CTV National News | Monday, June 24, 2024: Panthers beat Oilers in Stanley Cup Finals


tonight hockey heartbreak Canada Stanley Cup dreams dashed again shooting scores the Oilers fall short in game seven the Panthers are steadly Cup champions the gut wrenching finale after a heroic comeback story from Alberta to Florida Oilers faithful feel the sting of coming so close plus a critical test for the prime minister in what has been a liberal stronghold they’re afraid of losing the vote also another Royal Health scare Princess Anne hospitalized potentially suffering from a concussion and tragedy in Paradise as much as people loved him he loved everyone else more Hawaii Mourns a local hero killed in a rare shark attack CTV national news with Omar saaden reporting tonight from Edmonton good evening everyone Canada’s hockey hopes and dreams were resting on one team tonight the Edmonton Oilers who fought hard but failed to complete their epic comeback and break the country Stanley Cup drought in a dramatic game seven the quarter it FR barosi and it roll just wide as kov keot to Florida scored the game-winning goal in the second period to make it 2-1 and held on to win their first ever Stanley Cup since joining the league in 1993 that same year the Habs won the cup the last Canadian team to win but all was not lost for Edmonton star Conor McDavid won the con Smite trophy for the most valuable player in the playoffs we have extensive coverage of all the action with reporters on the ground in Sunrise Florida and here in Edmonton where we find TV’s Matt Woodman with some loyal fans Matt loyal but certainly disappointed and heartbroken tonight I would imagine well Omar this was the game fans here and Edmonton wanted but it certainly was not the result they wanted as the final few minutes were winding down you could sense that this crowd was just waiting to erupt here in the Moss pit the Heart of Ice District just outside of Rogers place where thousands filled in here to watch the game tonight thousands more we’re watching on the Jumbo Tron inside Rogers Place this evening you could sense the crowd with wishing hoping praying for a game tying goal here late in the third period it never did come and now the Florida Panthers have their very first Standley Cup in franchise history for the Oilers it would have been their sixth we were talking to fans as they were coming into the Moss bit here today filled with optimism and confidence you know feeling pretty good after the team had come back from down 03 in the Stanley Cup Final series to force a decisive game seven in Sunrise Florida like I said not the result Oilers fans were hoping for tonight by this playoff run this nine weeks has just been an incredible start to the summer here in Edmonton they haven’t experienced anything like this here in the city since 2006 when the Edmonton Oilers went to the Stanley Cup finals against the Carolina Hurricanes and I can tell you fans weren’t really thinking or expecting a loss tonight but we were speaking with many fans who were saying they’re very proud of what this team has accomplished the way they managed to come back the way they defeated the LA Kings in the first round the rivals the Vancouver Canucks and then the Dallas Stars in the Western Conference Final to reach Stanley cut final for the first time in 18 years so unfortunately there will not be a cup parade through the streets of Downtown Edmonton and Ice District this year but fans very proud of what this team has accomplished and so far very well behaved here in the Moss ped after watching a a tough loss in game seven this evening all right Matt thank you so much and inside the arena where thousands of fans were watching on a screen is ctvs Kathy Lee Kathy not the result that fans were wanting uh how is the city preparing for this moment and this day Omar you’re right definitely not the result that the Oilers fans were hoping for you could feel the air just kind of leave the building in fact it’s like a balloon deflated there are some fans here still sticking around they’re I think a lot of them are in shock and and very sadden you know the city is managing the crowds and making sure that people safety is top of mind we all remember what happened in 2006 um there were riots and and of course police do do not want the same thing to happen so all they would say to us is they are managing the crowd and ensuring that people are safe as they go out and they’re just really hoping that no matter what the outcome uh was today and of course it’s a loss that people still continue to you know if they want to go out and and and be on the streets just do it in a peaceful Manner and make sure that everybody goes home safely Omar what a tremendous run they had cath inside the arena thank you so much well Edmonton fans weren’t just cheering their team here in Canada many travel to Sunrise Florida which is where we find ctv’s Paul Hollingsworth and Paul I would imagine a far different atmosphere where you are tonight absolutely Omar what a difference a few hours makes in a major way now go back three hours from now we saw several thousand Edmonton fans basically stormed the arena they took over the fan Zone outside of the Arena they were loud they were large in numbers they were fired up they sensed something historic now