Ontario Line subway price tag balloons to $27.2B, a hike of billions of dollars


when Premier Doug Ford first unveiled his signature Ontario line Transit project the original price tag seemed reasonable $10 billion for a 15 km line but years into the construction the price tag has grown the cost to construct and operate the Line is now projected to be 27.2 billion over 30 years they were not upfront with the public and with the people of Ontario what the true cost of this project will be with construction already underway the government says the price has risen for a number of reasons for one the cost of expropriating properties for the project is now being added in and construction charges have also risen since the pandemic the cost of construction has gone up by 40% since 2020 so we are in this moment of Rapid inflation uh labor costs are rising uh materials have become more expensive there’s been supply chain issues now issues around interest rates which raised the cost of financing project but the cost of building the alingon West LRT has also grown by 1.2 billion since last September and Metrolink says the Ontario line price tag could also increase in the years ahead now the government’s critics are demanding transparency estimated full price tag of this project uh a credible plan and a timeline uh and you know full transparency around this P3 uh project but engineering experts say there is one silver lining the government is offering not just the cost of construction but how much it’ll take to operate the line an expense that’s often overlooked this is a line that’s going to be there for decades and centuries so it’s going to cost money to keep it in a state of good repair and it’s important that our governments are uh being uh upfront about how much those costs are going to be the Ontario line is expected to be in operation in 2031 at Queens Park Colin Dello Global News

The price tag for Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s signature subway project has ballooned by billions of dollars — to $27.2 billion — Global News has learned.
That’s a 42 per cent increase from just two years ago, when the cost was estimated at between $17 billion and $19 billion.

The Ontario Line, which is set to run from the Ontario Science Centre to Ontario Place, was unveiled by Premier Doug Ford in 2019.

The project has so far cost taxpayers $5 billion in construction costs.

Global’s Colin D’Melo explains what’s behind the exploding price tag.

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  2. They Could De-Regulate "Chang Li" Style EV's …… They're Extremely Inexpensive Means Of Mobility…. They're Perfect For City/Town Use & Would Drastically Reduce Carbon Emissions…… They Could Be Included With E-Bikes & Mobility Vehicles.

  3. wow…how surprising they are laundering our money away. Just like Muskrat Falls Hydro damn in Labrador going from 6 billion to over 13 billion. Conveniently all the people in charge got their bonuses for doing such a stand up job for developing a hydro damn for a province with a dwindling population that will only jack up our electric rates.

  4. Its ridiculous . If you don’t know how to build a transportation line with reasonable cost and not taking 10 years to be completed , then go to China and learn , how do they build +10000 KM every year

  5. Thanks Doug Ford! Proving once again that Cons have no idea what they're doing, that all they do is balloon the deficit, and give money to their cronies. What a disgrace.

  6. This news piece gives us the old estimate, which I guess was the cost of building it, and the new cost, which includes the effect of inflation on the construction cost, as well as the cost of operating it for 30 years. So, yeah, I'd expect that second figure to be bigger; it includes 30 years of maintenance etc., which the first figure didn't. What is a reasonable amount for those operating costs? Should I be outraged? Clearly Global news wants me to be. But there's not enough info.

  7. Time: 1 minute 59 seconds
    Time if hit piece against Doug Ford content is removed: 1 minute
    This is why polls keep showing the big corporate media isn't trusted anymore: slant.
    Always with the slant.

  8. Another fake project to take tax payers money. European has already partnership with China to build infrastructure. way less money and more efficiency. Canada infrastructure is a joke. Why not build more hospitals, schools and removing zoning for houses which people really needs.


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