Ontario Liberal MP’s Canada map omits P.E.I. and Yukon – see the oversight here!

Ontario Liberal MP's map of Canada forgets P.E.I., Yukon

“Yasir Naqvi’s Canada Map Controversy: A Lesson in Geography”

Yasir Naqvi, Liberal MP, recently sent out a taxpayer-funded political flyer to celebrate Canada Day, but what caught everyone’s attention were the inaccuracies on the map of Canada. With missing provinces and merged territories, the map left many questioning how such errors could have been approved.

The Inaccuracies:
In the map, Prince Edward Island was completely left out, and the borders of Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Yukon, and Northwest Territories were all misrepresented. This sparked confusion and criticism online, with even Alberta Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner pointing out the flaws.

Naqvi’s Response:
Days after the flyers were sent out, Naqvi took to social media to apologize for the mistakes. Instead of explaining how the errors occurred, he suggested using the map as an interactive tool to teach kids about Canadian geography. However, he did not provide further clarification when reached out for comment by CBC News.

While the intention behind the flyer was to celebrate Canada Day and engage constituents, the inaccuracies on the map raised concerns about attention to detail and oversight. As a lesson in geography, this incident serves as a reminder of the importance of accuracy and thoroughness, especially when representing our diverse and vast country like Canada.

In the future, it may be wise for MPs to double-check their materials before distribution to avoid similar controversies and uphold the integrity of the information they share with the public.



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