Can Trudeau survive Liberals’ stunning Toronto by-election loss?


[Music] the Liberal Party finds itself on the horns of a dilemma stick with Justin Trudeau as his popularity tail spins or pick a new leader who could do better or worse in the next election Trudeau remains unchallenged in his own party for now but this byelection really does raise I would say questions about his his uh uh the future of the liberal party and what his plans are to a fever pitch when his support floundered Trudeau’s father once took a walk in the snow but Pierre Trudeau’s departure didn’t reverse the liberal fortunes under his successor John Turner the party was trounced change for the sake of change doesn’t always work especially the current Liberal Party shaped in Justin Trudeau’s image the party really is interwoven with him it would be such a massive exercise for the party to say we want to go in a different direction in recent history some of Canada’s longest serving prime ministers have faced tough decisions when public sentiment turned stay or go and when to decide I’ve done my very best for my country and my party with the progressive conservatives sinking in the polls in 1993 Brian Mone stepped down should he have stayed months later under Kim Campbell the party was almost annihilated there’s no sure formula for saving the furniture and politics Richard Hatfield New Brunswick’s longest serving Premier stayed to fight one more election and voters threw out every single New Brunswick conservative in 1987 when the Ontario liberal government of Dalton McGinty was in trouble Kathleen wi stepped in she won the next election but the election after that this is a difficult night often the public just grows weary of a governing party so far Justin Trudeau’s leadership isn’t being challenged a new Angus Reed survey found that Canadians are more likely than not to say Trudeau’s rumored successors would drive them away from the party and would not help close the gap on the conservatives so will liberals stand by their leader is there a scenario where they follow him into the next election knowing that no seat is safe at all and the the bottom could fall out of it entirely or is there some conversation at this point where they say we can try it with somebody else for Justin Trudeau’s liberals it could be a painfully long 16 months to the next election Eric senson Global News Toronto

Canada’s federal riding of Toronto-St. Paul’s has long been held by the Liberals since 1993 — until now.

The Conservatives’ Don Stewart has won the seat in a byelection, igniting questions about the future of the Liberals and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Global’s Eric Sorensen looks at what history tells us about political leaders who stay in the job for a long time and what one poll says about the interest in rumoured successors to Trudeau.

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  1. A guy like Trudeau just want to keep crushing the people for some reasons for as long he can. Kick the ministers who stood by and profited of the taxpayers as well. Vote them out.

  2. This will make him even more dangerous. He knows his party will be decimated in the next election no matter what. He now has nothing to gain by restraining himself. Brace yourselves for epic stupidity over the next year, it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

  3. His open immigration policy is a disaster as there were no proper attempt integrate these immigrants into Canadian Society or values. So now we have a lot of diverse people and culture in Canada, but zero cohesion. No housing nor jobs available to them. Our healthcare and welfare system is breaking down. Inflation and the Canadian economy is doing poorly. But at least we are more “politically correct”. Good job, Trudeau.

  4. Trudeau has made Canada a laughing stock around the world. He and his cabinet(minions) live in their own little reality while Canadians have no place to live and little food they can afford.

  5. Do not expect the truth from media, they are as bought & paid for as this by-election!! The Cons do not want the Capital Gains Tax, & the Cons media are lying about who it actually affects … THE TOP 10% 0f ULTRA RICH PEOPLE … & They are on here CRYING for the 90%`s SYMPATHY … CRY EACH OTHER A RIVER!! Greed has no shame!! Here's your proof! Ask the people who`s SCIENCE CENTRE WAS STOLEN, & GIVEN TO THE RICH @ ONTARIO PLACE???? BARF!!!!

  6. We should have a two-party system like the US – would make it so much easier. Plus no matter how much hate is out there – you just have to laugh at it – if you look at the history of Canada, governments eventually switch over time. That's just how it is – just funny reading angry comments as if they didn't go to school or something.

    PS – We need to stop talking about inflation and start talking about how the average individual got to this point. Too many people spent spent spent spent too much money. Bought things they could afford. Lived in a fantasy that interest rates would always be low. Had children and gave them lessons not thinking it would be costly. Too many people are complaining and not looking in the mirror. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE when things get under control, live like you don't have money. Unless you live in poverty, you should be saving more and spending less – it's called an EMERGENCY FUND! If it's too late for you, TEACH YOUR CHILDREN not to make unwise financial, spending, and lack-of-saving decisions like you did.

  7. Liberals are finished, but mark my words here comes some painful years of austerity.
    We need to pay the bills for the stupid policies. And I know it’s gonna really upset people, but we gotta shut the doors for quite a while and recover from this upheaval because I don’t recognize the country. I was born in my family has been here for hundreds of years.

  8. Nothing but sensationalism. In a by-election in Saskatchewan, NDP won typically strong conservative footholds. In Manitoba, after years of conservatives leading the province, NDP won, and voters elected Manitoba's first First Nations premier. In Saskatchewan as well, half of the Saskatchewan Party MLAs are not seekinng re-election in this year's provincial general election. What does that say about conservatism?
    And also people should look at the demographic of Toronto-St. Paul, majority white privileged people who earn upwards of $200K per year. People who are always favoured by conservatives.


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