Dr. James Lindsay on radical gender ideology and the social credit mafia


I think our goal should be to set our sights on a couple of I think achievable things given the world circumstances and primarily focus on those one of those is certainly going to be to protect our women and their Sports and one of those is going to certainly be to protect minors from the surgeries and the the the chemical treatments like puberty blockers and so on Adam Asser 4 Rebel news we are on location in Calgary today as Dr James Lindsay is bringing his parental rights tour to town Dr is an author academic and speaker who gained notoriety for publishing hoax articles to academic journals mocking their ideological bents and lack of intellectual scrutiny this evening he is set to speak about the intrusion of progressive gender ideology into the educational sphere and to discuss the erosion of parental rights we’re very fortunate to be joined by Dr Lindsay for an exclusive interview this push to undermine traditional and conventional understandings of gender of family all that it’s clearly cultural Marxism but who drivve it who’s the motivating force is it China World economic Forum who’s behind this so that’s I I hate to do this to you because you know it’s journalism it’s a little bit of a complicated question because there are different drivers the academics in particular were boiling up the theory because of academic job incentives so they are bu building out the the theory right then that’s going to get plugged into particularly activists which is starting to come out more and more that were in the not gay but queer movement that were trying to disrupt society and disrupt norms and particular very frequently around um adult child sexual relationships in other words pedophilia uh and that that’s a big part of what’s being driven so they’re taking that academic theory of course there’s crossover between those groups academics sometimes these activists are academics and vice versa so they’re building out the apparatus and putting it into action but they can’t get anywhere without money right right and so the money starts out coming from like philanthropists nonprofits 51 c3s we’ve all heard about these billionaires um you know the pritsker family in Chicago we know about the Martin Roth blat these are actually a minor part of the money but they’re they’re a lot of money right we know that George Soros was giving large grants say to the Human Rights Campaign to change their directions from a gay rights advocacy group to more of this radical activism and there was more and more and more money started to pour into it but you ask about the world economic Forum United Nations well let me tell you world economic Forum has been coordinating in this direction under the brand name of inclusion for a long time and therefore coordinating along with black rock who controls all that money right to get the corporations on board corporations would be holding to a score called their corporate equality index published by the Human Rights Campaign and if they don’t get a high enough score then they can lose their ESG rating right okay so we are all getting familiar with the whole way the cartel works well that score requires them to go do activism it requires them to do visibility promotions like putting Dylan mulany on a Bud Light can like doing you know huge Pride events it also requires them to do lobbying efforts for legislative bodies to to try to get more pro at the what they call lgbtq but what it really is is more radical like you said um queer cultural Marxism or queer Western Marxism pushed into our society so they’re required to do that to keep their scores so now you have tons of corporate money backing behind it and that’s a much bigger Reservoir many more billions of dollars and that can change the culture because you got it all on TV and they’re driving it and again there’s crossover there’s activists within the corporate world too the so-called Long March through the institutions happen over the last 50 years so you have some woke activists who are everything teachers advertisers politicians and on down the list but with the United Nations last Point know it’s complicated a lot they created not just ESG by the way in 2003 but also in 2003 they created what’s called comprehensive sexuality education and that’s the brand name under which all of this is funneled into the schools and frequently into entertainment for example that was a UNESCO project not United Nations overall as a subsidiary project and for example I just was did an expose on on social media on Twitter uh the other day of Minecraft going full bore into the sustainable development goals which includes these social agendas and they say explicitly that it’s in partnership with who UNESCO so Minecraft this video game for kids all the kids love it all the kids play it they’re World building are now being taught to World build according to the sustainable development goals of United Nations agenda 2030 because Minecraft partnered with the source you unco how can these companies like be motivated when they’re when they’re hopefully their principal driving factor is growth and capital um these things we’ve seen the D Dylan mulany thing these things are either sort of net losses or massive losses um how can they be convinced to go against perhaps even their own interest is it that the investment coming in supersedes the amoney the amount of money they might make from doing business yeah basically there’s two ways we can look at it that the same thing but to your point I just read you know a couple hours ago I was here relaxing getting ready for the event thinking through some things flipping through social media and I just read that it’s something like 47% of its value Disney’s lost over this like