Global National: June 23, 2024 | Tens of millions facing dangerous heat, humidity in US


[Music] on this Sunday night the growing dangers of extreme heat it’s too hot more than 100 million Americans swelter under record-breaking temperatures very dangerous and life uh critical temperatures all eyes on Midtown the Federal byelection in Toronto that some see as a referendum on the prime minister’s future there is a lot of frustration disturbing capture caught on camera dehumanization is the biggest problem it doesn’t matter really what army you’re fighting for the video footage sparking International condemnation and a military investigation and the wingman with unmistakable pipes meet the octogenarian behind the voice of the Edmonton Oilers KY will he shoot he does he scores global national reporting tonight Sarah McDonald good evening thanks for joining us we begin tonight with more extreme weather across large parts of the US Midwest east coast and here at home in the US more than 100 million Americans across 27 states are still dealing with that heat and humidity that began last week and that scientists say was made twice as likely because of the impacts of climate change north of the border that heat has broken across most of central Canada and the Atlantic provinces but now millions of Canadians are under rainfall and severe thunderstorm warnings as wet hot and humid air moves in Heather urex West Begins our coverage tonight dramatic storm clouds captured over Madison Wisconsin Saturday a Prelude to the destruction ahead in nearby Jamesville a tornado touched down Saturday night local officials say there was extensive damage to homes on the South Side heavy rain causing Flash flooding in the city as well and in Rock Valley Iowa flood waters forced the evacuation of hundreds after a nearby Levy failed across large parts of the US the severe weather is not over yet more than 8 million people under a rare tornado watch across parts of New England and the Northeast they’re getting some some heavy amounts of um of rain record high temperatures morning noon and night and um and uh a vast majority of the population are facing the these very dangerous and life critical uh temperatures it’s very hot it’s too hot the sizzling temperatures in and around Washington DC this weekend saw a 40-year-old Heat record fall with temperatures soaring to more than 38° while the heat Dome has dissipated over Ontario and Quebec in the US the sweltering stretch is expected to hang on for several more days with the most extreme temperatures seen in in the Deep South it almost makes me want to go home because it is a little too hot for many Americans this heat wave has been dangerous the Center for Disease Control reporting a stark rise in heat related emergency room visits over the last few days heat is a silent killer and uh and we saw a record number of people died last year in the United States from extreme heat and we’re just getting going right now because across both the United States and Canada the hottest months of the year year are still to come Heather urix West Global News Calgary as we’ve been reporting on global national scientists are able to predict with much greater accuracy How likely an extreme weather event can be attributed to human-caused climate change that has not been possible until the past few years but what is clear is that the planet is rapidly heating you can see here that all of the years that have been hotter than normal over the past 200 years have happened since around the start of the 1970s coinciding with the rapid rise of heat trapping gases into the atmosphere and another tragic reminder of just how deadly extreme heat is tonight we are learning that 1300 people died from extreme heat at the annual Haj pilgrimage which wrapped up last week in Saudi Arabia the ritual sees hundreds of thousands sometimes millions of people converge upon the areas around Mecca this year temperatures sort into the 50s in Quebec a Maximum Security Prison that once held notorious Canadian Killers Paul Bernardo and Luca magnat has been evacuated because of forest fires Correctional Service Canada says inmates from the port cier institution Northeast of Quebec City were moved to other federal correctional facilities after an evacuation order was issued on Friday it’s the same prison where Robert Pickton was attacked and killed last month the prisoners are among 1,000 residents ordered out several wildfires are burning out of control nearby but today favorable winds were blowing away from residential areas conditions may not be so favorable for Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party in a federal byelection tomorrow the Toronto St Paul’s electoral district has been an easy liberal stronghold for the last 10 elections but this race is much tighter as McKenzie gray reports many see the vote as a referendum on the Prime Minister and his future McKenzie conventional political wisdom says not to read too much into by elction Sarah but a vote tomorrow in downtown Toronto could be one of the most important political moments of the Year Toronto St Paul’s has been reliably read since 1993 owned by longtime cabinet minister Carolyn Bennett who’s now the ambassador to Denmark leaving the seat open and hotly contested between Conservative candidate Don Stewart who declined to do an interview with global news and liberal Lesley Church the former Chief of Staff to Christian Freeland who’s fighting an uphill bat there is a lot of frustration and I think that sometimes it’s directed at uh at the federal government at Mr Trudeau that sentiment pushing the prime minister to the back of any pitch Church makes to voters just look at her lawn signs only a tiny team Trudeau logo a massive departure from elections past I’ve always liked Justin Trudeau and the liberal party but I think he maybe has overstayed his welcome 8 years is a long time 8 years you have a liberal government then people get sick of the liberal government then you go to eight for 8 years and there’s sort of a balance there and with voters feeling like that it would take an Edmonton Oilers likee comeback to keep the same 25% margin the Liberals won by in 2021 over a dozen cabinet ministers have come to campaign for church and Senior liberals that have spoken to Global News say that’s helped give the party confidence they’ll hold the seat the terrorist entity of the irgc that prediction aided by the recent announcement that the Iranian revolutionary guard has been listed as a terrorist group helping in St Paul’s as the writing is the fifth