CTV National News | Tuesday, June 25, 2024: Questions about Trudeau’s future after byelection upset


tonight the Prime Minister faces tough questions about his leadership after a devastating political loss and it’s clear that I and my entire liberal team have much more work to do the message sent by voters finally the Blue Wave is coming it’s great news for Canada after a liberal stronghold turns conservative I simply just yelled at the truck stolen I guarantee it and sure enough it was gone A CTV News exclusive investigating the connection between a car getting serviced and then stolen also feeling the financial squeeze as inflation goes in the wrong direction I think the odds of that July rate cut are going to get scaled back pretty quickly plus a plea deal for Julian Assange free after 14 years there’s nothing to be gained but his continued incarceration and we want him brought home and the sting of coming so close I’m very proud of the Oilers for making it this interesting Edmonton fans start to move on while the Panthers make a splash with the Stanley [Music] cop CTV national news with Omar saaden good evening everyone the governing liberals have been thrust into a period of political soul searching tonight after a con sequential Federal byelection that could have major implications for the general vote the writing of Toronto St Paul’s has been a liberal stronghold for three decades but flipped blue overnight fewer than 600 votes separating the conservative winner from his liberal Challenger it’s a significant victory for the conservatives who have not captured a single seat in Toronto proper since 2011 our coverage begins with ctv’s Judy Tren on the reaction and more on what the result could mean conservative da Stewart won by 590 votes the financial executive cracked open a writing held by the Liberals for more than three decades on X Stuart declared the results sent Justin Trudeau a loud and clear message finally the Blue Wave is coming it’s great news for Canada and young people and affording you know a house I thought it’ be close the other way [Applause] around during the campaign the Minister tried to shore up lesie Church’s support Church used to be Chief of Staff to the Finance Minister who may have angered voters with this comment the alternative is really cold and cruel and small the alternative is cuts and austerity not believing in ourselves as a country thanks so much still Church says she intends on fighting the next election 16 months from now so does her leader I also want to congratulate Don Stewart this was obviously not the result we wanted but I want to be clear that I hear people’s concerns and frustrations these are not easy times and it’s clear that I and my entire liberal team have much more work to do the results are linked to Trudeau who is way behind in the opinion polls in a writing with pockets of affluence where 60% of residents rent the prime minister is blamed for the rising cost of living criticized for the carbon tax and changes to capital gains no I I don’t think it um means that the Prime Minister needs to resign but some analysts say it’s not clear a new leader would make a difference there’s a timeline I think at which anything except for what you have that you’re tired of is going to be better and I’m not sure that a new leader would change that the NDP may also be doing some hand ringing they came in a distant third in this byelection in a riding where they hold the seat provincially Omar all right Judy thank you let’s bring in ctv’s Chief political correspondent vashy Capello and vashy let’s pick up where Judy left off how much pressure does this put on Justin Trudeau to step aside as leader there’s way more pressure today Omar than there was 24 hours ago I’m up to four MPS liberal MPS in Ontario who have now sent me messages today that they would like to see the Prime Minister chapad as soon as this week the big question is whether that pressure bubbles through to the public so far all of this is happening behind the scenes do those MPS end up speaking out publicly that’s where the big pressure point will lie in the coming weeks and months as we heard the Prime Minister said today it’s clear that he and his team have much more work to do but what does it actually mean in Practical terms to win back voters before they head to the polls in a general election such a great question in my view there are three things one what we just discussed the possibility of the Prime Minister deciding to step aside two the Prime Minister firing a top Lieutenant so somebody like for example Finance Minister chrisa Freeland that would send a very big signal and three the Prime Minister could get rid of the most unpopular policies to send a very strong signal that this won’t be business as usual the two that jumped to mind right away first the carbon tax the consumer carbon tax second capital gains Omar all right right vashy thank you and speaking of capital gains as of today the government’s controversial changes to the inclusion rate that will force some Canadians and businesses to pay more are now in effect the government estimates 40,000 individuals will be impacted but a new survey finds many more one in five believe they’ll take a financial hit because of the changes over the next five years like this grain farmer just outside Winnipeg who says the new move will deplete his retirement savings I may have to sell off part of my farm in order to pay down that debt uh that tax burden to the government even though I’m not actually receiving millions of dollars Financial pressures are top of mind for many Canadians but today the odds of another break on interest rates went down because inflation ticked up CTV Sarah Plowman explains on every corner higher costs have crept in this mother worries about her mortgage set for Renewal it hasn’t changed but when it refinances you know in the next year and a half that will be an interesting time for me these tourists drove for Montreal to dodge a pricey flight everything is expensive in Canada anyways one Street in one city but a snapshot of the price pinch people face across the country in May inflation went up to 2.9 % a bump from the 2.7% increase the month before I’d say it’s a relatively small uptick we’re still below that important 3% threshold the fifth month in a row once again mortgage costs and rent are up so is airfare and gas cell phone costs dropped but less than before the cost of food jumps slightly but that’s on top of already high prices groceries cost nearly 23% more now than they did four years ago all of it is factored in as the Bank of Canada decides whether to drop key interest rates again in July