we’re talking like 130 I forgot the exact number so don’t quote me on it to qualify but it’s like 130 there odds billion dollars in the last you know 12 to 18 months something like that it’s insane and so there are two kind of answers to this question and like I said it’s the same answer either way you want to look at it number one is that you can say that they’re actually not as interested in capital and growth as they are some other set of incentives that there’s a different incentive structure that they’re playing under in other words that their kind of hand is being forced right now that could be complicated because there could be activists in Disney that push this using Disney to do it that’s virtually certain that it’s the case right how influential that is I’m not as positive but there are certainly these ESG corporate equality index Etc um incentive structures that are pushing them so their hand is forced maybe they’re not actually interested in earning Capital the second way to look at this is to say that actually the cartel environment where they are pressured to do this means that the way to make the most money in capital which maybe really is their interest right is by playing the game in the cartel so if you were in a block and like the mafia has a has a a couple blocks that they run right if you want to succeed in those blocks it doesn’t matter if you run a restaurant a laundromat a shop you’ve got to play by the mafia’s rules and your largest amount of profit and least amount of risk come in the form of doing what the cartel wants you to do and so say those two things I just described they don’t want to make money or they do want to make money through this corrupt system are actually the same thing it’s just a matter of perspective on how you want to look at it now where’s the line drawn there because you talked about sort of these activists but you do have the sort of top organizing people uh do they believe in this stuff the mom who’s uh lgbtq supporter who happens to have happens to have three trans kids like at what point is it intentional sort of implementation of cultural Marxism and at what point is it people buying the emotional Narrative of inclusivity let me give you the a quote from Charlie Munger who used to invest with Warren Buffett before he died so we’re talking top top investors and Charlie Munger has a very famous statement which is show me the incentive and I’ll show you the outcome so the incentive structures are aligning are being aligned I should say by these big players do some of them believe it yes do all of them believe it likely not it’s a power grab it’s a very useful tool it’s a good way to do regulatory capture in a new way to to run industry right into control industry but on the other hand um I virtually could guarantee you that um some of these guys like Martin rothblat who was the creator of sirusxm radio was all in on it like literally Martin’s trans so like yeah probably believes it and also though like what’s the psychology there I don’t know Martine I can’t speak for the his psychology I suppose his desire to be affirmed and his ability to pour billions of dollars into society affirming him might be his actual Drive is that belief I don’t know it’s complicated now what about your average mom with a you know an odd preponderance of transgender children where you know it’s weird how they pop up in clusters since it’s just such a weird natural phenomenon um but what about that well there’s a variety of incentives one of them is possibly just ideological belief I don’t like to worry too much about what do they believe what do they not believe my new thought about this my new term for this is ideological contamination this person is I all of these people are ideologically contaminated except for the most cynical of the most cynical which I’m sure there are some of those people right but we also know there are psychological pressures in these moms call it trans Housen by proxy as a joke referring to munch Housen by proxy which is a serious psychological disorder that turns out to be the mother gaining sympathy points by damaging her children and in this case the the sympathy points are inclusion virtue points and say look how hard my life is look how Brave I am look how inclusive I am three of my kids are trans and I haven’t turned even one of them out or something like this right so the mom is collecting in that case possibly in some cases for certain uh psych you know virtue points through the inclusion inclusion metric which is the incentive that Charlie Monger was show me the incentives I’ll show you the outcome that’s been incentivized so strongly it’s the new value system for the West if these people get their way and so they’re incentivized to munch hous by proxy which is again a serious psychological disorder that ends up abusing children uh for a narcissist parent and they’re incentivized to express it in this direction and then once you go a little bit down that road once you sub reject your child to a medical procedure that could have life-altering consequences you’re all in how are you going to go back how are you going to admit I screwed up my kid like to that degree cuz I you know whatever final question for you here Alberta at least for the time being seems to have a government that at least will signal that they’re going to protect parental rights do you think that there is actually a change culturally and that parental rights are here to stay are we one election away from sort of bad government and what can people do if that’s their concern well you are actually always one election away from Bad government that’s always the deal you know Ronald Reagan very famously said you know that that tyranny is always one generation away right and so that’s for real you that’s