Dagestan attacks show Russia is “distracted” by Ukraine war: analyst


coordinated attacks in the southern Russian Republic of dagistan churches and a synagogue targeted in a part of the world home to an ancient Jewish Community the attackers exchanging fire with police by the time it was over 15 officers and an orthodox priest were among the Dead the five gunmen suspected to be Islamic militants were killed too Dagan’s Governor claimed without providing evidence that the attackers had help from outside Russia however among them were two sons of another dagistan politician he was arrested their involvement a sign of an increase in Islamic radicalization in the region according to this analyst what we’ve seen is we’ve seen a flow of Weaponry unregulated on checks into Southern Russia and the nor Harold Chambers says Russian authorities appear to be overstretched by other priorities the fact that the security services have been distracted solely focusing on countering Ukraine especially in the north Caucasus this is important as its proximity to the war zone the dagistan attack comes 3 months after the crocus City Hall killings in Moscow that left almost 15 people dead despite a branch of Islamic State claiming responsibility Russian author authorities blamed Ukraine the Kremlin has not explicitly tied the events in dagistan to its war against keev Redmond Channon Global News London

The Russian republic of Dagestan is in mourning after at least 20 people were killed in coordinated shootings targeting churches, synagogues and police posts.

Dagestan is a predominantly Muslim republic in southern Russia, which neighbours Chechnya.

Global’s Redmond Shannon reports on who is being blamed for the attack and why one analyst says it highlights Russia’s vulnerability at home amid its war in Ukraine.

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  1. Russians are constantly forcing Zelenskyy to move his depleted reserves to try to plug next hole. It's a part of a strategy of aggressive attrition. Due to successful implementation of this strategy Ukrainian losses increased to 14,000 a week. It's simply unsustainable for Ukraine. Well, it's a quote from The Time article. Zelenskyy top advisers say about him: “He deludes himself, ” one of his closest aides tells me in frustration . “We’re out of options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that. It is immovable, verging on the messianic.” According to the Economist Zelenskyy is literally screaming at his generals at this point. One Austrian artist was in a similar state in 1945.

  2. Who else? The disturbing but familiar scenes of the Uyghurs dragged into one of 380 Xinjiang camps in China ?? for:
    – having a beard,
    – wearing a veil,
    – applying for a passport,
    – possessing a Quran,
    – praying,
    – downloading WhatsApp or
    – having too many children.

  3. Putin want to copy the western
    For supply weapons to Ukraine
    He said he too will supply weapons to N korea
    ??is N korea in war ??
    His comparison are just laughable , he invaded Ukraine it’s natural that support will go to Ukraine to get him out of Ukraine territory ,he also been say that Ukraine been attack crimea his territory. Kill people at the beach ?????he been kill Ukraine civilian since feb 2022


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