Stanley Cup final: Oilers fans gather ahead of Game 7


[Music] spiler [Music] now my friend you guys this ch [Music] yeah I’ve been watching you for a minute man it’s great to meet you I hope you have a fantastic night all right everybody welcome to this YouTube live here from Edmonton it is the game seven of the Stanley Cup finals at as you can see behind me Rogers place is right here and it is sold out for the game despite the fact that the game is not at Rogers Place there’ll be 18,000 people watching on the big screen there and then another I don’t know 20 25,000 people who will be at the various fan parks and whatnot the Moss District everybody actually get a shot of this bus John uh John zazula is my cameraman uh tonight for this as you can see every Transit bus in the city has got go Oilers go we’re going to go through we’re going to give you a little behind the scenes what’s going on at Edmonton uh everywhere uh around this this ice district and uh we’ll talk to a few fans as well about uh their stories of Oilers if they’ve been around the glory years and whatnot and whatnot so we’re going to go down we’re walking down where we are down 104th Avenue where Roger’s place is located and you can see going across 104th Avenue if you watched any other shows before you would have seen Ford Hall and you’ll see that it stretches across the avenue to join up with the Moss pit on the other side and that’s where a lot of people would enter Rogers place when they’re coming to the games and we’re going to see a lot of folks who have their their jerseys on for sure I’d say I’m going to say 75% of the jerseys you’ll see are McDavid jerseys but we’re going to just go by here and just see how folks a lot of folks are coming into the uh various pubs and restaurants uh around the downtown area as you can see folks lined up here we’ll cross right here John and uh chat to a few folks going in you’ve had to sort of try to try to make reservations and that sort of thing and let’s see how people they’re at the Home in away bar this bar is right on 104 having a lot of folk to the game that’s let’s see how the boys are doing hey guys we’re live on YouTube do you mind if we have a look inside the bar see how it looks all right thanks a lot be right back all right you guys ready for the game tonight oh yeah all right all right all right that’s cool here we go I say a lot yeah now there’s a there’s a goodlooking group now how long you guys planned to be here for the game how long do we plan to be here tonight was it was this a last minute decision to come here no no we’ve had it planned for quite a while yeah you can’t leave anything the last minute right now now you’re not getting in so did you make it to any games during the playoffs every single home game and two of the Florida games wow Y what was it like down in Florida it was awesome the fans were great the results could have been a better there for games one and two but the the atmosphere the fans the Florida fans the amount of Edmonton fans down there was great it was awesome tell me your Oiler fan Story how long have you been with the team and why as long as I can remember born and raised Alberton grew up in way wght been an Oiler fan since the first cup I’m a DieHard s in fan and uh yeah he’s a ticket holder now I go to all the games with the other guy in the jofa helmet and it’s just it’s our thing man it’s lifelong Oilers fan now for those not aware the the jofa helmet is the Wayne Gretzky helmet right and T and Essa tken and I guess what oh he’s got the Gretzky one right there he’s got the grety now I would say that I was going to say esen it’s kind of a random sort of why esen just that you had to take after he got 99 you had to take 10 no I just I I love I always loved the way he played when when he was with the Oilers in the late 80s and then the 1990 Stanley Cup game seven against Calgary without Tien and they don’t they don’t win that game they don’t win that series they don’t win the cup so that solidified it do you guys enjoy the game thanks so much give me a go Oilers [Applause] all right people are enjoying themselves already let’s see right it’s coming back nice nice t-shirt very original all [Applause] right see everybody that was great and every bar in Edmonson is like this they are jam-packed if you didn’t book way ahead you’re not getting in thanks a lot appreciate that looks great in there everybody looks like they’re having fun all right everybody’s lined up ready to go we’re going to go now to the Moss pit see if we can get in we’ll go talk to some of the folks who are in line because uh we heard people were lining up as early as uh noon today even in the morning War just so that he get a spot in there cuz it’s going to be jam-packed and once it’s sold out that’s that and then across the street is the fan park for don’t know those who don’t know wow that is a uh jamack lineup I hope I hope they all get in might be touching go we’re also going to head over to uh Rogers Place at some point walk through the arena talk to the folks who are watching the game wow look at this lineup John you might have to raise that camera way up show everybody holy cow yeah I’m not I’m not sure if everybody’s going to get in there we’ll see let’s see if our way through as well excuse me here we go careful wow that is jam-packed [Music] hey how long have you guys been lined up here has been a while yeah like since like 1 in the afternoon about that yeah I don’t my phone’s been dead for about 6 hours so iidea my mom’s probably text me a few times [Music] but thanks oil that’s right all right give your mom a shout out shout out to my mom christianne I love you and Christian’s okay looks like he got in oh what about you girls did you line up early here yeah I’ve been here since about 3:00 wait a minute that guy was here since 1 how did you get ahead of him my friend was here I left work at 4:00 and got here or no I left at 3:00 and got here at 4: about you I worked from home today wait oh we don’t want to get you in trouble yeah we’re on live right now all right you better get in there enure yourselves let’s see if we can sneak in here somehow so they just start starting to let folks in yeah we can go in over here John I’m sure these guys will let us in hey guys thanks hey did you just start letting people [Music] in all right so this is the Moss pit here in the ice District you can you can hear the trucks there’s been a lot of trucks uh lately and we’re just going to walk around we’re going to talk to some of the fans and see uh you know where they’re from and they EV and Ians or if they’ come in from somewhere else and how long they’ve been Oiler fans and waiting for this day game seven the Stanley Cup final game starts at I don’t know I’m I’m going to say 18 minutes after 6 tonight live on CBC television sportset and we’re going to go right up till 5:30 Evanson time here on the YouTube channel I’m Mark connley I’m the host of Evanson amm The Morning Show on CBC Radio here in Evanson and a longtime sports caster as well in the city so I’ve been to a few of these things and uh we’ve had just a great time the whole time during this Stanley Cup run cuz it’s been a lot of fun and people have had a great time now ah here we come here come the police in front of us just uh ready to do their Duty so things they’ll get out of hand today so we look how that goes and I mean the amount of jerseys here I mean if you show up without a jersey I mean are you I I wasn’t sure they would even let you in what you ready to cheer ready to cheer tonight yeah I am yeah now tell me your Oiler fan Story how old are you and how long you been a fan of the Oilers I’ve been an Oiler fan ever since I was born yeah that’s your parents obviously brought you into this experience yes they have how old are you now I am 17 okay stay away from the beer and enjoy yourself tonight yes I am absolutely all right oh wait you know what sportset still has their thing going today maybe we’ll get Ken Reed on the show Ken’s a favorite of mine hey guys all right fans looking good tell me your Oiler fan Story how long you been a fan I’ve been a fan since I was conscious at a toddler’s age I was one of those little boys that watched the Oilers Dynasty win multiple times in the 80s and then are you from Edmonton or where you from I’m originally from the Northwest Territories yeah shout out to everybody up in the B for Delta I moved here from Yellow knife in February my kids are going to University here so I’m just taking every moment that I can and so going to it all in glad to be a part of the Oilers Nation everybody up in the Northwest Territories what up everybody there is an Oilers fan so I’m really proud to be here that’s awesome thanks so much thank you enjoy the night all right oer fans from all over it’s great we we’ve had a lot of folks hey there’s Luke gtic let’s go see what he’s going to do even though he’s live I know we’re live hey guys are you going live shortly oh okay uh so there’s Luke gik who is uh he is part of the Oilers Sports Net coverage here in the Oilers and uh former Evan soner tough guy uh excellent guy too so maybe we’ll get a chance to chat with him later all right here we go uh can I get your name uh Isaac now Isaac where are you from uh barhead Alberta and so how did you come to be an Oilers fan uh probably from my family then being oers fans then just living near Edmonton had to become an oers fan so you moved to Edmonton recently or how long you been here um well I’ve been here for about 12 years we had a farm out in out in barhead and then we moved in town so but yeah I’ve been here pretty much all my life what has this Stanley Cup run been like for you a wave of emotions honestly like it’s been wild the whole time you know going from like losing 0 and3 to coming back 3 and three and now we’re in game seven like it’s just like a roller coaster of emotions how confident are you about tonight’s game extremely conf I think they have this in the bag tonight they’ve got it Isaac thanks for coming to talk to me appreciate it enjoy yourself we’ll do all right Isaac another Oiler fan who is a part of it tonight let’s head down into the pit and see how everybody’s doing sorry one of my partners I work [Music] with now I think they also have one of the orders coming a little later to assign autographs Kelly buckberg they’ve kind of had uh that almost every day during during this whole celebration and it’s been great to see the alumni out here and uh I think they’ve enjoyed it too there we go all right a fan with a couple of VI can I get your name Carter ogrodnik Carter where are you from beerville Alberta oh so now do you live in beerville or did you come in for the game or you live in here now I come in from the game from V and what about your boys here at same all from yeah all from bille you know oil’s taking the Cup tonight I don’t know what’s going to happen around uh emont area but oil’s taking the cup no matter what listen uh we’re we’re live Across the Nation right now on the network so tell people where where begille is and who’s the most who’s the most famous hockey player from beerville um Kyle broak the most famous player from Ville and Ville is about an hour east of Edmonton a few ukrainians live in Ville is that true are you all Ukrainian 100% 100% guys you enjoy yourselves stay safe I hope it’s a great night let’s go o awesome yeah you from Ville they’re usually group good Bunch uh as he said uh Ville it’s a small town with a giant Easter egg reflecting its Ukrainian roots let’s go talk to a few fans over [Music] here here we’ll sneak by City TV hey folks can we chat with you I’m supposed to be at work he’s supposed to be at work so I thought everybody got the day off listen I’ll keep you Anonymous just on audio Yeah uh where do you work just kidding just kidding tell me how long you’ve been an order fan uh 30 years yeah are you from