that’s never going away that’s nothing we can’t oh Alberta is great now or Tennessee is great now or the Canada is saved there is none of that it’s Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty I’ll say it again tonight I’ve said it at every stop on this tour that Alberta has been the single most inspiring place that I’ve yet to have visited I have 44 States two Canadian provinces in like four European countries that I’ve spoken in five maybe and among all of that Alberta is the most inspiring and exciting place for me and now that’s to clarify I’m seeing a sample a biased sample which is that people who already agree with me are the ones coming to see me overwhelmingly right and so they are an encouraging Force the energy of what’s Happening Here in Alberta seems to be swinging very strongly in the right direction with real organization behind it uh which could make a really big deal as far as you know Danielle Smith and working she’s signaled that she intends to you know put this into law I’m not sure how Canadian law works so I’m not going to talk about the process right but these three points about protecting people from the gender ideology in three different ways trans medicine trans and sports and so on those are that’s a huge step in in in in a positive direction it may or may not work it may or may not win in court but that is a signal to the world that a Canadian province was like no you know what we’re drawing the line and the things that she’s blocking are or aiming to block are the same things that you’re seeing uh legislatures in the United States fighting in court now because they’ve blocked it and the same thing that you see these amazing American Patriots first in California you know super left and super Progressive and now in Colorado which is a little less it’s but it’s still very solidly Progressive and they’ve run ballot initiatives to put to bypass the legislature and put these exact same points on the ballot and let the people side so that’s a very it’s a very similar feeling there’s a lot of cross energy here and I think it’s a big signal that we’re looking at okay fine you want to be that way in the legislature we’re going to do a ballot initiative you know okay fine you want to be this way and you know I guess Parliament or however your government works well we’re going to make a a people’s movement literally we’re going to make a movement of albertan citizens who are going to stand up and well if we we’re not going to force you but we’re gonna we’re going to win elections and we’re going to take this back right and so it’s extremely positive developments this is all a very early stage in a very long fight um I think our goal should be to set our sights on a couple of I think achievable things given the world circumstances and primarily focus on those one of those is certainly going to be to protect our women and their Sports and one of those is going to certainly be to protect minors from the surgeries and the the the chemical treatments like puberty blockers and so on because those things are so blindingly obvious there’s so much to do in the school so much to do in the library so much to do but those two points have enormous public support and it’s rapidly growing and for example not with the Trans Sports issue but with the uh gender medicine issue the so-called gender affirming care I mean it’s like watching this thing’s like a like a roof on a bunch of you know what columns right holding it up and the columns are just Oh They’ll commit suicide whoops 10 new studies show no it’s not really T I think it’s three new studies show it’s actually the other way or this is gonna you know have a positive long-term benefit more and more studies showing no that’s not the case and then the look behind the W path that was a Canadian who did that wpath files came out Mia Hughes and Ottawa wrote that it’s a Canadian busts W path which is the world professional association for transgender Health the subsequent release for called The W path tapes comes out that was an American who who found those and got those uh and it turns out that they’re admitting on camera you know like on at conferences and in their chats their private chats that they know that these things don’t work the way way that they’re saying so the Tipping of these things is starting and I think it’s our duty to get behind those initiatives as the big first push that have the biggest bang for the buck and that I think especially the the sports issue um from what I’m hearing around the us at least is the one that motivates the most energy and momentum immediately you know people might think well I don’t know maybe some kids need the medical stuff and I’m not sure but almost very very few I’ll say there’s a lot of energy that says no we fought long and hard to get girls to have their own sports that boys couldn’t run over and we’re going to save that we’re going to protect that that movement is huge if you agree that Marxist gender ideology belongs in the trash can not the classroom sign our petition at stop classroom grp.com

? | Keep radical gender ideology out of kids’ classrooms!
Adam Soos catches up with anti-woke professor Dr. James Lindsay, who was in Calgary hosting a discussion on radical gender ideology and the progressive left’s embrace of the ‘social credit mafia’.
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  1. It's illegal to prevent gender transition for minors because the Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, Block QC and Greens all voted for Bill C4 which crimilize parents who prevent gender transition essentially stripping parental rights on a federal and provincial level. Pierre's dad is LGBTQYZ, and he will not go against his family best interests.


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