Global National: June 24, 2024 | Oilers fans on pins and needles ahead of Stanley Cup Final Game 7


[Music] a Stanley Cup Cliffhanger this Monday night the Oilers quest for victory ends in just hours obviously today’s another animal the excitement and the anxiety of fans plus what history tells us about Edmonton’s odds of winning the potentially Dangerous Mission to put the brakes on auto theft he’s out he’s out he’s away he’s away go go go what happened when Global News tagged Along on a stake out tragedy in the water the actor and world-renowned Surfer killed by a shark in Hawaii plus more Royals with health scares what sent Princess Anne to the hospital and what it means for her trip to Canada global national with Donna FZ good evening and thanks for joining us The Winner Takes It All tonight the Edmonton Oilers are on the brink of reaching the Pinnacle of the NHL in a series that when it started they seemed poised to lose but then they won three in a row against the Florida Panthers and now Oilers fans see a Stanley Cup in their future many have made the nearly 5,000 kmet journey to be where it’s all happening in Sunrise Florida hoping to be part of the moment a Canadian team wins the cup for the first time in 31 years Jeff simple is with the hometown crowd slab cornick is in Florida where everything gets decided and Eric Sorenson is looking at what history tells us about Edmonton’s chances let’s start with Jeff in the city of Believers Edmonton Jeff well Donna the game is happening about 4,500 kilometers away but you’d never know it the crowd here absolutely electric ready to write the final chapter in a once in a-lifetime sports story Warren sala’s house is hard to miss the 60-year-old old artist has been decorating his fence a shrine to his favorite team yeah it’s a bit of a destination location among those stopping by this roadworthy Oilers Zamboni no Oilers and come tomorrow Campa is hoping to add one more piece to his display well I think we’ put a sty cup up the Oilers are on the brink of completing a Cinderella Story rarely seen in sports when you watch this game tonight you are potentially watching history only once in 1942 has a team come back from a three-game deficit to win the cup it’s the first time it’s been done in color think about that for one second this has only been done in black and white we don’t get Cinderella stories we don’t get major comebacks like this the story has captured the imagination of fans across the country online videos show spontaneous Oilers chance erupting in crowds from Laval to Vancouver to London England go let’s go Oilers the Oilers roster includes 24 Canadian born players more than any other team and the most to Advan to the final in decades including Captain Connor McDavid he grew up and attended school north of Toronto I think that you have to be an Oilers fan right now cuz McDavid is uh definitely someone to cheer for and this is a really really exciting thing for us the Oilers longtime radio announcer says the CrossCountry support gives him Goosebumps I think I’m going to get in trouble for saying this but I think the Oilers might be cada steam now it it would be for a short time but uh you know even a little bit is better than nothing at the end of the day fun this should be fun it’s got to be fun for the whole country hopefully except Calgary and this crowd here is definitely having fun watching the game on the big screens while many others flock to Florida including our own slav carck hi slav hi Jeff yeah we’ve been seeing a lot of Oiler fans here in Sunrise Florida and in Fort Lauderdale over the past couple days they’ve been on quite a journey in this uh Stanley Cup just over a week ago the Oilers were down three games to nothing now they’ve won three in a row and they’re just one win away from becoming the second team in in NHL history to Rally from that deficit in the cup final this is the first game though that the Oilers have a chance to actually win the Stanley Cup however the team says they’re treating this game like they have all the others I’m trying to approach this as a game in February where I guess maybe you don’t have the uh headlights on this uh spot as much but just kind of do your normal routine I think we we’ve had experience in in these moments um and obviously today is another animal but um You’ like to think that your experience will help you in those moments Zack kman talking about the Oilers big game experience that includes five games when they have faced the elimination in these playoffs they’ve won all five of those they’re going to try to do it one last time tonight and win the franchise’s sixth Stanley Cup all right slav cornick in Sunrise Florida tonight thanks if the Oilers do pull off a victory where would it rank among the greatest sporting comebacks of all time Eric senson will put this moment into historical context a little bit later but first an exclusive inside look at auto theft in this country Global News was given rare access to those trying to stop the surge in vehicle thefts in Ontario our chief investigative correspondent Carolyn Jarvis traveled with York Regional Police as they tracked a car they said was stolen and made a dramatic arrest and a warning some of the images may be disturbing 48 to the crew