Christian parents’ votes discarded in Edmonton school board hijacking


so right now our next steps are we’re just really encouraging people to go to a website it is saving childhood. CA forstand forcs petition we’re asking people to sign our petition to ask the board to have those absentee ballots counted Adam s here for Rebel news it’s no secret that sort of woke radical and what some might call anti-christian ideas are making way onto school boards and into school board policies uh regardless of whether these schools are Christian or not there seems to be a never- ending advancement of these types of ideas but what’s extremely concerning is when you have a community come together representing one of these School boards as we saw happen in Edmonton Christian schools and they send a clear message at their annual AGM that they don’t want these policies and then their votes their messages their their clear stance is simply set aside in what can only be described as undemocratic fashion before we vote I would also like to hear from the other candidates who put their names forward and can be voted on tonight especially given the experience that they were denied for their candacy including teachers at Christian universities teachers uh are somebody who’s been a teacher a principal other people that were also previous board members were not put forward as names for nomin Nations okay only one was a split 4 to2 okay so we followed the the BS okay thank you you want to I’m trying to figure out how in the world any absentee ballot could be valid when they wern’t given the names of four at least four people who have each will have more experience in Christian education than any of you do you have got four experienced people [Applause] I am very happy today to be joined by the co-lead for Stanford Edmonton Christian Schools Reagan sko you know my question for you I guessed first off just for folks who aren’t familiar with with your organization uh if you could just say what stand for Edmonton Christian Schools is and what your involvement is all right so we are a Grassroots organization we reached out to concerned parents teachers and other like-minded Christians to take a stand for biblical faithfulness in our schools and so you know we came together originally in the summer of 2023 after the principal at one of our schools had put out a letter saying that there would be Pride week celebrations in our Christian School so that was a bit of the straw that uh got us started and uh the rest is history yeah so and and as you think this isn’t in the public schools or maybe that’s a different conversation now I for one don’t think that necessarily we should be pushing anything age inappropriate in public schools either but certainly you can you parents can hope to expect Christian principles in a Christian School tell us what happened on June 4th at the AGM uh in as much detail as you can recall for folks who maybe haven’t heard about this story yeah so my understanding is that the previous AGM had about 56 people and we were up to just about um under 800 for our AGM on June 4 so there was a lot of interest in what was was going to go on at that AGM it took about an hour in order to just approve the agenda there was quite uh Ruckus that occurred with different motions being put forward and so after about that hour we had approved the agenda for the meeting but um at some point after that someone from the crowd had put forward a motion in order to invalidate uh over 1,000 legally submitted ballots uh in order to you know um vote in what we hope to be biblically faithful board members and so really over a thousand people and members of our Christian society which governs the Christian education component of our schools um they were just enfranchised they they were effectively told that their votes didn’t matter and we’re somehow second class so just to confirm there for folks so the key thing there was some other policies being discussed but the core sort of thing here was was it effectively the actual election of the board members who would shape policy moving forward yeah that’s the that was sort of the most important uh part of the ADM was to elect new board members and so we had really labored through the year to make sure that um the folks that would be selected would reflect the values that the society was built on and so so by not not having those uh ballots counted toward the election of the board members that uh was really disconcerting and you know the motion was put forward to invalidate the absentee ballots and then the chair did rule that the absentee ballots um were not substantially Changed by some nominations that came in for board members off the floor and the crowd continued to sort of bully the chair she was pregnant and very distraught and at that point she allowed an appeal of her original ruling which went to a vote which meant that those absentee ballots were not counted so so just so we painting the picture here clearly you have about a thousand people who have been organized and active and and are engaged are these predominantly just quickly parents or teachers or people within the community activists who are these thousand people um that are that are sort of pre-planning getting their ballots in in advance in the sort of absentee ballot fashion yeah these are predominantly parents from the school and concerned church members but along the way we did know that an opposing group was starting to form sometime around the end of January 2024 after a very heated school council um discussion related to issues of gender and sexuality and so we became aware that that they had started putting notices in church bulletins in the Edmonton area and start were starting to recruit people who had otherwise not been involved with the school and so what I tend to say is that I can’t fight with my hands tied