Edmonton yeah I live in Edmonton sou side originally all your life I’m from Brazil originally really yeah how did you become an Oiler fan uh it was just the team to cheer for when he came to Canada and let back yeah what’s your favorite Oiler memory or story of running into a player or being at a game or doing anything uh we run into the players Lots at the dog park we take our dogs there and they’re there all the time so it’s good is is mcdavis dog well behaved yes his my oldest dog doesn’t like his dog so yeah all right so there’s an oer fan whose face we cannot reveal because he’s supposed to be at work fair enough we’ll try to be hey come on over here how’s it going good how are who are you sorry your name Armondo so tell me your Oiler fan Story how long you been a fan how’ you become a fan I was born here di 10 I moved around us Canada and all that stuff yeah never gave up on the oil you know we an orange baby it’s our team what has this Stanley Cup runman like oh special very very special good for the city good for me and my family and everyone you know what I mean hope PR is all together all can together so now yes one more game now and I say one more game it’s going to be exciting exactly we’ll enjoy it tonight thanks appreciate it man take care appreciate you all right how we doing for time let’s uh maybe we’ll head into Rogers Place okay Al let’s head into Rogers Place and uh as I mentioned it is sold out for a watch party just for people to come and watch the game on the big screen and let’s face it most people it it’s expensive to go to an Oilers game so to go to the watch party it’s $20 however to get a to get a photo or rather a ticket for the watch party is pretty tough and then uh you had to get them early that’s for sure hey guys how’s it going good all right for those of you who have not been with us before and haven’t been inside Roger place what this is we are entering Ford Hall so we’re across the street from Rogers Place and Ford Hall is kind of the entrance to the arena and as you saw if you were with us earlier it stretches over 104th Avenue the hall does so when you come up these escalators you’ll come into the hall and a lot of people stay here in the hall and watch they’ll watch the game on the big screens here others who are lucky enough to have tickets go into the arena and have a and that’s what we’ll do we’ll go in the arena and show you a little bit behind the scenes of uh of what’s going on now if you’re watching on YouTube wherever you are send us a little note tell us where you’re watching from and if you have a question about the uh place you can uh ask that question we’ll see if we can get an answer for you you can see there’s a couple thousand fans here in the hall already here to go and John if you give every a look here at molon hockey house uh other people have got tickets for the hockey house which is basically a bar on the end of Ford Hall and oh my goodness here he comes one of our favorite fans we are Live on YouTube across candid right now tell everybody who you are uh banjo guy 55 banjo guy 55 you’ve been at a lot of games this year have you been at all of them uh so I went to two games every Road Series and then we got season tickets here so I think I only missed like one versus Vancouver so what was what were those games in Florida like quiet nothing like this place for sure right so hopefully we brought enough Oilers fans down there to Make Some Noise wake up that Arena a little bit what what do they make of you in you’re out there really good everyone’s really really good everywhere I went mine is Vancouver they just shouldn’t really get it but yeah Vancouver who knew so what are you expecting tonight I think Conor’s going to go nuclear I’m thinking I got 62 three game Oilers wow run away with it early hopefully well enjoy yourself out there today prayed here on Wednesday let’s go you bet okay banjo guy 55 uh Oiler Super Fan basically as they say and uh we’ve had him on our show on the morning show a few times if you’re just tuning in I’m Mark Connelly with CBC radio and television here in Edmonton where we are hosting a YouTube pre-show for the Stanley Cup game s Stanley Cup Final and we’re going to make our way into Rogers place where all these thousands of folks are going to be entering soon to go watch the game Let’s uh make our way through everybody here we might talk to a few people as we go oh here we go oh my look at this jacket come here let’s see that jacket all righte where where’ you where’d you get this hockey KN Canada jacket long story once I seen I had to buy it I can’t tell you the specific sir uhuh say sounds illegal wa what’s your name my name is Josh Jackal and where are you from I’m from Emington here and I’m all about the Oilers and we’re going to do this tonight game seven the biggest comeback in history tell me the story and of of of this Ser of the playoffs for you how have you enjoyed it have you gone to many games you want to know the story of this please do okay this specific Stanley Cup series is a microcosm of the entire season we started off terrible everyone was not not not not my boys everyone was worried except these guys I wasn’t worried I was pissed part of my language it is YouTube it’s fine okay we took care of them right yes Vancouver we lost a couple people were worrying people were talking some smack right I wasn’t worried yeah Dallas same thing people were worrying I wasn’t worried I was just pissed okay wait a minute down three nothing in the final then you must have been worried I’m not going to lie the worry was creeping in but I seen what we did the entire year the entire season look at me right now I wasn’t worried we got what it takes go Oilers go awesome okay good luck you guys you look great look at this look at this true aw I’m an inspiring sports broadcaster any any words of advice just do what you do man you did a great job tonight future broadcaster so there you go oh man there’s