I’m on the track here it’s 4 40 in the morning and detective Scott Creswell and the York Regional Police auto theft unit are setting up for a takedown I’m just going to flip around and have a look at our skate their target a crime group that detective Creswell says has been stealing cars overnight This Crew travels all over the GTA targeting all like the major municipalities Creswell says the vehicle his team is on the lookout for is a stolen Lexus it’s what they call a crime car a stolen car that’s used to commit more crimes and steal other vehicles this Lexus we’ve been tracking for about 10 days that surveillance has led them here to a retirement home in East Toronto where the suspected thieves have allegedly been parking the car when they’re done stealing it’s out of the way police won’t Patrol that area regularly the car is there when we arrive but the suspected thieves aren’t done this crew especially they don’t stop at like 5:00 a.m. they’d steal right until 7 7:30 Creswell and his team await their return two on foot bragger headed towards our skate an hour later Brando these are our guys they’re back you got to get lure buddy they might he check this area just keep your head down for the crew it’s a surveillance play at this point Roger the plan is let them go Hydro up in there pushing watch yourselves there they go we hang back with detective Creswell while other members of the team follow the Lexus and listen to this all parties out out the team radios in that the suspected thieves are stealing another vehicle a Toyota Tacoma Tacoma doors open working on the GPS here on the GPS M so this is common they’re going to see if they can disable the GPS about an hour and a half later got them both coming in that Tacoma here they come guys this is going to be it guys drives into the parking lot and right behind ITX the Lexus there’s Lexus 48 he’s stopped here the passenger gets out and jumps into another vehicle a highend i Santa Fe what do you think this might be the get while the driver of the Lexus get down get down get down turns back to the parking lot rain go here ready he’s out he’s out he’s away he’s away go go go what happens next unfolds almost too quickly to grasp he’s on the facade of the brown building number six two police K9 units supporting the team start the pursuit there’s a guy there’s a guy K9 right there one chases down the suspect from the Lexus the other goes after the second suspect in the Santa Fe but instead of stopping the alleged Thief drives right at the police officer just got the second suspect escapes the Santa Fe found abandoned a couple of blocks away the K9 Officer has a broken rib and is taken to hospital for examination 18-year-old Ahmed Abdul wasi is arrested and charged with multiple offenses including two counts of stealing a vehicle the Lexus and the Tacoma await forensics in the parking lot where the early morning began you need a multi-tier approach to fight Auto crime and trafficking overseas because it also sends a message right like you can’t just go out and steal you are going to get arrested you are going to go to jail and it’s important two weeks after we accompanied York Regional Police the second suspect Muhammad joat also 18 years old turned himself in he is now facing multip charges Donna all right Carolyn Jarvis in Toronto thanks for that the federal government is considering putting a ctax on Imports of Chinese electric vehicles to protect Canada’s Auto sector Deputy Prime Minister chrisa Freeland announced a 30-day consultation period in July to help the government craft its response to Beijing Chinese EVS are flooding the market in what Freeland says is unfair competition the government is also considering changing which vehicles are eligible for federal incentives for zero emission vehicles the European Union and the US have already increased tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles Chinese producers are quite intentionally generating a global overs Supply that undermines EV producers around the world including here in Canada China’s EV Auto industry is the largest capable of producing half the world’s 80 million EV sparking concerns of threatening North America’s production a 14-year-old boy is facing two counts of first-degree murder and seven counts of attempted murder in relation to a shooting earlier this month I mean just thinking about a 14-year-old being involved in this type of crime is unbelievable in my mind on June 2nd five men were shot at around 11:00 p.m. while they were playing soccer at a school field two suspects fled in a stolen pickup truck police caught one after the truck crashed nearby they’re still looking for the others suspect and say there’s no known connection between the men who were shot and the suspects there are multiple reports tonight us prosecutors are recommending the US justice department lay criminal charges against Boeing CBS and reuter’s news agency say the recommendations come after the Department of Justice said Boeing violated a settlement related to two deadly crashes two Boeing 737 Max aircraft crashed within 6 months of each other killing 346 people under a deal reached in 2021 prosecutors agreed not to prosecute Boeing after 3 years if the company abided by certain stipulations the