B.C. family demanding justice for killing of Tori Dunn


the family of a su woman who was stabbed and killed inside her home last week is speaking out and demanding change Tori Dunn’s father sat down with CTV news today as he Grieves and looks for answers about what happened to his daughter cdv’s Craig Krauss has the story a quiet Siri neighborhood tucked away in a forested area near the highway was anything but calm on June 16th police and homicide invest instigators converging on the area after the Fatal stabbing of Tori Dunn inside her home a night that changed her family’s life forever it’s hard to sleep you know and uh so I I I cry a lot at night her dad Aaron opening up to CTV news on Tuesday a week and a half after losing his little girl what have you been told as an immediate family member and the father of the victim uh well the I hit team has has been pretty tight lipped uh I trust that they’re doing their job in an investigation I know they’re working around the clock tiously charges have yet to be laid in her death but a suspect was arrested near the scene for an unrelated charge and remains in custody should never have happened the alleged suspect should never have been on the street walking around on the street a plea catching the attention of BC’s Premier David eie who is calling on Ottawa to take a closer look at how its bail law is being applied this is their responsibility this is their law our provincial prosecutor said please don’t release them and the court said he’s released under the federal law so if the rules around Bale were more strict in this country Tori would still be around today correct correct yes and uh that’s what’s got us so enraged the duns now trying to ensure Tori did not die in vain Tori’s my little sister she was also my best friend I’m so angry they need to fix it there needs to be some reform while the duns push for change they are also tasked with laying Tori arrest this week an emotional time filled with anger outrage and tears but it’s the moments they spent together they’ll be held a lifetime she sent me $150 to Father’s Day and she asked me to uh get a cardboard cut out of of her maid uh to have in my residence so that uh from time to time we could have a coffee Together made everybody feel loved and cared for and and uh put everybody before herself that’s the kind of person she was Craig Crow CTV News

No one has been charged with killing Tori Dunn in her Surrey home on June 16 despite a suspect being arrested. Her father wants answers.

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