Lucy Maud Montgomery Makes History on P.E.I. Coin

New coin etches P.E.I. author Lucy Maud Montgomery into Canadian currency history

In the literary realm, Lucy Maud Montgomery stands as an immortal figure, her pen breathing life into the beloved character of Anne of Green Gables. Now, Montgomery’s legacy is further solidified in the annals of history, as the Royal Canadian Mint unveiled a new $1 coin featuring her likeness alongside that of the iconic Anne Shirley. This coin, a tribute to the 150th centennial of her birth, is a testament to the enduring impact of Montgomery’s work on Canadian literature and culture.

A Tribute to a Literary Legacy

The unveiling of the coin took place at Green Gables Heritage Place in Cavendish, P.E.I., where Montgomery once roamed the lush landscapes that inspired her timeless tales. The artwork on the coin, crafted by Island artist Brenda Jones, captures Montgomery as she would have appeared during the era of “Anne of Green Gables,” complete with her signature and a quaint cat sketch that often accompanied her autographs. Notably, Montgomery is the first Canadian author to be featured on a circulating coin, a fitting honor for a writer whose words have touched the hearts of readers worldwide.

A Proud Heritage Preserved

Montgomery’s granddaughter, Kate Macdonald Butler, expressed her family’s delight with the coin’s design, reflecting on how it captures the essence of Prince Edward Island with its vibrant colors symbolizing the island’s verdant fields, red soil, and azure skies. As president of the Heirs of L.M. Montgomery, Butler noted that her grandmother would have been immensely proud to be commemorated in such a meaningful way. The coin serves as a token of appreciation for Montgomery’s contributions to literature and the island’s rich cultural heritage.

Preserving a Literary Icon’s Memory

The coin serves as a tangible reminder of Montgomery’s enduring legacy, allowing her story to be passed down through generations. It is a testament to the power of storytelling and the lasting impact of literature on shaping our collective consciousness. As the coin circulates from hand to hand, it serves as a tribute to Montgomery’s ability to capture the beauty and spirit of Prince Edward Island in her writings. In commemorating Montgomery on this coin, we not only honor her memory but also celebrate the magic of storytelling and its ability to transcend time and space.

In conclusion, the unveiling of the Lucy Maud Montgomery commemorative coin is more than just a numismatic event; it is a celebration of Canadian literature and the enduring influence of a remarkable author. Montgomery’s spirit lives on in the pages of her novels and now, in the gleam of this coin, ensuring that her legacy continues to inspire and enchant readers for years to come. As we hold this coin in our hands, we are reminded of the power of storytelling to capture the essence of a time, a place, and a beloved literary heroine who will forever hold a special place in our hearts.



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