‘It’s a message for Trudeau!’: Torontonians react to shocking Conservative win


what some people are telling me is they think that people are voting conservative as a message to Trudeau because they’re just done with him do you think that’s true Trudeau I would say that like you know there is definitely opportunity for him to improve on certain thing did you hear about last night’s election results that’s great I think it’s devastating for middleof the road politics in Canada that was awesome you think it’s awesome I was I was awake till morning really to try to find out who won a little bit surprised it’s been staunchly liberal for as long as I’ve been here so uh it is a bit of surprise and I’m sure it’s a message being sent there as well no I’m not happy 30 years of liberals I voted conservative and super proud of it what do you think about that are you surprised why do you think that it turned conservative after all these years I think this city’s been let down a bit if there’s anything that’s going to be for people it’s the Liberals because I don’t trust what’s going to happen

Rebel News took to the street to ask Torontonians if they were surprised by the Toronto-St. Paul’s election result, why they think the seat flipped, and whether or not Trudeau should resign.

FULL REPORT by Sarah Stock:

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  1. Lmao, he doesn't trust what's going to happen? So what he said Is, I prefer the corrupt liberals , over the possibility of having an affordable free life. The liberals are NOT for the people. The liberals are for themselves. And this makes complete sense to that guy, because he is for himself.


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