behind me everyone’s inside the rink celebrating a Stanley Cup Championship a tri of Oilers fans leaving the building a Qui trickle of Oilers fans they came a long way they cheered hard they sensed something special was happening in the final analysis something did special something very special happened they were down three nothing they tied the series that by itself was was historic but a disappointing outcome for these fans we saw them Elevate their energy game by game through this series series escalating to this game seven Crescendo it all sort of changes now a disappointed fan base strong in numbers but very heartbroken as this series ends and a lot of people Omar who traveled a long way to hopefully watch a Stanley Cup Championship leave this Arena tonight disappointed and head back to Canada knowing that the dro continues because as you mentioned off the top of the show it’s been 31 years since the Canadian team won the Stanley Cup that string of losses for our country’s teams after this loss a long time and they came oh so close Paul Hollingsworth in Sunrise Florida tonight thank you so much and earlier we spoke to some diard fans who couldn’t make the trip to cheer on the Oilers my father used to work for Peter pocklington actually funny story in City Nova Scotia Derek deon’s Oiler Shrine has nearly 40 Years of Team memorabilia he started collecting as a kid when his dad would bring souvenirs home from Edmonton this Ottawa Chef watching the game at home I need to be alone because I have to if I have to smash everything after I need to do it in my own house and if they wi still at home and my wife can see me as a maniac screaming all alone and New Market Ontario is all decked out and rooting for a HomeTown hero it’s just so exciting because it’s it’s very personal for everybody edmon coming back from 3 and our home Hometown boy leading the way of course best player in the world at his former Elementary School Conor mcdavid’s teachers knew he was destined for greatness everything he did was very intense he had this ability to block out all distractions and focus on uh the task at hand that Focus has helped McDavid lead the Oilers towards a comeback in the Stanley Cup finals McDavid was one of the stars of this series earlier this evening I spoke with TSN SEL balgi about what makes the Oilers Captain such a great player on the ice and off well Omar first of all offensively we know what he’s going to do he’s going to put up offensive number but defensively it’s his play away from the puck how he back checks how he blocks shots that really has off on his teammates and then his leadership and and how they want to win for him he’s been vocal he’s been he’s been aggressive behind the scenes which is a little bit out of his comfort zone but he’s done a great job and players to a man say that they want to win for number 97 and it’s not just because of the big Point totals he’s shown so much leadership and confidence in this team win or lose SEL tonight the the victory is really in the comeback of this team right it really is Omar and if you look at the resiliency the fact they haven’t said no they had a different coach a few months ago they make a gutsy call to change him bring in Chris noblock they changed up their systems they got depth players to buy in accept roles that maybe they wouldn’t have had on other teams and as a result it’s an impressive roster up and down and and regardless of if you’re a reporter if you’re a doctor a hockey player you can take lessons from this Oilers Squad and now we wait to see if they can close the deal thank you so much appreciate thank you Omar the standing Cup last came to Canada when the Liberals won the riding of St Paul’s in Toronto they’ve held it for more than three decades and today a crucial test to see if they can keep it cdv’s Chief political correspondent vashy capelos joins me now vashi this by elction was seen as a referendum on Justin Trudeau what was the outcome and what’s the impact well believe it or not Omar a number of hours about two and a half hours after the polls closed we still don’t have final outcome or a final verdict from the rotting the votes are taking a long time to come in because the ballot elections candidate says was so incredibly long there are 84 or 80 plus people who put their names forward many of whom as Independents and it’s just taking them a long time to tabulate what we do know however so far with about 30% of the polls reporting is that the liberal candidate Leslie Church the former Chief of Staff for finance minister Christia Freeland is out in front by about a 10-point margin the Conservative candidate is currently placed in second but a full 10 points behind the big question had been going into this if was whether or not the rotting would reflect National polls which have of course the Tories about 15 to 20 points ahead of the Liberals again nationally this is a liberal stronghold as you indicated so the chances were slim it does not look like the riding will flip to the conservatives but they have narrowed the margin uh and I my guess is that will prompt a number of questions going forward about the health of the Liberals overall across the country but they’re also breathing a sigh of relief that this riding so far at least looks like it will not flip tonight Omar