largest Jewish population in the country but more traditional pocketbook issues are still top of mind we have about 60% of the households here are renters which is high even for Toronto and the cost of rent the cost of housing is the number one thing that you hear here across the riding one challenge for voters tomorrow might just be finding out who they want to vote for on the ballot that will be a meter long Sarah 84 registered candidates in total 76 of whom are running in protest for electoral reform a meter long that is lengthy Mac you’ve mentioned what’s at stake in the writing but what are the political ramifications in particular for the Prime Minister depending on what happens tomorrow well they vast sah including the potential for private and public calls from Ms many of whom have been remarkably loyal to the Prime Minister for him to resign if they cannot hold on to this writing now that seems unlikely but it can’t be ruled out especially with the Liberals down 20 points nationally now if it’s just a close one for the Liberals the most likely option you probably won’t see public calls for chudah to leave but there’s certainly will be a lot of current liberal MPS particular those in toss-up ridings thinking about their political future because if you can’t win in downtown Toronto as a liberal how can you win traditionally tight races and there’s always the possibility Sarah that the Liberals outperform the polls and win by a comfortable margin which would quiet some of the prime minister’s critics for now we wait and see McKenzie gry in Ottawa thank you Mac in the UK a fourth Tory is being investigated in a gambling Scandal plaguing the governing conservatives during an election the party’s Chief data Officer Nick Mason is the latest to be named in the British gambling Watchdog inquiry it’s looking into alleged bets made by conservative members over when the election would be called according to British media Mason allegedly made several dozen bets before prime minister Rishi sunak triggered the campaign is the latest setback for the Tories who face dismal polling numbers ahead of a potentially historic defeat in next month’s vote to breaking news out of Russia now now armed militants have attacked two Orthodox churches and a synagogue and have opened fire on police in the southern Republic of dagistan witnesses recorded video of the shootout with police Russia’s National anti-terrorism Committee says at least six police officers and a priest were killed at least one church and a synagogue were set Ablaze tandem attacks in Two Cities appear to have been coordinated Russian authorities say four attackers were killed but others have escaped a search for the remaining suspects is now underway there has been no immediate claim of responsibility in the Middle East violence and uncertainty continues to hang over the crisis in Gaza as peace talk efforts between Israel and Hamas stall last night an Israeli air strike hit a un building in Northern Gaza killing several people according to Witnesses and in the occupied West Bank is isal Defense Forces are investigating a troubling incident caught on camera it involves a wounded Palestinian man strapped to the hood of an armored vehicle moving through the streets of Janine Redmond Shannon has more and a warning first his story contains disturbing images a wounded man strapped to the hood of an Israeli military vehicle the family of mujahed AI says he was injured in an Israeli raid in the occupied West Bank his cousin says Israeli soldiers took him away before an ambulance could arrive the Israeli Defense Forces say the man was a suspect during an exchange of fire in the Palestinian city of Janine after the video emerged the Israeli military said it would investigate adding that the conduct of the forces in the video of the incident does not conform to the values of the IDF the injured man was eventually handed over to the red cresant indefensible and the idea f is not defending it secretary of state blinkin has been saying that dehumanization is the biggest problem it doesn’t matter really what army you’re fighting for Israeli forces regularly face accusations of Human Rights abuses in the West Bank violence has increased markedly there since the October 7th Hamas attacks the UN says more than 500 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since then Hamas says 75 times as many people have been killed in Gaza a un building being used as an aid center was struck there overnight the IDF says it was also a base for terrorist activities Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu has suggested Israel May soon shift some of its focus to the fight against Hezbollah in Lebanon and for the second time in a week he accused the United States of dramatically reducing its military support for Israel we generally do not know what he’s talking about netanyahu’s accusation coming as his defense minister yav Galant heads to Washington it’s clear that the US Administration prefers to deal with him they find him to be look he’s tough but he’s a straight shooter Galan says he will discuss the next phase of the war in Gaza with us officials Redmond Channon Global News London back in Canada another Pro Palestinian encampment protesting the war in Gaza has pron in Downtown Montreal organizers are demanding Quebec’s pension fund manager divest from dozens of companies with ties to Israel and stop future Investments tied to what they call Human Rights and international law violations the camp comes on top of a similar protest at McGill University that’s been ongoing since April another at the University of Quebec in Montreal ended earlier this month after the school satisfied most of the protesters demands well from party to potential prison time more than a dozen people have been arrested in Greece on arson charges coming up the luxury yacht Excursion that allegedly sparked a firework show that nobody bargained for plus the Frantic search for survivors as a landslide sweeps the Swiss elves that’s after the [Music] break in southern Greece 13 people have been arrested and charge with arson after allegedly starting starting a forest fire from a luxury yacht on Friday the group of passengers and crew members appeared in court before a prosecutor today they are suspected of launching fireworks from their boat sparking a blaze on the island of Hydra the fire was contained but not before leaving parts of the Island’s only Pine Forest chart the incident comes as another intense Heatwave grips Greece with dozens of fires breaking out across the country