Expert advice from pediatricians on raising healthy children: Everything you need to know


"In the year 2024, the challenges of raising children seem to have multiplied, with distractions abound and new health concerns arising. As summer break kicks off for kids across Canada, delves into the advice of pediatric health experts to navigate the complexities of modern child-rearing. Let’s explore some key dos and don’ts to keep in mind when it comes to raising kids in today’s society.

Cut down screen time

One recurring issue highlighted by pediatricians is the pervasive nature of screen time in children’s lives today. Dr. Sam Wong, a medical director at the Canadian Paediatric Society, emphasizes the struggle parents face in finding a balance between activity and screen time. The increase in screen usage, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has led to challenges in managing children’s behavior when it comes to turning off electronic devices. Wong suggests that parents need to lead by example and reduce their own screen time to set a healthy precedent for their kids. Meaningful conversations and designated screen-free times can foster better communication and family bonding.

Cut down social media

Social media, particularly popular among teenagers, poses its own set of challenges. Dr. Mohammed Hassan-Ali from McMaster University notes the impact of platforms like TikTok and Instagram on young minds. Parents are advised to engage with their children about the content they are exposed to online and to discuss the potential pitfalls of advertisements disguised as endorsements. With the surge in social media use among teenagers, it’s crucial to monitor and guide their online interactions to ensure a positive digital experience.

Healthy diet

Another significant issue in child health is the rise in diet-related illnesses, such as Type 2 diabetes. Dr. Wong points out the alarming increase in children experiencing these conditions in recent years, emphasizing the need for a shift towards healthier eating habits. Simple changes, like opting for whole-grain foods and avoiding excessive sugary drinks, can make a significant difference in a child’s long-term health. By making mindful choices at home and promoting better dietary habits, parents can help combat the trend of diet-related illnesses in children.

Mental health and checking in

One striking development noted by pediatricians is the uptick in mental health issues, particularly eating disorders, following the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Wong underscores the importance of addressing mental health concerns and the value of utilizing online resources and incorporating physical activity into daily routines. Dr. Hassan-Ali stresses the need for quality time spent with children, free from distractions and obligations, to nurture strong parent-child relationships and foster a deeper understanding of each other. Being present and actively engaging with children can play a significant role in promoting their mental well-being.

In conclusion, the landscape of child-rearing in 2024 is undoubtedly complex, but with thoughtful guidance from pediatric experts and a commitment to holistic health and genuine connections, parents can navigate these challenges with grace and resilience. By prioritizing meaningful interactions, healthy habits, and open communication, families can create a nurturing environment that supports children’s well-being and development in the digital age."



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