after cutting rates for the first time in four years earlier this month I suspect as the market reaction plays out here over the next little while that I think the odds of that July rate cut are going to get scaled back pretty uh pretty quickly back on this street Brenda Lun faces the price pressures she lives in a tent or stays with her partner renting seems Out Of Reach it was the cost the cost and trying to like I said trying to find a place is is hard the Bank of Canada is set to make its next decision July 24th before then new data will come out around GDP and inflation all to be considered Sarah Plowman CTV News frederickton a major breakthrough in a monthlong investigation to tell you about tonight police in Ontario have recovered stolen cars worth millions and arrested more than a 100 suspects it’s really concerning that 44% of those arrested were out on bail at the time of their arrest and 61% were subsequently released on bail yet again the provincial carjacking Joint Task Force has also identified a criminal Network behind violent Auto thefts armed home invasions and store robberies police announced that the arrests and recoveries were made between last September and this March but there are many more suspects still at large and tonight we have exclusive reporting on what some car theft victims insist is a concerning connection between the time their vehicles were serviced and then stolen ctv’s Adrien gobrial on the link it’s a callous crime that has recently been captured on cameras across the country I simply just yelled at the car the truck stolen more than 100,000 Vehicles were stolen across Canada in 2022 that’s about one every 5 minutes now active investigations are looking into the date and location of where a stolen vehicle was last served if we started to notice a trend of uh victims coming forward and saying I’ve had my car stolen you know two weeks prior it added in to be serviced and we see that Trend then of course we would reach out to the uh to the dealership CDV news has spoken to multiple individuals who’ve had their land and Range Rover stolen in Toronto some were taken just days after going in for service when police learned that your vehicle had been serviced recently what was their advice to you when you get the vehicle back if it if you do get it back you you need to repair it and you need to immediately sell it because they’re coming back for it James asked we only use his first name to protect his family in May his Land Rover went in for service last Thursday it was stolen even though he’ taken a long list of precautions we put a a steering wheel lock on it a club we put uh our keys in a faay box the criminals appear to enter his locked vehicle with ease almost as if they had a copy of his key I’m pretty sure it was cloned yeah Grand Touring automobiles in Toronto was one of multiple dealerships where victims say their SUVs were serviced before being stolen from their driveway the high-end dealership also had three vehicles stolen from its own lot last year in a statement they say we continue to work closely with Toronto police in their investigations and support their efforts to keep our customers and their cars safe in parallel with the police we are conducting our own internal investigation investigators in Toronto haven’t charged any dealerships nor do they believe in reputable ones like Grand Touring are directly linked to any auto thefts it’s going to be one or two individuals within a specific dealership that would have access to client customer information the Common Thread from the authorities if there’s a window of opportunity to steal a vehicle criminals will exploit it from attaching tracking tags cloning Keys even attempts to steal client lists Adrian griel CTV News Toronto a former deputy chief with Ottawa Police has been charged with sexual assault in connection with an alleged incident involving a female officer under his supervision at the time the charge against UD jaswell relates to a workplace incident that happened a decade ago the female officer came forward after jaswell resigned two years ago under a cloud of sexual harassment allegations from multiple women jwell will appear in court next month WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has appeared in court in the Northern Mariana Islands a US territory in the Western Pacific this is him clearing security before pleading guilty to publishing US military secrets in exchange for a deal that grants him his freedom American prosecutors say Assange wanted to go to a court close to his home in Australia but not on the continental United States ctv’s Washington bureau chief Joy malbin on the end of a 14-year legal Saga for Julian Assange it’s been a long journey to Freedom Bor ing a plane in London after serving 5 years in a Maximum Security Prison there and seven more hold up and hiding out in the Ecuador embassy Assan struck a plea deal with the US justice department to plead guilty for his role in the biggest breach of us classified secrets in recent history the Australian government pushed for his release there’s nothing to be gained by his continued incarceration and we want him brought home to Australia celebrated by some as a hero others as a traitor Assange has long argued he was acting as a journalist when he published stolen military secrets on Wikileaks at the height of America’s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq leaking video of a US helicopter attack on civilians in Baghdad revealing classified documents and diplomatic cables Accused by the US of putting lives at risk he defended his actions we hope to correct some of that attack on the truth that occurred before the war during the war and which has continued on uh since the war officially concluded his wife and lawyer waiting for him in Australia along with his two young Sons born while he took refuge in the Ecuador embassy this period of Our Lives I’m confident now has come to an end and I think that by this time next week Julian will be free after years of legal battles Julian Assange is no longer a wanted man but his campaign says it’s not enough to be free they will seek a pardon Joy malbin CTV News Washington Chaos on the streets of Nairobi tonight after lawmakers in the Kenyan Capital approved tax increases that demonstrators say will drive up the cost of living I’m here to address you you must go some broke into Parliament police responded with water cannons and tear gas at least five people were fatally shot and dozens more wounded citizens of the Republic of Kenya was infiltrated and hijacked by a group of organized criminals Kenya’s president has vowed to restore order and has two