No charges laid against bus driver in fatal collision | 2023 Manitoba bus crash


well ctv’s Renee Rogers is following this for us today Renee what can you tell us about this decision here to not lay any charges hi La yes well it is the deadliest bus crash in Manitoba history 17 people were killed and eight others seriously injured after a bus on its way to a casino carrying 25 people mostly seniors collided with a semi- on the Trans Canada Highway leading to a fiery crash and devastating the community of dolin where many of these people were from now dash cam video that was reviewed by police shortly after the crash revealed that the semi- driver in fact had the right of way but today after a long and complex investigation Manitoba RCMP and the crown attorney revealing that no charges will be laid against the bus driver take a listen I’m here today to say that based on the Crown’s review no charges are being authorized in relation to the Collision that occurred as investigators we hope to provide the why of what happened and that is why we do what we do but in this case we cannot say why the bus proceeded into the intersection that day when it was unsafe to do so now police say a search of the driver’s cell phone revealed that it was not in use during the time of the crash or shortly before they also say no drugs or alcohol were in the driver system at this uh the time of the crash what they do say though is that three separate blind spots uh would have PID played a significant role in this crash and in fact we heard from the crown attorney today that uh upon review of that dash cam footage from the truck uh police were able to see that uh the driver could not see that semi Tru coming and didn’t act in a way that was the markedly different than any other reasonable driver would have acted at the time of that Collision uh so therefore again saying unlikely that there would be a conviction and therefore no charges will be laid Rene you mentioned that this was a long and complicated investigation no doubt made more complicated by the fact that officers have not been able to speak to the driver involved just talk us through why that is yes that’s right uh they haven’t been able to speak to the driver uh because the driver while surviving the crash did suffer a traumatic brain injury from that crash so police have never been able to talk to the driver uh about this we knew that there was a medical condition that was keeping police from being able to talk to the bus driver today we learned that it was a traumatic brain injury we learn that the bus driver now is unable to care for himself he needs the help of the community unable to make decisions for himself and we also learned that he’s unlikely to improve his condition uh unlikely to improve so therefore uh we likely will never hear from the bus driver uh his perspective on exactly what happened here but uh once again no charges being laid in this case and uh it’s the end of a very devastating and trying chapter for that Community Ella ctv’s Rene Roes thank you for the update

CTV News’ Renee Rodgers has the latest on the decision for no charges to be laid against a bus driver in Manitoba’s deadliest crash.

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  1. YES the semi driver had the right of way….BUT did he hit the breaks? Did make any attempt to not hit the transport van? Did he intentionally continue full speed as he saw it as an opportunity for a not at fault accident? Clearly primary cause is the van driver. WHY are names not being named? Why are no video footage being posted

  2. Y’all, the driver has Traumatic Brain Injury. I am a nurse and I have many patients with TBI. They can’t talk, walk, move, or feed or change themselves. They are vegetative. What do you all want? Take him to jail? He can’t even talk or defend himself. Doesn’t the law must ensure that the person must be able to defend? Isn’t that a pillqr of criminal justice system in Canada? If it was his negligence, the driver is already paying the price for it and will pay the price for the rest of his life. My TBI patients have been vegetative from decades.

  3. I passed through this intersection 2 hours prior to this accident. Returning from a holiday to Vancouver and back. I must say that I was astonished by the intersections along the trans Canada in the western provinces. I personally witnessed a semi hauling two 53' long trailers trying to cross the TransCanada in this same spot. The swinging out and maneuvering they had to do to get their truck to fit into the crossway and clear the active lanes was extraordinary. Poor highway design for sure was a factor, but sadly we'll never know for sure. That poor bus driver is physically debilitated for the rest of his life. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Nothing but sympathy for all involved/impacted by this awful accident.

  4. The bus driver is incapacitated for life because of his brain injury. In any case, he is unfit to stand trial. So what's the point of laying charges? I am sure he would rather be tried and go to jail than be in his present physical condition, if he had the choice.


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