Immigration to Drive Population Growth by 21 Million, says Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada forecasts population growth of 21 million thanks to immigration

“Canada’s Population to Reach 63 Million by 2073: What This Means for the Future”
Statistics Canada’s latest projections are painting a picture of a Canada with a population of 63 million by the year 2073. This prediction is based on various scenarios that take into account recent trends and expert opinions. While these projections are not set in stone, they provide valuable insight into the potential future of Canada’s population.

How is Canada’s population going to grow?
Despite the aging of Canada’s natural population, the country is expected to see a significant increase in total population over the next 50 years. Immigration has been a key driver of population growth in Canada, with recent milestones surpassing 40 million residents. By 2073, older adults aged 65 and older are projected to make up a larger proportion of the population, while the percentage of children is expected to decline. This shift will result in an increase in Canada’s average age from 41.6 years in 2023 to between 42.6 and 50.1 years in 2073.

Challenges for Canada’s population
Several factors, including Canada’s low fertility rate and decreasing life expectancy, are expected to pose challenges to the country’s population growth. A record-low fertility rate in 2022 and a decrease in life expectancy over the past three years are contributing to a projected drop in Canada’s annual population growth rate. These trends highlight the need for strategies to address the demographic challenges facing Canada’s population.

The key ingredient: Immigration
Immigration plays a crucial role in Canada’s population growth and demographic balance. Nearly 100% of Canada’s labor force growth is attributed to immigration, which helps fill critical gaps in key sectors and contributes to the country’s overall economic health. The recent decrease in the average age of Canada’s population is largely attributed to immigration, highlighting the importance of a steady stream of newcomers to the country. Immigrants not only benefit from a higher standard of living in Canada but also tend to out-earn the natural-born Canadian population by their mid-twenties.

As Canada looks towards a future with a potential population of 63 million by 2073, it is clear that immigration will continue to play a vital role in shaping the country’s demographic landscape. Balancing the needs of an aging population with the economic benefits of immigration will be key to ensuring a prosperous and sustainable future for Canada.



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