ARREST UPDATE: Ezra Levant offers to be Tommy Robinson’s Surety


we can cover all of that I mean Rebel news will put up assurity bond for him we can insist and and assist rather with uh accommodations for him we can sort of be his uh um guarantors or ass sureties I just got a phone call from one of Calgary’s most senior criminal defense lawyers Alan Hepner I interrupted him at his home of course at 9:30 p.m. moments after Tommy was arrested so unceremoniously after after his well-received speech in Calgary uh for those who are just joining this insane story Tommy was speaking in Calgary to a a great crowd was a wonderful speech about censorship about government lawfare and he steps out feeling great after Standing Ovation and he’s swarmed by police half of them undercover half in uniform they bundle him up in a uh SUV and they drive him here of all places it’s a federal building called called the Harry Hayes building and if you can see over here they have a sign of what’s banned bicycles are banned skateboards are banned rollerblades are banned and political speech that Justin Trudeau doesn’t like is banned I’ve never heard of people being detained at the federal building and that’s a whole new question we got to look into but I moments ago received a phone call from Alan Hepner and uh I got some details on the reason for Tommy’s arrest it’s an alleged immigration infraction right now the lawyer is working with the uh police to see if there is a way that Tommy can be released under a set of conditions uh rather than being held in jail for an undetermined period of time uh I offered to be Tommy’s shity that means to put up a bond to guarantee that he would be of good behavior avior goal number one is to get him out of custody he’s in a holding uh situation here at Harry Hayes but if they transfer him to the remand center that is an atrocious place for anyone so Priority One is get him out of this building priority two once that is achieved is to find a a set of conditions or orders that Tommy can live with to get out of jail and I don’t know what those will be I’m abs absolutely delighted that our lawyer is working at this late hour uh we have the best person in the city on it uh I’m I’m really amazed that he’s able to jump on this case within minutes hopefully the lad will be out and not spend even a single night in custody I haven’t talked to the lawyer about his fee I just wanted to get him working I will obviously pay the fee if you can help me crowdfund that fee I’d be grateful to you we set up a little crowdfund page at Tommy if you can chip in a few quid or a few dollars I’d be grateful I want them out I want him safe I want him free and I want him speaking truth to power frankly as a Canadian I’m a little bit embarrassed of what happened to him that’s not the candidate I know the candid I know and love believes in free speech what Tommy saw today was the candidate of Justin trudo let’s get that lad out and let’s get him doing what he does best uh I’m going to have more updates at Tommy I’m going to stay up till he’s out God willing and I’ll hopefully have more updates for you those will be posted at Tommy thanks

| TOMMY ROBINSON UPDATE: Tommy is facing possible detention. One of Calgary’s top lawyers is on the case. I have offered to be his surety.

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  1. He's lied on a visa application form….he will be deported most likely without charge because they will give him conditions Firstly his two other venue appearances will not happen, secondly, he will be kicked out on the first available flight.

  2. Very VERY strange, if he had an outstanding immigration warrant, surely that would have been flashed up immediately the moment he went through passport control at the airport! Someone from London has put a word in somewhere. This stinks.

  3. Thanks so much Ezra! It occurred to me that maybe those police in civilian clothes really weren't police. And they put him in a regular car and drove off with him!?

    Anyhow YOU'RE working so HARD for TOMMY ROBINSON and you are a GREAT, STRONG, BRAVE CANADIAN!

  4. I assume that Tommy didn't go there without an invite to make a speech. We know that Trudeau is a complete and utter snake but the fact is he is the fault here. Tommy was just doing his job. Yet another case of the sh** of power is going to shut down free speech whenever and however it can. We need to stand up people. Sooner or later someone is going to pay the price for this and I don't think it will be the public. We outnumber the despots millions to one.


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