Poll shows Canadians outside Quebec do not prioritize official bilingualism

Official bilingualism not valued by Canadians outside of Quebec: poll 

“Official bilingualism in Canada has always been a topic of debate and varying opinions. A recent Leger poll sheds light on how Canadians outside of Quebec feel about this longstanding policy. The results are revealing, showing a stark contrast in attitudes towards bilingualism based on region.

Regional Divide in Views

According to the survey, a significant 70% of Quebecers have a positive view of bilingualism, while only 43% of Canadians outside of Quebec share the same sentiment. This stark contrast emphasizes the regional divide when it comes to official bilingualism in Canada.

Importance of Bilingualism

When asked if Canada should remain officially bilingual, 84% of Quebec respondents agreed, compared to only 43% outside of the province. This discrepancy highlights the differing perspectives on the importance of bilingualism in shaping Canada’s identity.

Challenges and Costs

The survey also delved into the perceived threats to the survival of French and English in Canada. While Quebecers expressed concerns about the future of French, respondents outside of the province showed less apprehension. Moreover, studies have shown that the government spends billions annually on official bilingualism, raising questions about the economic implications of this policy.


The results of the Leger poll reveal a complex landscape of opinions on official bilingualism in Canada. While Quebecers overwhelmingly support bilingualism, the sentiment outside of the province is more lukewarm. This regional divide underscores the challenges and nuances associated with maintaining bilingualism as a cornerstone of Canadian identity. The conversation around official bilingualism is multifaceted, requiring a nuanced understanding of diverse perspectives to truly appreciate its complexities.”



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