doj must now decide by July 7th whether to proceed with criminal charges in the Russian Republic of dagistan people are in mourning after a deadly coordinated attack there at least 20 people were killed when gunmen opened fire yesterday targeting churches synagogues and police posts dagistan is a predominantly Muslim Republic in southern Russia which neighbors C Redmond Shannon reports coordinated attacks in the southern Russian Republic of dagistan churches and a synagogue targeted in a part of the world home to an ancient Jewish Community the attackers exchanging fire with police by the time it was over 15 officers and an orthodox priest were among the Dead the five gunmen suspected to be is Islamic militants were killed too Dagan’s Governor claimed without providing evidence that the attackers had help from outside Russia however among them were two sons of another dagistan politician he was arrested their involvement a sign of an increase in Islamic radicalization in the region according to this analyst what we’ve seen is we’ve seen a flow of Weaponry unregulated un checks into Southern Russia and the nor Harold Chambers says Russian authorities appear to be overstretched by other priorities the fact that the security services have been distracted solely focusing on countering Ukraine especially in the north Caucasus this is important as its proximity to the war zone the dagistan attack comes 3 months after the crocus City Hall killings in Moscow that left almost 150 people dead despite a branch of Islam State claiming responsibility Russian authorities blamed Ukraine the Kremlin has not explicitly tie the events in dagistan to its war against keev Redman Channon Global News London it appears the long and bitter battle between WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and the US is coming to an end according to court documents he plans to plead guilty to illegally disseminated National Security material in exchange for his release from a British prison Assange would not spend any time in US C custody because under the deal he’ll receive credit for the roughly 5 years he spent in jail fighting extradition to the states a remarkable medical first coming up a kidney transplant on a patient who is wide awake a well-known professional Surfer and longtime lifeguard has died in Hawaii after a shark attack police say too Perry was attacked yesterday while he was surfing off oahu’s Northshore he was brought toore Shore by jet ski where he was pronounced dead there had been warnings of sharks in the area Tom was a legendary Waterman and highly respected grew up right over here and you know just a great member of our ocean safety team the 49-year-old was also an actor who’d appeared in Pirates of the Caribbean and Hawaii 5 since 1995 nine people have died from shark attacks in Hawaii a medical team in the US has done something rare performing a kidney transplant on a conscious patient that’s good timing John Nicholas had surgery last week in Chicago while he was awake and alert instead of using general anesthesia doctors used a spinal epidural commonly used during a csection I I had been given a lot of sedation for my my own Comfort but you know I was still able to be you know somewhat aware of what they were doing especially when they called out my name and told me about certain Milestones they had reached like oh hey you know we we actually connected it hey we’re sewing things up um and yeah it was it was a pretty cool experience to kind of know that that was happening in real time you was also able to listen to his own surgery soundtrack he chose the killers and he got to see his new kidney donated by an old friend before it went in and because he didn’t have a general anesthetic he was able to go home the next day another health scare for the British royal family Princess Anne is in the hospital with a head injury Buckingham Palace says the 73-year-old suffered a minor injury and concussion after an incident at her country home details are scarce but it’s thought to have involved a horse Princess Anne is a keen Rider Palace says she’s expected to make a Swift and full recovery but upcoming engagements including a trip to Canada later this week have been postponed crucial task ahead why there’s so much at stake for the Liberals in an Ontario by elction a vote is taking place in the heart of Toronto today that’s being closely watched voters in Toronto St Paul’s are choosing a new member of parliament after the previous one step down it has been a liberal stronghold since 1993 and if the Liberals lose it now it will be seen as a blow to the Prime Minister himself who polls show is deeply unpopular our chief political correspondent David Aken explains what’s at play in this vote David well Donna what I’ve got behind me is the electoral map of the greater Toronto area at the end of election night in 2021 and there’s more than 50 seats here and you can see lots of liberal red this is Fortress Toronto if the Liberals don’t defend this they lose the government and that’s why this race is kind of important the conservatives have to chip away at Fortress Toronto and they’ve got a very good opportunity tonight right in the heart of the city right here in the riding of Toronto St Paul’s this is of the results