Coutts Trial defence lawyer asks RCMP witness: ‘Were arrests needed to end the protest?’


why is this trial important why should Canadians care about what’s going on here in Lethbridge Alberta because it affects all of us it’s all of our freedoms it’s our right and freedoms it’s it’s lawful in Canada to protest against against government mandates and government tyranny and those men did nothing wrong just like just like 60,000 100,000 200,000 Canadians that stood for our rights and freedoms uh we have to stand for what’s right we have to stand for what we believe in otherwise we’ll lose our rights and freedoms an RCMP officer Constable Daniel S was the focus of today’s proceedings in the trial for Chris carbert and Anthony olenic here in Lethbridge Alberta he was in cuds operating as a sort of evidentiary exhibit officer he was sent there as part of a team to execute a search warrant upon two trailers and a modular home that the crown is linking to the two defendants Robert kichuk reporting for Rebel news Chris carbert and Anthony olenic are both charged with conspiracy to murder the two men are being accused by the crown of conspiring to murder police officers during their participation in the Cs protest and blockade of 2022 the two men are also charged with unlawful possession of a firearm for a purpose dangerous to the public pce they’re also both charged with Mischief over $5,000 Anthony olenik is being charged with unlawful possession of an explosive device for a purpose dangerous to to the public pieace just like the freedom Convoy in Ottawa the 2022 CPS protest and blockade was a civil disobedient and peaceful demonstration against this massive apparatus of surveillance and control imposed by all levels of government and marketed to us as some sort of Public Health measure to reduce covid-19 transmission the crown introduced many photographs and physical exhibits during proceedings today during its questioning of it witness RCMP Constable Daniel S these included photographs of firearms and videos of firearms and also some tactical vests and banders that can be used to carry ammunition the banders and tactical vests were also brought physically into the courtroom and will be able to be examined by the jurors when they retire to their jewelry room the RCMP executed a search warrant upon a modular home and two trailers one of those trailers owned by Anthony olenick on February 13th 2022 late at night and leading into the early morning hours of February 14th which was the last day of the Cs protest and blockade before it was forcefully put down by law enforcement several RCMP officers invited by the crown to testify as Witnesses in this trial stated that when executing this search warrant on these properties they observed several firearms and ammunition they also stated that they saw these tactical vests which can be used to carry ammunition and also banders that could be used for the same purpose this includes RCMP Sergeant Daniel S who was the focus of proceedings today while being cross-examined by Katherine Bak the defense attorney representing Chris carbert so acknowledged that items of Interest particularly firearms and ammunition were seen in different places in the modular home and trailer in different photographs taken by the RCMP and the question that Beak was asking was how is this discrepancy explain why are these items seen in some positions in some photos and other positions in other photos I’m here with Rob Rob you’re a left bridge resident I am so Rob you were sharing a remark with me earlier contrasting the 850 something days remand of Chris carber Anthony olenic with other things that you’ve heard about yes it seems really wild in this country that somebody could be held in reman for that long for accusations and not get time out when I’ve heard of many other worst crimes where they’re out in short order on bail but for these guys to be locked up for this long over what happened I to me that’s just like that’s horrible how can that happen in Canada where’s the presumption of innocence right exactly so I’m here with let’s call them concerned citizens interested Canadians courtroom observers I’m here with Andy also Sean Andy let’s talk about today’s testimony we had this RCMP officer his name is Greg Suave was sort of responsible for photographing and taking some video aggregating these uh pieces of evidence the exhibits what about his testimony was noteworthy and jumped out either today well what jumped out of me was the fact that the amount of of items that they have seized but that there was only two men sitting in the Penalty Box they’re theyve had three vests but once again there’s only two men sitting in there um they don’t have they haven’t seem to made any kind of connection that these items actually belong to to anybody uh at all they just seem to be piling looking like they wanted to pile evidence on this to give the impression that there’s a conspiracy which they’ve not been able to proed at all and if there was a conspiracy then where’s everybody else that was involved in the conspiracy um it that’s what jumped out at me was that the they’re that they’re piling things on and there’s no backup to it as far as the actual trial itself why does it matter what is important about this trial that Canadian should care about about our freedoms about what we can say and what we what we what we can express and do justice like is it justice for these men to be behind bars for this long for for what happened no I I don’t believe it is whatsoever like sorry I’m you should be able to peacefully assemble peacefully protest no matter what with no matter what your protest is you should be able to do it and to be able to peacefully protest and then to target certain people and put put them in jail for as long as they’ve been in jail without chance of parole or bail that’s that’s just phenomenal how they could do that there’s guns that there that are like a coyote gun like 22s and so forth you’re not going to use those to in a in a an attempt to injure humans you’re going to use those to shoot gophers or GES or whatever and and there was Guns there that were replica like done up to look like um maybe something that was more intense than it was but it’s still a 22 like and you know if you went to the average home of somebody in southern arber is a hunter they might have all these rounds of ammunition because we do that we you know we buy them and we store them yeah basically uh gun ownership is not uncommon out here no gun own is not uncommon at all I mean you could as as we’ve heard there’s thousands of rounds yeah there’s probably thousands of rounds in the whole Southern Alberta while being cross-examined by Katherine Bak RCMP Constable Daniel so acknowledged in his testimony that a female colleague of his who was part of this search warant execution on the modular home was photographed eating pizza inside the modular home during the search of this property he stated that this was incompatible with best practices his term applied by the RCMP in these contexts he stated that he did not eat the pizza because doing so would again not really be the best look now Sean what about you what about the testimony from this police officer was noteworthy that caught your eye it wasn’t credible it was not credible a testimony in my opinion if you look at a lot of the evidence that was uh brought forward today there was time periods where it was unaccounted for where the evidence was uh whether multiple people touched the evidence uh they were talking about the photographer uh you know when they when they did the press release and they couldn’t tell us whether how many people touched that evidence or not which which destroys the Integrity of the evidence in my opinion and so we want to make sure that this this trial is done truthfully and that these men are tried truthfully and and I have questions about that and everybody else should have questions about that that was in that courtroom today so let’s go a little bit on that let’s go on a 30,000 foot View Broad picture why is this trial important why should Canadians care about what’s going on here in Lethbridge Alberta because it affects all of us it’s all of our freedoms it’s our right and freedoms it’s lawful in Canada to protest against against government mandates government tyranny just like just like 60,000 100,000 200,000 Canadians that stood for our rights and freedoms uh we have to stand for what’s right we have to stand for what we believe in otherwise we’ll lose our rights and freedoms now Andy what about you do you think there are some bigger issues at stake at play in this trial well I think it’s very clear that their message that they’re trying to send to all of us is don’t stand up against the government don’t oppose what the government wants to do because we’ll make you pay the penalty the to to me the penalty is not necessarily what’s going to come out of this trial it’s the fact that these guys have been in jail for 855 days or whatever it’s been now I’ve lost track of the days but they’ve been in remand not just in jail but in remand um they haven’t they haven’t received the decent human rights that most of us receive um you know we could go on for hours about the things that have been taken away from them the things that have they’ve lost in this process that to me is the huge message out there is you know you better be careful of what you say because the government is watching [Music] dear Rebel news audience if you value this original journalism if you think this trial is worth reporting on and has deep importance to Canadians please remember that we have operational costs to do this project I’ve got to come out here from Ottawa airfare Airbnb car rental consumables your donations allow us to do that so please help us out visit trucker contribute what you can stay up toate with our ongoing coverage

