters has now transformed, with the Conservative Party gaining more favor. A May 2024 Angus Reid poll indicated that 42% of Jewish-Canadians now support the Conservatives, surpassing the 33% who would vote for the Liberals.

As Canada navigates through shifting political landscapes and evolving allegiances, it prompts us to reflect on the diverse perspectives and values that shape our democracy. The changing dynamics of Jewish-Canadian voting patterns serve as a reminder of the complex interplay between identity, community, and political beliefs. Ultimately, it underscores the importance of engaging in open dialogue, respecting differing opinions, and embracing the rich tapestry of diversity within our nation.”



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