so many good stories of uh fans loving what happened here this year so we’re going to make our way into Rogers Place and see if they will let us tool around the place before everybody comes in perfect thanks okay oh here we [Music] go all right good we’re all in here we go oh can you grab my microphone for me CU you know we’re live right now so I didn’t want to didn’t want to stop broadcasting what what time is everybody coming in is it 5 5:00 what time you open the gates any idea anybody what time the gates open open at 5 5 there you go okay 5:00 so John’s got a John who is our cameraman tonight has got to get all his stuff through first his bag and whatnot in order to get through security and then uh he’ll make his way here we go thank you [Music] John now everything is set up just like a uh an actual Oilers game for the most part uh people can come in they can buy beer they can get condiments get you know get Refreshments 50/50 draw uh those of you are not from Edmonton you may not know that Edmonton is famous for its 50/50 draws now if you don’t know what 50/50 draw is basically you buy a ticket and uh whatever money they get through ticket sales you get half the money you get 50% 50% goes to a charity 50 goes to you so you know if it’s $1,000 you get 500 however in the Oilers it’s in the millions so we’ll check it out we’ll go see how they’re doing and ask hey can I ask you about the 50/50 draw we’re live on YouTube what do you know what the prize is right now uh the prices for 50/50 we have the $30 million for tonight it will be at 11 the jackpot and the bonus will be on the Wednesday 6,900 something on the Wednesday wow and and what charity are you volunteering for tonight uh from the free play Kats all right good luck tonight thanks for volunteering appreciate it listen everybody John why don’t we go up the big escalator we haven’t done that on any of our YouTube channels yet and then we’ll uh give everybody a shot who hasn’t seen it before a shot of the uh Mosaic from Alex johnv here’s more 50/50 folks now when we go up this escalator which takes us way way up into the uh if you look out the windows here you’re going to see all those folks who were who we saw earlier were lined up and then getting into fan Park I guess they’re just sort of letting people in a little at a time look how look how jam-packed that is that’s amazing yeah there are lit literally tens of thousands of people who are down here already and uh this is kind of a nice shot now if you look out the window you see also the Stan Tech Tower 66 stories 20 150 M tall that is the uh largest skyscraper in Canada outside of Toronto the other there are six buildings higher than that they’re all in Toronto so in western Canada and the rest of the country that’s a big one the Marriott next to it is I think it’s 56 stories I want to say so that uh both beautiful buildings and really really cool so we get up here we’re going to get uh kind of a bird’s eyye view uh of rexa place so if you’ve only see it during the hockey game GES we’re going to give you kind of a look now if you’re looking down there that’s the sort of a sky boox area those are the uh pretty expensive tickets and these ones in the next are the LGE also a little bit pricey and the uh the ones up here are a little cheaper I think they were going for $1,800 a ticket uh during the last game uh game six so uh that was pretty good why don’t we just slide through here John we’ll give people a looky L at what they uh might see if they’re sitting here at the game oh doesn’t that look good all right hello there look at that and this is going to be jam-packed they sold this out $20 a ticket all goes to charity and people are going to love this game I mean it’s fun to be in here when people watching the game on these giant television sets and uh just enjoying with uh their fellow fans and it’ll be a sea of orange as well a lot of people can’t afford that you know $1,800 for a ticket up here but 20 bucks a lot of families and what not will come and watch the game here from Florida it is coming from Sunrise Florida of course and CBC will have plenty of Crews there as well so lots of chances to uh hear those stories as we go through uh the night Let’s uh let’s go down maybe uh one one and we’ll show you a little bit more of rexa place here Rogers Rogers Place yes Rogers Place Rexall is the old place for those who who don’t know John zazula cameraman producer extraordinaire straightening me out he’s on top of things make sure we can get him and believe me they’ve got you it looks like everybody who comes here as an Oilers Jersey but they sell a ton of Oilers jerseys every game so they’re not always they’re not always have the jerseys when they come I think might might be letting people in let’s have a [Applause] look yep start people in what a great look that looks awesome from up here that’s great what are people saying com Emily what’s that we have no comments but people are watching ah people are watching please put a comment down uh let us know how you’re enjoying it and uh what you’d like to see 500 people some of you must have a comment let’s go put it up there I think we’re going to have to go down the stairs here possibly John going to win the Cup tonight we’re going to win the Cup tonight absolutely we are got that right all right where was it was it was number four that’s where all the the fancy places are should we go down the stairs John why not let’s go all right here we are in the back stairs of rexa place did I say is that rexa again way I’ve been around a long time Roger place I mean let’s face it if you’re in an arena in Canada it’s called Rogers so uh you think I would remember that I think we’re going to head over to the P fan Park as well and see how the folks are doing over there LGE level five what do you think go down here yeah let’s go here try we’ll try it out see what it look like okay ah yes this is the bar the bar area uh like Studio 99 