Meet Canada’s Potential Young Star at Paris 2024 – Could Be Just 14 Years Old!


"Imagine spending your summer vacation not just hanging out with friends or attending camp, but representing your country on the world stage. Well, that’s the reality for 14-year-old Fay De Fazio Ebert, who has been selected to be part of Canada’s Olympic skateboarding team. This young athlete from Toronto is making waves and breaking barriers at such a tender age, showcasing her talent and dedication to the sport."

Breaking Barriers at a Young Age

At just 14 years old, De Fazio Elbert is set to become one of the youngest athletes in Canada’s Paris 2024 delegation. Her remarkable achievement of winning the gold medal in women’s park at the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games has solidified her position as a rising star in the world of skateboarding. De Fazio Elbert’s success not only brings glory to Canada but also inspires young athletes across the country to pursue their dreams.

Dedication and Hard Work Pays Off

The selection of De Fazio Elbert, along with Matt Berger, Ryan Decenzo, and Cordano Russell, was based on their outstanding performances in global skateboarding events over the past two years. These athletes have dedicated countless hours to training and pushing the boundaries of their sport. Adam Higgins, the high performance director for Canada Skateboard, commended the athletes for their relentless pursuit of excellence and their unwavering commitment to representing Canada on the Olympic stage.

In a press release, De Fazio Elbert expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to compete alongside her fellow Canadian skateboarders. She acknowledged the lack of high-level skateboarding training facilities in the country but highlighted the resilience and determination of the team to excel on the international scene.

Unleashing Canadian Talent on the World Stage

The upcoming men’s street skateboarding event on July 27 and the women’s event on August 6 will be a showcase of talent, skill, and determination as these Canadian athletes skate for glory. With only Matt Berger having previous Olympic experience, the pressure is on for the team to make their mark and leave a lasting impression on the global skateboarding community.

As the world eagerly anticipates the debut of skateboarding at the Paris 2024 Olympics, the spotlight will shine on these young athletes who have worked tirelessly to achieve their dreams. Their journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, dedication, and passion for sport. So, let’s cheer on Fay De Fazio Ebert and her teammates as they fly the Canadian flag high and inspire a new generation of skateboarders to reach for the stars."



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