U.K. polls predict worst Tory defeat in 100 years


the UK election is just 2 weeks away and the latest polls are projecting a heavy defeat for Rishi sunak conservatives one poll suggests sunac may become the first sitting prime minister to lose his own seat cbc’s Anna conningham is at College Green in London right across from the British Parliament Anna tell us more about the latest polling well Natasha these headlines are certainly a nightmare for prime minister Rishi cak and his conservative party and it does seem that the gap is widening because for more than a year now in fact the opposition labor party which is led by Sir K starma he’s a former human rights lawyer the former Chief prosecutor they have been in the lead but what we saw overnight was a trio of polls bringing really bad news for Rishi sunak in fact uh one of those polls is predicting that the conservative party could do worse in this election than in 1997 when Tony Blair won power for labor and it could leave them with just 53 seats just to give you a bit of context for that back in 2019 Boris Johnson won for the conservatives with 365 seats so it would be a huge drop some of the newspapers today the British press using words like bloodbath and wipe out and saying that this would be the worst result for the conservatives in 100 years another newspaper adding another Century to that and saying 200 years look Richie soon Natasha has been continuing on the campaign Trail he’s been out on the water down in the South Coast talking about immigration saying that he’s got this policy to send undocumented migrants to Rwanda but he’s saying that on the same week where we saw just on Tuesday more than 800 undocumented migrants making the channel Crossing to the UK and I think the issue here really is that the voters are saying well the conservatives have had 14 years in power to sort these things out there’s also another problem for rishy suak it comes in the form of Nigel farage you may remember him from the brexit years he was a a a strong brexiteer he led the ukit party well he is now the leader of Reform UK and he is actually pitching himself in his run in this as the equivalent of Canada’s Reform Party back in 199 3 and the conservative wipe out there I don’t think it’s going to come to that farage and his party may win a couple of seats but it really at the moment does look like the polls are indicating this is certainly Labor’s election to win Natasha well and as you indicated the conservatives have been in power since 2010 they’ve had five sitting Prime Ministers this would be if they do lose the the biggest defeat in a 100 years why are they losing so much popularity yeah well I think certain certain extent it has to be to do with the policies of course and the British public saying you know you’ve had all this time in power and we’re still facing issues with education uh the NHS the National Health Service facing very long waiting lists um also you know things like migration as well is is an issue that people are talking about but scandals as well interestingly come into this and I think it’s kind of soured the British Public’s view of politicians one of the the scandals which happened during the Boris Johnson era of course was called party gate at the time those parties held in number 10 Danning street during the covid lockdown and Natasha just very briefly today we are hearing of developments of another potential Scandal I think probably is the best way to put it um the gambling Watchdog is now looking into to the conservative party’s director of campaigning In This Very election over a bet allegedly related to the timing of this general election well certainly the timing for rishy sunak of that couldn’t be worse but it will play into the hands of Labor who are hoping that the public vote for them on July the 4th Natasha Anna Cunningham in London thank you so much

Political polls in the United Kingdom are predicting a heavy defeat for Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party in the July 4 general election. British media say the result could be the worst for the Tories in a century or more.

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