that that is a tribute to Wayne grety of course the great greatest Oiler ever till Conor McDavid showed up but then a little bit past him I love that that is Dave sanco right there what a beauty yeah they’ve done a really nice job here honoring all the uh all the former players in alumni so we’re going to make our way down here we’re going to we’ll talk to a few people as they come in here to uh enjoy the game inside Rogers Place I can’t remember did we find a Stairway down over there we have to go down this way John I can’t remember eventually we ah there we are yeah all right I think what we should do is you go down to the main floor or even the bottom and go to uh maybe the Hall of Fame room that might be good let’s go have another look and see how folks are coming in now of course it’s really crowded with people but you can see that big circular Mosaic that is 45 ft across it’s called iron foot Place iron feet being of course the skates Alex janir is the artist and it took a million tiles to put that piece together it’s absolutely gorgeous and uh as we see people move off it you get a bit of a flavor of but it’s a really really cool piece and uh beautiful job people are psyched no doubt about it let’s go down this way John and we’ll make our way through people are just starting to come in hey can I ask you folks something we’re live on YouTube mind if we ask you about the game tonight yeah first of all how did you get in here what’s this deal uh Edmonton Oil Kings they’re doing a season ticket drive or something like that so we’re uh they let us in here nice so so this sounds like it’s going to be a great party eh tell us your Oiler Story how long you been a fan and where you from this is a good question for her yeah so what what’s your name first my name is cherish I’ve been a fan since I moved to Edmonton when in 2006 actually um so my first Oilers experience was the 2006 run uh we actually got married and went to an Oilers game in October you got you you went to an Oilers game the day you got married yeah yeah at the reception took everybody here and yeah it was fun yeah nice did the Oilers win that night they didn’t but um it’s okay it’s okay it’s S no worries yeah so that’s awesome that’s a great story where did you come from where are you from originally Ontario yeah but the Leafs like could not convert me so no no no I don’t know if you’ve heard I I I mean this is true I I I can’t say where I heard it from but the leaf suck so I’m not 100% where that came from but some of you may know that but anyway not as bad as a Canucks but nice all right sherish thanks a lot and congratulations on your wedding by the way lovely all right let’s uh let’s our make our way out here oh look at Jersey what a beauty hey we’re live on YouTube can we chat with you yeah for sure all right tell me how when did you get that rollison Jersey probably in 2004 when he first started with the Oilers and then that was my first jersey I ever owned actually so still fits me surprisingly nice what’s this experience been like this run to the cup oh it reminds me of the 06 run back when I was a little bit younger on white Al all the time a little bit older with a kid now but now she gets the experiences and make memories with her so it’s fantastic it’s been fun hasn’t it it sure has been what’s your feeling about tonight man I think they got it I think it’s going to go to overtime Zack himman goal 3 minutes into overtime that might be a little too tight for my me too but I have it’s going to be a close game I think it’s not going to be like the other two but I think we got it well thanks a lot enjoy the game yeah thank you guys thanks see you all right let’s head out here ah there we go oh that is a that’s an escalator but it goes the other way everybody’s coming up all right we’re going to have to find the elevator and go right down to the bottom those are the folks going up the escalator we went up about 10 minutes ago and we’ll make our way through here fans getting ready to watch it enjoy the game folks all right sneak over here and we’ll get the elevator down the elevator go down right to the basement U hey Wayne how are you yeah good to see you uh actually does okay cool just so you know Wayne is a local author who we’ve had on our morning show before and obviously also works at Rogers Place so what we’re going to do is we’re going to go down to the lower level and uh one of the spots there that the ERS hello can we go down to the event level okay is that that’s all right we’re live on YouTube by the way hope you don’t mind we’re broadcasting as we go here and we’re going to go to the Hall of Fame room and of course the oers have a lot of players in the Hall of Fame and I can think of a couple more who will be joining them at some point after their careers but the Hall of same room kind of has all kinds of trophies and whatnot from the Oilers over the years and then it honors all the players who have actually there we go who have actually uh been inducted into the Hall of Fame so far and I hope we’re nearby hey can you hold that door for us thanks a lot appreciate it we’re live on YouTube so I’m trying oh come on out oh you got work to do too all right here we are where are we now you guys where are we I have no idea hey guys which way would we go if we want to the Hall of Fame room at the front of the Arena down that way and you’ll take right awesome thanks a lot good everybody’s very helpful I have to say I’ve been many many places in this Arena this might be the only hallway I haven’t been to but I think we’re going to come to the Oilers dressing room eventually as we get around the corner here ah yes okay so this was the Florida Panthers dressing room when they were uh the visitors here for game six and and games three and four of course and then we’re going to come around the corner here and you’re going to get a look at the Oilers dressing room which you would recognize uh when the for those who