‘Heck of a game’: Former NHL coach Greg Gilbert reacts to Oilers Game 6 win


well the Edmonton Oilers incredible Stanley Cup run continues with a convincing win on home ice in game six to force a winner take all game seven against the Florida Panthers on Monday with his brother here’s working in we are to the Oilers down the Panthers 5-1 to become the first team since the 1945 Detroit Red Wings to tie the Stanley Cup finals after falling behind three games to nine and now they hope to become the first team since the 1942 leavs to come back and win it all Oilers fans understandably rather ecstatic about the team I’m so proud of the Oilers they got the top want the C baby oil in seven show 9 hours to see this wonderful view this wonderful atmosphere go Oilers and of course the big deciding game seven Monday night in Florida and joining me now is three-time Stanley Cup champion Greg Gilbert Greg thanks again for joining us uh quite the game last night holy cow my goodness what uh and and we talked about it before Roger like anything’s possible right so and we’re going a game seven and you can’t ask for anything more and both teams are competing Florida looks to be a bit on their heels uh Evon looks to have the confidence and the momentum right now um you know I was watching last night the first two goals were side to side and for any goalie uh that’s pretty hard uh to to get across because they have to go pretty much face plant and uh try to cover as much net as they can but maybe Edmonton’s starting to find some some cracks in bossk’s game and um you know obviously the the third goal with uh Zach Heyman was almost identical to the same goal that Connor Brown scored short-handed game five so they’re they’re starting to pick up on on some little idiosyncrasies I guess you could say but uh it it was a heck of a game and the one thing I didn’t like was uh you know second period third period uh Evington was outshot by Florida and sitting back in your heels is a dangerous thing so we’re going into uh game seven with uh you know Florida thinking what if what if we we lose a three nothing lead and lose the Stanley Cup and Edmonton’s going in you know what if what if we battle all the way back and and we lose game seven in Florida but I think both teams are are at the point right now and they should be is we got nothing to lose and I think it’s going to be a heck of a hockey game and is it do you think has Edmonton figured out Florida or is Florida kind of cracking a little bit uh I I think it’s a little bit of both um I mean if if you’ve watched the the series from game one uh Edmonton’s got quite a few half breakaways full break aways uh against the uh the Panthers so they they think they they probably see something a little break in their game that uh they’re trying to exploit and they’ve done it and there for some reason a few of the goals that have been scored against Florida they’re uh their defense have been split and they’re going right up the Middle with the plays so it’s uh it will be interesting to see if they they’re picking up on that Florida’s picking up on their what they have to maybe adjust but um it is uh I I’m looking forward to it I think it’s going to be a great game now when you were with the the Rangers against Vancouver you guys were up 3-1 lost two in a row and went into game seven what were you thinking going into game seven that year we had nothing to lose like really I think both teams felt the same way and it was a heck of a hockey game we won 3-2 but it was tight um you know we we probably had our opportunities to put them away and they had opportunities to come back and uh it was a heck of a game so how were you guys feeling after that game six when they tied it up oh my word well it’s again the mentality was you know we put ourselves in this position we have to find a way to to get out of it and uh we we found a way to to win at home in game seven which we were fortunate to have home ICE Advantage but um it’s it is what it is and and we went into the game it’s like what do we really have to lose if we play our game and we know we we’re a better team than than the other side and Vancouver was a very good hockey club but uh we knew if we played our style and played our our game uh we were going to come out on top and and fortunately fortunately we did okay and and Greg before we go prediction for the game on Monday oh my word I hate this Roger you know that I I yeah but I get the way things looked last night uh with the way things looked last night I’m gonna have to say uh I think Evon is going to come home with uh the piece of silver all right Greg thank you as always for chatting with us we appreciate it Roger thanks so much for having me that’s Greg Gilbert three time Stanley Cup champion

Former NHL player and coach Greg Gilbert provides analysis on Game 6 and what to expect from both teams as they head into Game 7.

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  1. Its disappoibting that Greg Gilbert, as a cup winning coach, never mentioned the ERROR Paul Maurice made to pull the goaltended with 3:20 to go. Bowman wouls never bave done that. No one is mentioning it.


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