What Toronto byelection loss means for Trudeau


this writing was liberal through and through for three decades they really thought this would never change what’s next for the Liberals this is definitely a crushing uh defeat for the Liberals to the point where we were hearing from conservative strategists last night who said they didn’t even believe that they were going to win this this is a real uh kind of hole in the side of what’s sometimes known as Fortress Toronto a liberal stronghold even though this is just a byelection it could represent something much larger in Canadian politics some polls have the Liberals up to 20 points behind Pierre pov’s conservatives uh last week on Power and politics Justin Trudeau sort of dismissed those polls Canadians are not in a decision mode right now the people in Toronto St Paul’s yesterday were in decision mode and they did decide to vote for a conservative to represent them some people in caucus were thinking about if they lost this byelection which they now have making some sort of move uh to talk to the Prime Minister about potentially stepping down

In a shocking result, Conservatives won the Toronto-St. Paul’s riding, a longtime federal Liberal stronghold, in Monday night’s byelection. The result raises questions about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s future and whether any Liberal-held seat is truly safe. #toronto #cdnpoli #cbcnews

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