Liberal MP Issues Apology for Canada Day Colouring Map Error, Leaves Out P.E.I. and Yukon

Liberal MP apologizes for forgetting P.E.I., Yukon in Canada Day colouring map

“Oops, Canada! MP Appologizes for Sending Out Map With Geographical Errors

In a classic Canadian move, Ottawa Centre Liberal MP Yasir Naqvi is offering a heartfelt apology after his office mistakenly sent out a colouring map of Canada to thousands of constituents with multiple geographical errors.

The map, intended to celebrate Canada Day, instructed recipients to “Colour the map! Display with pride!” However, the joy of coloring was short-lived as people quickly noticed the glaring mistakes scattered across the map.

Geographical Blunders Unveiled

Yukon and Prince Edward Island were notably missing from the map, while Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia were combined into one province. Baffin Island was mistakenly depicted as a peninsula, and the Avalon Peninsula was inaccurately labeled as an island. These errors did not go unnoticed by Canadians who received the map.

Naqvi’s Response

Addressing the oversight, Naqvi took to social media to express his regrets. In a post with predominantly negative feedback, Naqvi acknowledged the error and extended his team’s apologies to the constituents. He urged the recipients to view the map as an educational tool for teaching children about Canadian geography.

Reactions and Criticisms

Despite Naqvi’s attempt at damage control, the online community was relentless in their criticism. Some users expressed disbelief that such mistakes could be made by a Member of Parliament, while others took the opportunity to point out broader issues with the current government.

One user sarcastically remarked, “Happy Canada day. And may PEI not sink beneath the waves anytime soon, although Quebec should wake up and realize it is a maritime province, plus we need to keep an eye on those Yukon folks.”

Conclusion: Learning Through Mistakes

While the blunder may have caused an embarrassment for Naqvi and his team, it serves as a reminder of the importance of attention to detail and accuracy in all aspects of governance. As Canadians, we can take this incident as an opportunity to learn, grow, and appreciate the vast and diverse geography of our beautiful country.”



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