New data reveals that over 50% of Vancouver’s BIAs have a vacancy rate exceeding 10% – BC.

More than half of Vancouver’s BIAs have vacancy rate over 10%, data shows - BC

“Is Vancouver losing its charm for businesses? A recent report by the Business Tax Alliance reveals a grim reality for the city’s business landscape. High crime rates and soaring taxes are pushing businesses to the brink, with many being forced to close or relocate outside of Vancouver.

The Business Tax Alliance highlights data from the City of Vancouver that shows 54 percent of its business improvement areas are facing a retail vacancy rate above 10 percent, a concerning figure for the local economy. Linda Hudson, owner of Kerrisdale Cameras, shares her struggles with a 27 percent property tax increase, putting pressure on small businesses and independent stores in the area.

Rising Taxes and Business Closures

The increasing property tax rates are a major concern for businesses like Kerrisdale Cameras, where historic buildings with high maintenance costs are facing steep hikes in taxes. The lack of recent sales in the area has resulted in assessments based on market rents, making it a challenging situation for many small business owners who are already grappling with high expenses.

The Appeal for Relief

Despite filing appeals for adjustments, businesses like Kerrisdale Cameras are still feeling the financial strain. Paul Sullivan, a partner at RYAN, points out the disproportionate change in property values in Kerrisdale compared to other neighborhoods, calling for a fairer assessment of property values to ensure sustainability for local businesses.

Looking Towards a Solution

While a healthy vacancy rate of five to seven percent is considered ideal for business districts, Vancouver is seeing alarming figures that point towards a larger issue at hand. Sullivan emphasizes the importance of supporting independent businesses and providing relief to ease the financial burden they are facing.


As the debate around rising taxes and business closures in Vancouver escalates, it’s essential to consider the long-term impact on the local economy. Finding a balance between fiscal responsibility and supporting small businesses will be crucial in ensuring the city’s economic vitality. The challenges faced by businesses like Kerrisdale Cameras shed light on the broader issues plaguing Vancouver’s business community, calling for a collaborative effort to address these concerns before it’s too late.”



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