Rebel News journalist Robert Kraychik reports from Lethbridge, Alberta as the trial for two of the remaining defendants of the Coutts Four continues.

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  1. These French RCMP officers are no different than Montreal police , QPF , etc , they run corrupt all the time , have for years !! The French have destroyed the RCMP !!!

  2. Don't forget, this was also under the Alberta provincial conservative government. And Smith still hasn't dont much to protect our rights in the future. Thats the problem with conservative government, we vote them in with a clear mandate and they basically ignore the mandate.

  3. Awful suspicious as to how these police crews took some abrupt and immediate actions with no non sense.
    In the meantime the India students protesting, the Hamas supporters protesting, and the Khalistan supporters in Calgary knifing flags with death threat to modi , all go un noticed by the same police crews. It’s so unfortunate that there seems to be different levels of social structure and different niches of society for all genres, and levels of diversity, but the actual true national Canadian is the most visible amongst the police officers eyes.
    I would support equality for everyone, as I do knot personally agree with every protest, but still support all protests because of the freedoms we have in Canada.
    The same police should have responded to them Khalistanies in Calgary, and investigate the terror connections, and also deport all immigrants supporting Hamas . The one sided pick n choose approach is wrong

  4. My question is about the truck in the Peterborough area that secretly had weaponry in it that only certain people knew about and was broken into just before all this happend and not talked about anymore

  5. 11. Any person charged with an offence

    has the right (a) to be informed without unreasonable delay of the specific

    offence; (b) to be tried within a reasonable time; (c) not to be compelled to

    be a witness in proceedings against that person in respect of the offence; (d)

    to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and

    public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal; (e) not to be denied

    reasonable bail without just cause;
    Trudeau made a few phone calls and our rights as citizens are cancelled.

  6. Whatever the truth or outcome of this trial, yes it’s a very clear message from the “ authorities “ , is the process has become the punishment. The adage “ justice delayed is justice denied “ has never been clearer. This case may well tell us all if our justice system is independent anymore. The fact the case has not been thrown out due to the time that’s passed with two people in continuous custody doesn’t bode well. What have we become?


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