and parts of Switzerland have been devastated by floods and landslides caused by heavy rain in the Swiss alpes at least one person has died and two others are still missing tonight after a rock slide wiped out parts of one Village in the South hampering rescue efforts many roads are either closed or impassible and in Asia rescue and relief efforts are ramping up in Central and Southern China after days of torrential rainfall there more than 50 people have been killed by flash flooding or landslides tens of thousands more have been forced from their homes as major roadways collapse and large swaths of Farmland are swamped officials say the rain isn’t expected to ease until Midway through the week feeling the heat ahead how extreme heat is impacting our food from Farm to store to table stay with [Music] us a memorial service was held today for Ontario police officers and civilian members who died by [Music] Suicide hundreds of people paid tribute to 51 officers today including family members colleagues and dignitaries the event is the first of what will be an annual one organizers say the trauma officers and civilian members experience on the job can significantly impact their mental health because of their devotion of Duty they saw things and had experiences that impacted them deeply simply put they experienced trauma that human beings are not naturally equipped to experience without Consequence the memorial recognizes the positive impacts of the lives of the fallen officers and recognizes the grief felt by their loved ones if you’ve been to the grocery store lately looking for olive oil you’ll know how expensive it has gotten olives are highly susceptible to extreme weather and excess heat can severely impact olive production in countries like Italy Spain and Greece but it’s not just olives in fact so much of the produce we depend on is highly vulnerable to severe weather and as Kyle Benning reports the farmers who bring us our food aren’t immune either many were looking to beat the heat over the last week but for Canada’s Farmers there’s little wiggle room for time away from the fields the late spring early summer heat forcing those like John Reeser to start picking their fruit earlier than normal the downside to it is that our season is likely going to end early um and we like to try to have strawberries ready for the canidate day long weekend but the shorter season and limited Supply could have an impact on prices a similar phenomenon is taking place with olive oil as a result of fires and warmer temperatures in Europe according to statistics Canada one liter of olive oil saw an average price of around $9 between 2017 and 2023 but over the last 6 months prices have continue to rise from $14.33 in December to $16.32 in April the more we do now to adapt to climate change the better farmers will be and ranchers and also the less costly Farmers for climate Solutions is calling for further Investments by governments to protect agriculture from the costs of climate change while evidence of those impacts can be seen in crops with less moisture it can also have an impact on people working in the we have to understand that uh we’re not just talking about the actual crops being lost we’re also talking about if if it’s too hot for someone to safely go into the field to harvest that results in crop loss and while many have seen impacts on their crops from fires droughts or floods experts say action can still be taken to protect Canadian crops from further harm Canada is extremely well placed to have a bigger portion of its plate that comes from Canan Farms je V have gross in bker says that includes producing enough food for the country’s consumption and making public investment in climate change adaptation to ensure Canadian Farms can withand the costs of doing business with more extreme weather Kyle Benning Global newsy will he shoot he does he SC the golden voice that never gets old next meet the longest serving wingman of the Edmonton Oilers the Edmonton Oilers have touched down in Florida ahead of game seven of the Stanley Cup Final against the Panthers it is something that seemed nearly impossible after they lost the first three games of the series yet here they are now one win away from bringing the cup back to Canada for the first time in 31 years with how much is at stake for both teams it could be one of the greatest games in hockey history and as Jeff simple reports few are feeling the hype as much as the former longtime voice of the Oilers wow well here we are uh the five Stanley Cup Rings 82-year-old Rod Phillips is an Oilers Legend with the Stanley Cup Rings to prove it though he never actually played so the oers on the power play for nearly four decades Phillips was the voice of the Oilers his play-by-play career began in 1973 before the Oilers were even part of the NHL Hur SC across the line shoot SC the Hall of Famer announced 3,542 Oilers games and wasn’t afraid to call it straight I mean if that’s a penalty I’ll eat your shirt gravy stain on it yeah I know when he retired in 2011 the team wore Phillips jerseys for warm-up His Banner hung alongside the alltime greats including the great one mov in shoot you covered the Oilers Dynasty during the 80s how does that team compare it to the group that you’re seeing on the ice today I don’t know if you can compare the the team today with the team of the 80s because uh if you did you’d have to say well you got to win five Stanley Cups so uh that might be a little unfair but uh both Generations uh are are truly tremendous teams it’s just fun watching the team grow that’s the thing that is enjoyable for me 1945 the last time that a team came back from a three-game deficit to Four game seven you were a toddler I was three years old three years old what do you make of this comeback story oh well it’s it’s just uh it could be the story of the decade it could be uh just fabulous we we go what’s it been like for you to watch the excitement oh I I mean I’m just thrilled I I I just I I get goosebumps thinking about it and we should appreciate it and enjoy it CU you’re going to have these memories for the rest of your life the Ed Hors have won the Stanley Cup Jeff simple Global News Edmonton and that is global national for this Sunday night I’m Sarah McDonald tonight’s your candid is buen a Vista Park in Edmonton which was packed with Oilers fans at the city’s annual pets in the Park Festival which raised money for the Edmonton Humane Society one of the city’s largest animal shelters thanks for watching Donna is back tomorrow have a great night [Music]

