What does the future hold for AI?


as artificial intelligence technology is on the rise apple is tapping into the power of chat GPT to infuse its products with artificial intelligence this will be part of the iOS 18 update coming this fall the tech giant says AI can help users seek information answer questions and enhance their writing it can also be used to enhance photos and videos but AI has been controversial here with more information is computer science professor at the University of Toronto Steve Engles Steve this is your area of expertise so break this down for us how do you see the new Apple updates impacting the user experience well up to this point all the voice assistants that have been put out by Apple and Google and Amazon have been really good at interacting with their systems right able to look up you know your photos uh able to look up some basic information from the web but it hasn’t been able to go too far beyond that you they’ve always been limited by you know what was kind of easily searchable but with chaty PT you now have the ability to ask more nuanced questions to be able to get access to more information and to be able to get it to produce more creative results um and so this is going to be a great benefit for people who want or feel like their current Voice assistance are a little bit limiting well a lot of people feel uncomfortable when they think of AI they think you know it can be a little bit invasive do you see there being any ethical issues with this new technology there’s always a bit of a concern especially with things like privacy um now that we’re using chat GPT with with um things like Siri it means that some of the requests that you’re given are not just going to be held by Apple but they actually get access to open AI as well um and so people are concerned about what kind of information they’re going to be sharing in the use of these devices um but that’s nothing new right we’ve been using a lot of free software which um you know we accept a certain amount of or that we’re giving up a certain amount of privacy in order to be able to use them um in terms of the ethics behind it it also depends on how much you’re willing to trust these things to be able to do certain tasks um being accusing some of these AI systems without giving proper oversight to it is always going to be complicated because we can’t afford to trust AI completely without at least giving a certain look over the the results that it gives okay keeping the discussion of AI going this week McDonald’s in the US announced its ending its testr run at AI power drive-throughs after multiple mixups it was adding unnecessary items to orders giving people the wrong orders so we’re seeing that AI is flawed but at one point a lot of people were worried that AI would take jobs away from humans are we starting to see this go back in the other direction a little bit I mean with any kind of new AI technology there is this this first impulse to start thinking of it as you know taking over everything and while AI is able to do a lot lot of human tasks especially um some cognitive ones it’s never able to replace humans completely what it’s meant to do is it’s meant to provide an assistant right so it can help maybe replace a large team of people with one or two AIS but in the end it still requires human oversight you still need to take the results and look over them and be able to understand whether it produced the right result or not and then be able to change the results if you need to okay speaking of jobs we have a story on our website right now about how artificial intell is helping a farm in Ontario optimize aspects like lighting irrigation and harvest timing how does AI benefit farming oh I mean we have people who are working on that stuff too um the idea is that there’s a lot of tasks that happen on the farm that could be automated and being able to learn and understand the farmer’s patterns is no different from say your AI po thermostat learning you know what patterns you like to turn on or off your heat um and so what this can do is that it can take some of these patterns and learn them and then be able to reproduce them when it comes to say like the lighting inside a greenhouse or you can actually use it for things like harvesting your field you know the same way that like a Roomba would vacuum your house um all the things that we use in our daily lives can be applied on a large scale to things like farming to help automate some of the stuff that doesn’t require like humans to be able to go over and you know monitor it personally okay Steve thank you so much for breaking this down for us that is Steve angles Computer Sciences at the University of Toronto thank you thank you

With artificial intelligence (AI) on the rise, some companies are embracing the technology while others are pulling away from the rapidly-growing tool.

From ethical concerns to potential uses in unexpected industries, University of Toronto computer science professor Steve Engels speculates on what the future might hold for AI.

Global’s Amandalina Letterio has the details.

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  1. We can replace 70% of cbc with Ai right now. I bet they are training a model on their reuseable archive footage right now and creating an artificial news anchor with to go along with it. All they need is a few $10000 pc's.

  2. With how AI is going, and the rate it's replacing people in the work force, there will be laws implemented by governments that will either ban them or limit their use. We already have seen it happen: Italy banned ChatGPT. People will say it's never gonna happen but in reality all it takes is one company to push too hard at the wrong time. It happened with lootboxes so it's gonna happen with AI.

  3. People dont need AI. Venture capital needs AI to become viable in a way that makes its use necessary, like a tool versus optional, like a nicer tool that does the same job slightly faster.

    I dont see it happening. The large language models are currently out of things to read and still not that great.

  4. It's not AI that needs regulation, its Capitalism. Its convenient for them to change the face of the problem, but it's still the same people pushing the buttons and 'training' the AI models.

  5. AI becomes buzzing word nowadays, but beyond that is how governmental and non governmental institutions collect every data and every click a human being dose in his entire life. On other side we are seeing more and more softwares to promote privacy and hide from nosy data collectors


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