have seen the hockey games when the Oilers come out of the dress room in the Big Oil drop open up on the door uh you’re going to see that right now there you go there’s the oil drop John why don’t we go on the bench just because we we did this the other day but it’s so cool and I know a lot of people probably haven’t seen that so uh we’re going to go on the bench and show you exactly what the hockey players see this is when they’re walking out into rogers’s place how you doing we’re live on YouTube so we thought we’d give everybody a little look at the bench this is the Oilers bench as you can see it’s not really made up for the game because nobody is here but one of the cool things and I’ll just show this is if you’ve watched a game and you watch you know the when the players or the coaches are trying to decide whether there’s an offside they want to see a replay and they look down they look they look down into here and there’s a TV now at the game of course you’d see a you’d see an actually TV monitor but because right the game’s not on that’s what you see so that’s what they’re looking down when you see them on the bench and this is what the players look out on to when they’re sitting here waiting to go on the ice and look how perfect that ice looks right now yeah what the meters are showing on this or what the levels are reading here is what the players here when they come on do while they’re against Vancouver’s uh we saw when the team hit the ice I got 13.6 but the 1144 I haven’t seen yet all right that’s the folks inside Rogers Place with little pregame stuff and uh we’re going to walk through here and then make our way to the uh now this here this is the Chairman’s Lounge and that’s where people who have pretty good seats get to come back and enjoy dinner it’s pretty nice see all the uh pictures of various Edmonson Oilers teams over the years here’s the one 2005 2006 that went to the Stanley Cup Final they lost in game seven that’s a sad one j i no no I’m just saying we all know that we know that history uh all the way back to 1989 90 there it is that’s their last Stanley Cup and uh yeah you got you got your Messier here captain of that team and uh so hey the Oilers about to make history here tonight uh their first Stanley Cup since 1990 okay we’re going to make her way down here John through the hallways hopefully everything is open it’s always a question you never know and then we’ll uh make our way outside and back into fan Park oh there it is okay here we go lots of people coming in to see their think let’s see if we can uh get a peek in here it is let’s see no it’s locked I’ll ask one of the guys if they can open it let’s see yeah can we no it’s not open unfortunately unless you got a unless you got a key no not open sorry I don’t think anybody here has a key anyway just take a shot in here John and you’ll see um sort of this is like a little on your left just little puck collection for various important games in Oilers history and then if you move over to your left John you can show stuff on the right here more memorabilia from the Oilers Wayne Gretzky’s Titan stick from back in the day look at those wooden sticks compared to what they they have today it’s pretty amazing and then a little farther down all kinds of different jerseys and whatnot that uh from various eras of the oil and there’s even a joey Moss Jersey there as well and for those who don’t know the Moss pit where a lot of people are gathering tonight named after Joey Moss Joey Moss was a longtime locker room attendant for the Edmonson Oilers he passed away a couple years ago but he’s well remembered by the team and by the the Moss pit which sounds a lot like a mosh pit but all right we’ll sneak around here and see if we can get out hard left hard left left thank you very much here we [Music] go so that was a little of Rogers place where the Eon ERS play and we tonight it will be sold out just to watch audence what’s that comments oh the comments are turned on what are they saying anybody saying it’s very cool to have sneak peek oh okay people are liking the sneak peek here at place all right it’s going to be chaos out here I think so if you have a question or a comment uh do it on our YouTube channel and uh we’ll we’ll give a shout out to where you are tell us where you are in North America or the world because I know a lot of folks are uh and then uh you see all the folks coming for the game in the various chur they’re ready and many of them are already over at the fan park I think the Oilers uh are the number one team when it comes to selling merchandise and certainly this year for sure this week has been exceptional all right we got we got the light so do you want to go to Fan Park John let’s go to Fan Park and see what it’s like in there it is my goodness look at at the lineup That is [Music] chaos by his blood how much more shall we be saved by God’s Wrath for him holy cow look at this if while we were God’s enemies we were reconciled through through death of his son how there we go how much recil how how long how long have you been lined up 2 hours really but it’s moving is line moving it’s moving good all right good 3 hours 3 hours I have a bad conception of time I’m sorry all right enjoy yourself thanks we’re going to sneak over here cuz I think we will be able to get in the VIP entrance we’ll find out oh keep going folks excuse me can we squeeze by I’m sorry S no problem no problem can I be on your video you are you are literally on the video right now how long’s everybody been in line here a while a while hours yeah there’s people waiting in L nice on CBC you’re on you’re on CBC right now CBC we’re live right now hey everybody love your morning show you do a great job thanks a lot appreciate it thanks a lot how long you been in line oh what been well you’ve been in line I’ve been here since 2:30 2:30 and it’s almost 5:30 well have fun hope it’s good in there yeah enjo o you bet okay we’re going