In tonight’s top story: More than 100 million Americans across 27 states are still dealing with the heat and humidity that began last week. This, as severe storms and flooding have prompted evacuations and a disaster proclamation in Iowa. Meanwhile, at least one tornado ripped through Wisconsin on Saturday night, leaving a path of destruction and power outages. Heather Yourex-West has the latest.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the choice facing voters in a Toronto federal byelection will “mirror” the one they will face in the next federal election. Toronto-St. Paul’s has long been considered a Liberal stronghold, but the vote scheduled for next Monday is shaping up to be more competitive, and as national-level polling suggests, voters across the country are eager for change. Mackenzie Gray reports.

Warning: This story contains disturbing images; discretion is advised. In the Middle East, violence and uncertainty continues to hang over the crisis in Gaza, as peace talk efforts between Israel and Hamas stall. On Saturday, an Israeli airstrike hit a United Nations building in northern Gaza, killing several people, according to witnesses. In the occupied West Bank, Israel Defense Forces are investigating a troubling incident caught on camera, involving a wounded Palestinian man strapped to the hood of an armoured vehicle, moving throughout the streets of Jenin. Redmon Shannon has more.

If you’ve been to the grocery store looking for olive oil lately, you’ll know how expensive it has gotten. Olives are highly susceptible to extreme weather — and excess heat can severely impact olive production in countries like Italy, Spain and Greece. But it’s not just olives. In fact, so much of the produce we depend on is highly vulnerable to severe weather, and as Kyle Benning reports, the farmers who bring us our food aren’t immune either.

Plus, the thought of a Game 7 in this year’s Stanley Cup final seemed nearly impossible after the Edmonton Oilers lost the first three games of the series. Now, they’re one win away from bringing the cup back to Canada for the first time in 31 years. With so much at stake, it could be one of the greatest games in hockey history. As Jeff Semple reports, few are feeling the hype as much as former long-time voice of the Oilers, Rod Phillips.

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  1. Scare tactics of the lowest kind. Who paid all the news stations to say this crap all at the same time . Aren't they embarrassed? Notice they never say the temp!

  2. "Dangerous" "extreme" "plauged"…global earning that government money. I guess i should be happy that at least one government entity is doing something for those tax dollars, even if it is pushing government pr0p0 ganda.

  3. its the sun, solar cycle 25 will see a Carrington event. our magnetic field is weak and earths poles are rapidly flipping leaving the world open to more radiation and more heat. its not us. its the sun

  4. Leslie Church word of advice .. leave the liberal party. if you think you are a leader then you do not need these Criminals that are in office you are only tellling people you are crooked as them

  5. Sensible Israelis need to see how their wacko far right government is harming their position and support in the world, e.g. the horrific acceptance that 36,000+ Palestinians dead is just 'collateral damage' for probably less than 2,00 Israelis. It is up to Israelis to deal with these persons and realize that the extreme provocative strategy makes more enemies bent on revenge, not peace.

  6. I love how all weather reports now are just eye blistering red maps. Been hearing about climate change for 30 years. You know, back when it was global warming. Keep grifting though. Gotta get those clicks.


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