all right bash you thanks so much in other news Ottawa is considering a s tax on electric vehicle imports from China and has launched a consultation period to decide whether or not to proceed the move would follow similar steps taken by the US and the EU but could spark retaliation from China ctv’s Michael Couture reports Chinese production of cheap electric vehicles is far outpacing domestic demand countries like Canada accuse China of a state directed program to flood Global markets that overcapacity is created with very problematic labor standards very problematic environmental standards so Canada is taking the next 30 days to consider slapping tariffs on chinese-made electric vehicles the EU is set to impose a sir tax of 38% on July 4th while the US is planning to impose 100% tariffs on those same Vehicles 60% of the Imports of vehicle Imports into this country uh are American and so I think we need to show them that uh if they protect the front door we’ll protect the back door in a statement to CTV News a spokesperson from the Chinese Embassy said if Canada imposes tariffs China will take Resolute actions to defend its legitimate rights and interests in 201 19 China blocked Canadian canola soybeans and pork following the arrest of wuwei CFO Mong Wango uh let’s recall that the exports are still very important for China they get 20% of their GDP from exports cheaper EVS could help Canada hit its goal of phasing out gas powerered vehicles by the year 2035 Canada is hoping for a homegrown solution as the federal and provincial governments invest tens of B millions of dollars in the EV supply chain climate action actually means even more great paying jobs for Canada making Chinese electric vehicles more expensive with tariffs could also help the government get a return on its investment even as Global demand for EVS has stalled Omar all right Mike thank you the number of children missing in the chaos of the conflict in Gaza has crossed a staggering 20,000 according to humanitarian Aid group children have made have made up uh about 40% of all deaths in Gaza save the children says the young victims are likely trapped in the rubble and an unknown number may be buried in unmarked Graves or detained by the Israeli military also tonight new video from October 7th shows Hamas kidnapping three men from the Nova Music Festival it was shared by families of the Israeli hostages desperate for their government to accept a ceasefire deal the royal family is dealing with another Health matter tonight Princess Anne has suffered a minor head injury CTV Sarah Plowman on what may have caused it and what it means for her upcoming visit to Canada she’s the hardest working Royal but Princess Anne is now off work hospitalized with a concussion reportedly caused by a horse while she was walking on her country estate yesterday Buckingham Palace says she’s expected to make a full and Swift recovery the injury that she has sustained this concussion is consistent with an impact from a horse’s head or leg princess an is an accomplished equestrian an olympion and the colonel in Chief of the royal newfinland regiment she was set to fly to St John’s where a crowd will gather on July 1st as a repatriated Unknown Soldier is in tuned at New finland’s National war memorial it’s 100y year anniversary her trip is cancelled you know we were honored you know that she she would be here but naturally uh you know accidents happened and all we can do now is wish her well in in her recovery it’s been a difficult year for the royal family as both the king and the Princess of Wales battle cancer the King has returned to public duties it has taken me time to recover for major surgery Princess Kate appeared at the King’s Birthday recently but is still recovering in their absence princess an shouldered the workload princess will you know do everything she can to um honor this commitment because she is like that it’s going to be it’s going to take a team of horses to keep her from work the commemorative ceremony in newand will go ahead as planned the president of the Legion there tells me they’re having a meeting tomorrow and we’ll likely talk about how to fill the gaps Sarah Plowman CTV News kton coming up a deadly shark attack as much as people loved him he loved everyone else more a lifeguard is killed off the Hawaiian [Music] Coast a world-renowned surfer known for riding some of the most dangerous waves has died in a rare shark attack off the coast of Hawaii cdv’s Joy malbin on the shock and heartbreak as friends and family remember a HomeTown hero get to work you might recognize Tomo Perry from TV’s up Tomo hey how’s it girl or the big screen playing a larger than life Buccaneer in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie but he was more than a professional actor and stunt man the 49-year-old was a champion Surfer and beloved longtime lifeguard in Hawaii officials say he died following a shark attack on the the NorthShore in aahu emergency crews were called to retrieve his body Sunday afternoon officials say he had suffered multiple shark bites warning Surfers to exercise caution Tomo’s personality was in infectious and as much as people loved him he loved everyone else more Perry had been surfing professionally for over a decade known as one of the greatest in the world