China’s Chang’e-6 lunar probe lands back on Earth with rare Moon rock samples ?


China’s lunar probe has returned to Earth making the country the first to bring back samples from the Moon’s far side. Now the re-entry capsule touched down in China’s northern region, carrying lunar soil collected earlier in the month. This came after a successful landing on an impact crater on the side of the moon that always faces away from Earth. It’s anticipated the return samples will include 2.5 million-year-old volcanic rock and other material. The samples will be closely analyzed by Chinese and foreign scientists, who believe that they will reveal new details about the formation of the Earth, Moon. and the solar system.

China made history on Monday after its Chang’e-6 lunar probe returned to Earth and became the first country to bring samples of rock from the far side of the Moon – which always faces away from our planet. It’s anticipated that the returned samples will include 2.5 million-year-old volcanic rock and other material. #SpaceRace #China #Moon




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