weeks to approve or send back the controversial bill that sparked the violence coming up the uh fire has uh jumped the river Flames creep closer to a labrador power plant plus it’s David for Canada Canada Strikes Back at the Copa [Music] America a raging wildfire in New Finland in Labrador has forced the evacuation of a crucial power plant which also supplies electricity to Quebec the uh fire has uh jumped the river um which is uh what we were trying to prevent it’s what we were all hoping wouldn’t happen the river was acting as a natural barrier from the town of Churchill falls ever since the wildfires started rapidly spreading last week that’s when most of the Town had to run from the Flames today the Skeleton Crew operating the plant was ordered to leave as well the plan now is to run the station remotely across the country in Calgary full water surfaces could be restored in that City sooner than expected with repairs to a broken feeder man now complete next the city’s water team is going to begin a four-step process this will involve filling the pipe flushing the pipe uh it will be testing the water and then getting to a place of stability the mayor says she hopes all work will be finished before the start of the Calgary Stampede but warns un expected issues could cause delays she’s urging people to continue limiting their water use more Canadian automakers are sounding the alarm over a federal Target to phase out new gas-powered Vehicles by 2035 they say that can’t happen until electric vehicles are cheaper and there’s better charging infrastructure ctv’s Alison Bamford on the accelerated push a safe bet that drivers can charge up their electric vehicles in any major city but driving in rural Saskatchewan poses a different challenge we need charging stations in every small town the Prairies along with New Finland and Labrador Trail the rest of the country in EV infrastructure with about three charging ports per 10,000 people if everyone were to buy an EV tomorrow and need to say go across the country or charge there’s not enough Chargers to do that the number of EV charging ports across the country tripled in The Last 5 Years putting Canada at just over 30,000 still a long way from the roughly 450,000 needed by 2035 Canadians need Federal and provincial action for better more reliable charging infrastructure the federal purchase incentive program offers up to $5,000 back on an EV purchase Saskatchewan Alberta and Ontario don’t offer any provincial rebates while BC and Quebec recently announced plans to pair back their programs until that sticker price comes down uh we we do want to see continued government incentives without changes the industry says it won’t meet the federal Mandate of selling 100% zero emissions Vehicles by 2035 we’ve gone through the period of early adopters but to win consumers in the mass Market you have to make it extremely convenient convenience that manufacturers say will also come as more technicians are trained to deal with electric vehicle maintenance Allison Bamford CTV News Regina still ahead a dramatic and daring rescue high at top a soaring Toronto hotel [Music] a high flying rescue today in downtown Toronto after two workers became trapped outside the 56th floor of a hotel the swing stage dangled from near the top of the St reges hotel after some of the cables suddenly snapped there was four ropes and two of them had broken in the winds uh the stage was loose it was being bantered around by the winds firefighters managed to secure the stage and get the men to safety China made space history today becoming the first country to retrieve rocks From The Far Side of the Moon the capsule full of lunar Rock and soil returned to Earth Landing in a field in Mongolia scientists will now analyze the material for clues about the origins of planets they’ll also compare the samples to those taken from the near Side of the Moon looking at why the two sides are so different and soccer fans are over the moon after Canada’s men’s team beat Peru in a heated match at the Copa America into US Jonathan David it’s David for Canada Jonathan David on his 50th count gives Canada the lead Jonathan David scored Canada’s first ever goal clenching its first ever win at the tournament Peru was also down to 10 men after one of their players was sent off for a dangerous tackle all of this unfolding in sweltering heat forcing a stop and play after a referee fainted and left the pitch Canada’s next match is against Chile on Saturday after the break a crude Awakening after the Oilers run out of [Music] fuel a punch in the gut may be the best way to describe last night’s Stanley Cup loss for the the Edmonton Oilers after an incredible run fans and players are picking up the pieces of a broken dream but as ctv’s Kathy Lee reports for Edmonton there is Victory even in defeat it was a long road to this moment but not the moment the Edmonton Oilers hoped for we’ fought an uphill climb for months and months and months and um yeah just sucks it’s really really hard um you know you one period one shot away from maybe winning the thing the 2-1 win a dream come true for the Florida Panthers but dreams dashed for Oilers fans still bruised the day after this was more than a hockey game for for the most part and yeah which makes it really disappointing that we just couldn’t get it done last night pretty depressed I mean like but what can you do the never gave up and you got to give it to team that they just they just fought it to the very end better than last night but still sad despite the sadness fans did not Riot 33,000 people packed the core police say only six arrests were made the lows and highs inevitable in sports Panthers players celebrated their first cup win dipping Lord Stanley into the Atlantic Ocean for Canada the three decade cup drought remains but a small victory to celebrate the player who is going to be give him the con Smite although he didn’t accept it Connor McDavid was named MVP during the playoff run awarded the conm trophy I guess an honor put the names on that trophy but but there’s always next year for the big trophy absolutely yeah we should probably go get a New Jersey be ready to go this is only the sixth time in NHL history that the con Smite was awarded to a player from the team that lost the Stanley Cup Kathy Lee CTV News Edmonton a great run indeed they should be proud that’s a snapshot of this Tuesday for all of us at CTV national news thank you for watching and good night [Music]

A shocking byelection loss has put the spotlight on Justin Trudeau’s future; High housing costs behind rising inflation in Canada.

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