tributes pouring in highlighting his love for the sport and his Adventure spirit and while scientists tell us that shark attacks on humans are rare Close Encounters have made for some scary summer headlines worldwide there were 69 unprovoked shark attacks in 2023 10 were fatal honolulu’s mayor called Perry’s death a tragic loss for the community Tom is a legendary Waterman and highly respected grew up right over here and you know just a great member of our ocean safety team Perry is the second victim of a shark attack in Hawaii this year and the ninth fatality since it began keeping records in 1995 he leaves behind a wife and countless friends Joy Malin CTV News Washington still ahead a crippling Cyber attack slows down car dealers [Music] thousands of Car Dealers across Canada in the US have been forced to revert to pen and paper after an American company that provides software used to manage everything from sales to service was hit by a massive Cyber attack ctv’s Heather Wright has more on the Fallout thousands of Car Dealers across Canada and the United States have been forced to revert to pen and paper after cdk global an American company that provides software used to manage everything from sales to service was hit by a massive Cyber attack the system basically records any and all transaction at a dealership uh a sale of a vehicle new or used uh trade in of a vehicle a service appointment a part sale uh a quote it has been really really difficult JP kovc has two dealerships both of which use cdk he says the attack has impacted almost every part of the business just have patience with you know the people who are working on the front line they’re doing the best thing can and it’s quite a challenging time on Wednesday cdk experienced back-to-back cyber attacks and had to shut down all of its systems the company has called the attack a ransom event though it won’t say if it has paid any money to regain control for those dealers impacted they say this underscores the importance of cyber security and everybody grumbles why do I have to such a long password why is it going to take so much time I can’t remember this but just proof again why we have to be super super diligent because there are very sophisticated criminals out there holding people for ransom experts say companies should also be conducting drills to ensure they can keep functioning in the event of a Cyber attack do you have the right business continuity processes in place and how quickly can you get back up and running otherwise the consequences is that you’re going to be completely shut down and not able to do anything while cdk has not provided a timeline in terms of when things might be back up in running the company says it is is hopeful it could be as quickly as a matter of days Heather Wright CV news Toronto after the break the story come back on the road to the Stanley Cup [Music] Final well a tough start to the season and a tough finish for the finals for the Edmonton Oilers tonight ctv’s David aask takes a look back at the long Winding Road Oilers head coach Jay Woodcroft was fired the team’s record nine losses three wins one tie at its worst the oil skid hit bottom then sat for a time in 31st Place out of 32 teams the replacement Chris noblock the man with no NHL head coaching experience things changed and quickly within November the team was already ready on an eight-game winning streak December was even better the Oilers broke the franchise record for consecutive wins then set their sights on the all-time title they got as close as possible registering 16 straight victories and other big numbers came for individuals by late March Zack Heyman made it a 50-goal season in mid April Connor McDavid became the fourth player ever to Post 100 assists both continued to dominate in the playoffs for the third year in Row the Oilers dispatch the LA Kings winning in five games then round two the Vancouver knucks test the Oilers with success getting ahead in the series and getting Stuart Skinner out of the net for two games the Canucks dominate the Oilers in regular season play but then watched Edmonton respawn backs against the wall and down three games to two Edmonton pushes it to seven and sends Vancouver packing Dallas was next in the Western Conference Final the Oilers special teams were on fire Power Play Goals dominating games penalty kills shutting down the stars Edmonton finished the favored stars in six and it brings us to the final early it looked as though it could end in a sweep the Oilers unable to solve the Florida Panthers Sergey bosski dropping three in a row and then figuring it out in game four with an 8-1 drubbing and then they did it again in Florida McDavid leading the charge both times and then as he stated dragging the Panthers back to Alberta to beat them again in game six setting the stage for a history making game seven in a year that started near the bottom and ends with a cup Run for the ages David aask CTV News Edmonson what a journey for all of us at CTV national news thank you for watching good night and see you [Music] tomorrow the L of the K smik is Conor mcdavis let’s go that [Applause]

Edmonton Oilers fall short in Stanley Cup Finals; Florida Panthers win first NHL championship in franchise history.

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