to see I don’t know they used to have an opening over here we could get in but I don’t see one John all right wow look at that lineup this wraps around the entire the entire thing I think we’d have to go to the other side to get in to be honest unless you want to climb the fence John I’m not sure not today not today all right let’s head back to the uh and we wrap things up at the Moss [Music] pit all right things are moving everybody’s going to get in I’m sure I’m absolutely sure of it we’re like right ACR have fun tonight here we go coming through excuse me we’re going to squeeze by you can we squeeze past you please thanks very much hey can we squeeze by you please excuse me excuse me can squeeze by it is it is chaos here nice excuse me ni squeeze by thanks a lot we’re live on YouTube here we’re trying to squeeze by you mind if we come by again sorry about that thanks folks can I follow you guys yeah you follow we’re not going to get in but you know we’re not getting in we by sorry thanks a lot thanks buddy yeah I appreciate it we appreciate it can we squeeze by you over here yeah go for it no no we we we’ll be fine we’ll be we we’re not going in excuse me can I squeeze by here thanks a lot appreciate it can I squeeze by you thank you talet there’s an old Jersey good job I like that one all right we made it through everybody all right good [Music] work hey nice work okay so this is wrapped this is WRA wrapped around the block to get in have to live this way so we can this I’m doing it church today all right let’s cross the street we caught we caught the light no this is church this is church [Music] I mean there are literally tens of thousands of people out here right now not everybody can get into the fan park or into the Moss pit or into the arena so there’ll be more than a few people kind of left out every bar is jam-packed if you didn’t book something way ahead you’re probably not going to be able to go see anything how about high five is anybody got a high five for me all right high five everybody high five yes high five don’t leave me hanging there we go high five high five yes everybody’s in thank you thought that guy was going to miss me but he didn’t high five high five no oh too late too late high five yes high five there we go nice work okay okay everybody here we are this is the JW Marriott which kind of backs on to the uh Moss pit kind of a beautiful place to watch the game for [Music] sure all right here we go oh it’s a windy night in Evanson [Music] thank you very much appreciate it and here we are now when we first got here I would say there was only a few people here but now there are thousands here we go thank you [Music] on TV you yeah okay what’s your story where are you guys from Calgary you’re from Calgary I’m actually originally from here been to four playoff games but if it was it was game seven I spend my life savings to be here now you didn’t though right no okay good now you came up from Calgary what’s it like being an Oiler fan in Calgary not a huge Oiler fan but definitely fa some adversity yeah so you’ve you’ve come you’ve jumped on the band wag I wouldn’t I wouldn’t go that far wow like what’s going on here I’m a die hard I go to every battle aerta in Calgary just give it to all the Flames fans you know obviously we’re way better than this year so it’s pretty easy this year but are you an actual Flames fan then no I don’t like the Flames but who are you a fan of I like the lightning all right an actual Florida team come on take it easy with him all right yeah I’ll try try my best thanks guys enjoy the game tonight Well everybody’s got their own story hey what’s your story no Story come on you know story okay no all right maybe every doesn’t have a story or they have a story they don’t want to [Music] tell you know what I think they’re slowly letting everybody in here in order not to get it too too crazy before the beginning of the game that’s where everybody’s going to watch the game on on the big on the big scoreboard there and they’ll get a chance to [Music] to see all awesome thank you there you go oh hemsky there’s a good Jersey see the hemsky Jersey right there looking good we got to go talk to somebody with h hamsky Jersey can we chat with you I guess I sure why not tell us your name Grayson where you from Ville Ville you with all those Bearville guys I talked to earlier where did you get the hemsky Jersey how long you had it uh I don’t know my dad gave it to me awesome yeah that’s the best kind of jersey yet from your dad okay you enjoy the gam tonight you too all right you might remember we met all the guys to bille for those who weren’t with us early on in the show from Bearville oh they’re starting to chant we want the cup I really think they’re slow walking the crowd into this place to try to temper things down a little bit cuz they don’t want it to get too out of hand you know what I mean what are folks saying on the uh or asking we have about 1500 viers oh nice thanks everybody for tuning in oh Montreal Bali the Philippines nice Toronto shout out to Toronto Salt Spring great sir you girls want to chat okay obviously Oiler fans yes tell us your names Addie ja where you from you from Edington yes okay what’s your Oiler story um my dad’s always been a fan so I became a fan yeah too yeah hockey is just a big part of our family we’re big hockey fans and where have you been watching the games have you been down here before yeah we like came every game What’s it been like um it’s never been this crazy today was insane how long did you have to line up um we got here like 12 yeah 12 awesome you have a great time G thank you you too that’s awesome boy it’s you know I mean that’s the great thing about this place too is let’s face it tickets are expensive for the games and a lot of young people come down here because you know this is what they can afford so it’s been pretty neat to see of course when you see people with these really expensive jerseys