behind my back so we felt that we needed to do the same thing to reach out to other Christians who could legitimately become members by signing the society statement of faith making a small donation to the society and um then inevitably voting um some of which use the absentee ballot mechanism to do that but but ultimately what you have here is you have two sides abiding by the rules presumably at least in the beginning and a thousand or so of these ballots coming in presumably standing for a more traditional Christian board um and then the the chair as you mentioned originally ruling that no it’s ridiculous we’re not throwing out these ballots um and then after pressure bullying I’ve heard some pretty uh aggressive descriptions of what went on there the person basically uh caved and recanted and then ultimately what you have is is a clear minority here um getting their way when the vast majority of people who are engaged and are active Parish within the community all their voices have just been cast aside is that right that’s right um we you know we as a group we really are trying to prevent the early sexualization of children and what this other opposing group had done was to somehow convince people that this was about board dynamic and transparency when we know very clearly that that’s not the agenda that they had so a lot of these folks were from um the founding Den church denomination of our school and that within that denomination they’ve had a particular debate related to human sexuality and so that denomination has held firm with describing um unchastity as including um homosexual sex and so these folks that are part of this group are folks that lost that fight in their denomination and so now they’re sort of scrambling for some semblance of power within our schools because that’s the last place they have an opportunity to um hold on to power right well and setting aside the sort of more philosophical conversation about whether Christian Schools should remain truly Christian just on a fundamental level if absentee votes are allowed how can this be allowed to stand if the overwhelming majority voted to change and go against Christian PR principles I guess that’s how a democratic process works but that’s not what happened here it seems to me and we’re going to reach out to for comment from whether it be the other group or or the chair but it it seems to me that basically there was a clear ruling the majority of the votes went a certain way then bullying occurred and it was basically flipped is that right that’s right um the basic competency of the chair was questioned they yelled out that they didn’t want the chair to continue to be addressing legal counsel or for legal counsel to be speaking for the board as they did have a a lawyer there to assist with the process to make sure that you know the rules were followed throughout the meeting and so they just hollered out that we want to hear from you chair we don’t want to hear from the lawyer anymore and so you know she was definitely conflicted and I don’t think anyone really wanted to be in her position that was a very difficult meeting to manage that’s certainly troubling and again this is becoming an alarming Trend within Society at large I suggest but if the ballots were valid it has to it has to be how can this stand what’s the next step what what’s happening is is there any action you can take to uh Rectify what seems to be a clear wrong Madame chair I would like to make a motion to table this discussion and all motions that are on the floor clearly the board and uh the chair with all due respect have lost the confidence and Trust of a vast majority of people in this meeting we cannot proceed this is insane so I would like to put a motion on the floor to take discussion and whatever motions on the floor yeah I’ll just note that even on the absentee ballot itself itself it said that if nominations were taken from the floor that the absentee ballot would not be invalidated so right now our next steps are we’re just really encouraging people to go to a website it is saving childhood. CA sland forcs petition we’re asking people to sign our petition to ask the board to have those absentee ballots counted we know that the will of the society lies within those absentee ballots and we are assessing all of our legal options at that at this point and there is an option also on that website to contribute to our fight because unfortunately that fight does come with a cost and we have a short time frame to to raise those funds and so we would really appreciate anyone who feels strongly about these sorts of issues to help us out by contributing that is saving childhood. CA and there is a donate button there I want to thank you so much for your time we’re going to keep following this story I’ll ask you to kind of keep in touch so that we know what’s happening with this um I think people need to hear this story needs to get out there so we are happy to be able to do that please do stay in touch we did reach out to Edmonton Christian schools for comment but as of yet they have not replied for everyone at home I want to thank you all so much for tuning in for R news I’m Madam [Music] s if parents opt to send their children to a Christian School in order for them to learn Christian values and be educated in Christian tenants it is important that that decision be respected plain and simple woke Advocates and lgbtq enthusiasts don’t need to insert themselves into every single school board and ensure that everybody agrees with their way of thinking that’s not how free Democratic Society works if you agree sign our petition at stop classroom

| A recent AGM for a Edmonton Christian School saw a group of concerned parents fearing progressive ideologues were shifting their schools from its Christian tenets.

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