from 2021 Carolyn Bennett she’d held the writing since 1997 she got nearly twice as many votes as the conservatives now Bennett has since retired and liberal fortunes are in freef Fall Justin Trudeau says he’s confident he can hold this writing conservatives say oh we’ve got no chance of winning here I’m not so sure the race is definitely on and if Pierre PV and the conservatives do win here tonight it’s a historic win because the conservatives have not won here in Toronto St Paul’s since Bri Mone was the leader now it’s going to take a long time to count the ballots today because there’s 84 names on the ballot they’re all there in protest of Justin Trudeau’s failed promises on electoral reform the ballot is three feet long and a foot wide it’s going to take a long time to count those ballots in Toronto St Paul’s Donna okay we’ll be watching David Aken in Ottawa thanks what are the odds it’s been an epic comeback for the Oilers next we look at their place in history there’s nothing like an Underdog Story to capture the imagination and fire up fans and the game tonight is an epic Underdog Story after losing the first three games of the Stanley Cup Final it looked like the Edmonton Oilers shot at winning had vanished and then they roared back to life Eric Sorenson looks at how rare comebacks like this are and where a win would put Edmonton in the history books go sure there are believers now but when it was three games to none for Florida the players looked flx we’re trying to figure that them out and fans saw the writing on the wall yeah it was a little deflating a little bit I know we got maybe one game left it’s because comebacks from three games down just don’t happen in the finals of pro sports ask Oilers stalwart Kevin low it’s hard and it’s hard to beat a team four straight I think it’s just that the team is that much better uh typically and so they go on to win the series yes the 42 Maple Leafs did it against Detroit Pete LEL scoring the winner but that was more than 80 Stanley Cup finals ago and in 2024 who really thought Edmonton could come all the way back I’m pretty surprised you know I’m a big numbers guy obviously Neil Payne relies on analytics such as ELO ratings which assess A team’s strength over time there just aren’t a lot of teams that are down three that have either the innate talent to kind of bounce back from that or uh the mental fortitude especially here’s how improbable it is in the NBA no playoff team has ever come back from three games down the most shocking turnaround was LeBron James and Cleveland in 2016 down 3 to1 ELO ratings gave the Cavaliers only a 3.6% chance of beating Golden State but they did in baseball again no World Series team has ever come back from 3- nothing the biggest upset Kansas City 1985 down three 31 their chance of winning was 9% when they beat St Louis in the NHL those 42 leavs probability was 7.4% the only three- nothing comeback in Stanley Cup finals history and now Edmonton after three losses were given only a 3.3% chance of winning Florida looked that dominant yet the Oilers are on the verge of maybe the greatest finals comeback of them all Edmonton is doing everything that it wants to do and is playing like kind of the best version of itself think it’s so amazing for the sport um um you know it’s a good story either way the analytics still give Florida the edge in game seven but try telling that to Oilers fans who’ve cast aside their doubts and are on the verge of one of sports greatest comebacks Eric senson Global News Toronto that is global national for this Monday I’m Donna FZ Edmonton’s Die Hard fans are giving it all they’ve got they are on the edge of their seats tonight counting on the team to bring it home in this Do or Die game thanks for watching hope to see you here again tomorrow bye-bye [Music]

The Edmonton Oilers will try to immortalize themselves into hockey history by beating the Florida Panthers in Game 7 of the 2024 Stanley Cup Final on Monday night. Jeff Semple reports on the electric atmosphere in Edmonton, Alta. ahead of the game, while Slav Kornik is in Sunrise, Fla. looks at how the team is preparing for the pivotal matchup.

And, police across Canada face a potentially dangerous mission to put the brakes on auto theft. See what happened when Carolyn Jarvis tagged along for a stakeout.

Over in the Russian republic of Dagestan, at least 20 people have been killed in shootings targeting churches, synagogues and police posts. Redmond Shannon reports on who is being blamed for the attack and why one analyst says it highlights Russia’s vulnerability at home amid its war in Ukraine.

Back in Canada, a byelection seen as a crucial test for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the federal Liberals, voters are choosing a new MP in the riding of Toronto-St. Paul’s. David Akin explains why there’s so much at stake and what a Conservative win could mean for Trudeau’s future.

Plus, the Edmonton Oilers seemed dead in the water after losing the first three games of the Stanley Cup Final, but are now on the verge of finishing an all-time underdog story. Eric Sorensen looks at how rare comebacks like these are, and where a win would put the Oilers in the history books.

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