that’s part of it all fan parks are at capacity already okay all fan parks in Emon are now at capacity although I got to be thinking that where is everybody hiding usually this is a bit but you know what’s going to happen is that everybody is going to the middle once the game begins and we are just uh sort of 7 minutes away from the beginning of the pregame and at a reminder will be on CBC television and uh you can watch it on sportset as well and then uh after the game the national is broadcasting from up actually there’s a shot can you get a shot of Ian Hanah maning up there see that big red tent that’s where Ian Hannah maning and myself will’ll be broadcasting from I’m kind of his sidekick I mean let’s face it he’s the big dog right and so uh he’s here to broadcast the national site so we’ll be updating the game uh throughout the evening and then after the game with the reaction and coverage of all the celebrations here in Eon and of course it will be a big celebration absolutely any questions Emily Emily is our producer on scene here looking at all your comments and whatnot and enjoying exactly what we’ve got going on well let’s sneak down into the pit and see how people are doing everybody’s everybody’s getting behind to try to cheer when Sports neck goes on the air excuse me how you doing how are you good oh man this is a bit of the Calm before the storm I would think because it’s uh oh what are people saying some people are asking to ask people when they bought their jerseys to see if they jump on the bandwagon a little bit there might be bandwagon jumpers look at that guy he’s got or gal uh that Jersey’s got a bunch of signatures on it let’s ask excuse me can I ask you about your jersey yes when did you get that Jersey so I got this jersey back in uh for the 30th Anniversary season yeah and um it was a birthday present and then shortly after there was an sound signing at West Edmonton Mall and I had a bunch of people sign it off so who who do you got on the back here let’s have a look Let’s see we got uh you know what I can’t read hardly any of these I know who are they uh so there is we do have NJ back on here um cuz I just got that one recently but I do also have like rolson he’s in the oil drop oh nice yeah so we just there’s a few on there roll that’s good that’s good karma for tonight good karma for tonight for sure enjoy the game use too as well my friend all right so that let’s get this guy who’s got a 34 Jersey tell us about hey how long have you had this jersey we should definitely uh well this JY hello are you are you with me yes I am so I’m just talking with my friend right here okay tell me how long you had the Jersey long time yeah you know this jersey let’s have a look pan this is good karma big running 06 yeah we’re hoping we’re hoping that we take home the cop this year yeah so Castle Downs Castle Downs there you go that’s where fernan pan is from what about you where’d you get this jersey bbom this is a more recent version before he was hip though before he was involed before the contract was everyone used to hate him now they love him I was a Visionary it’s not the 75 B but it still counts absolutely all right guys enjoy the games tonight all right you too appreciate it thanks for doing that all right here we got a guy here he’s got a 97 Jersey what’s your name Kaden Kaden when when did you get this jersey I got it like two years ago for Christmas from my dad oh nice do you do you wear it l or is it for special occasions every time the game’s on yeah what do you think of McDavid he’s a beauty yeah he’s a beauty and what what do you think was going to happen tonight I think he’s going to get a hatot trick well that’d be awesome final game kayen thanks for chatting with us enjoy the game yeah you too all right there’s Kaden oh there’s a hall Jersey let’s get this guy oh that’s the 30th 30th hey can we chat with you we’re live on YouTube I remember all you guys out is this the bville group no where are you guys from okay now what what is going on with a Taylor Hall Jersey how how long you had that yeah it’s just my friends dude I borrow from him it’s all we had as long as we’re wearing all jerseys that’s all that matters how how old is that one oh I’d have to say 20 plus years yeah yeah and what are you wearing uh McDavid McDavid that’s a new one then right yeah pretty new couple years old and then what do you got oh you got a dve title yeah not bad when did you get that Jersey I got it last year I think so the these are the questions people asking us YouTube ask people how long they had their jerseys this is one of the older ones here although we found guys who had a Pani Jersey too obviously from 2006 so there you go enjoy the game yeah you too man all right people are getting into it now let’s see if we can find a really oh here we go here’s a luch jersey how you doing for time by the way hey boys you guys ready you have a l Jersey luch y man hey no swearing how how long have you had that Jersey or did you get it from someone four years four you four years ago oh yeah why it used it used Mark that’s awesome guys enjoy the game today you know what we need L to win game luch will not be here there you go all right we are we’re getting to wrap up here from uh from uh everybody here thanks very much for joining us on YouTube we appreciate it enjoy the game tonight and enjoy see Jo uh join us for cbc’s coverage of the celebration here in Edmonton for Stanley Cup victory here in gra 7 I’m Mark Conley saying so long everybody enjoy the game [Music] [Applause] I want to talk me [Music] [Music] [Music] let’s go W let’s go go [Music] [Applause]

The Edmonton Oilers are on the brink of a Stanley Cup win after an improbable comeback against the Florida Panthers. Join CBC Edmonton’s Mark Connolly as he takes you behind the scenes in Edmonton’s Ice District, ahead of the historic Game 7 in the Stanley Cup final.

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