Canada Government confirms reappointments to CIHR Governing Council

Government of Canada announces the services covered under the Canadian Dental Care Plan

“? Meet the Brains Behind Health Research: CIHR Council Re-Appointments ?

In a move towards advancing health research and innovation in Canada, the Honourable Mark Holland, Minister of Health, has announced the re-appointments of two distinguished individuals to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Governing Council. Let’s delve into the backgrounds and expertise of these remarkable appointees.

??? Debbie DeLancey: Bridging Indigenous and Western Knowledge ?

Ms. Debbie DeLancey is a powerhouse in the realm of health and wellness research, with a particular focus on the North. Her groundbreaking work revolves around the co-creation of evaluation approaches that seamlessly blend Indigenous and western knowledge, especially within Indigenous land-based programs. Having served on esteemed boards such as the Mental Health Commission of Canada and the National Steering Committee for CIHR’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research, Ms. DeLancey is a trailblazer in promoting holistic healthcare solutions.

??? Dr. Shanthi Johnson: Championing Senior Health and Wellbeing ?

Dr. Shanthi Johnson, Professor and Vice President of Research and Innovation at the University of Windsor, brings a wealth of expertise in falls/injury prevention, aging in place in rural communities, and social isolation among immigrant and refugee seniors. With accolades such as being named Female Professional of the Year by the India Canada Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Johnson is a driving force in advocating for the health and happiness of seniors nationwide.

? CIHR: Pioneering Health Research Since 2000 ?

Established in 2000, the CIHR stands as a beacon of excellence in fostering collaboration between partners and researchers to pave the way for cutting-edge scientific discoveries. As an independent agency accountable to Parliament through the Minister of Health, CIHR plays a pivotal role in revolutionizing healthcare services, products, and systems across Canada.

? Conclusion: A Bright Future for Health Research ?

The re-appointments of Ms. Debbie DeLancey and Dr. Shanthi Johnson to the CIHR Governing Council herald a promising future for health research in Canada. With their diverse expertise and unwavering commitment to advancing healthcare solutions, we can look forward to groundbreaking discoveries, improved health outcomes, and a stronger Canadian healthcare system. Let’s celebrate these visionary leaders who are shaping the landscape of health research for generations to come. #HealthResearch #CIHRCouncil”



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