Toronto taxpayers losing millions due to absentee teachers, says LEVY

LEVY: Toronto school trustees ignorant to how politicized the classrooms are

"Toronto District School Board (TDSB) teachers have been making headlines for their excessive sick leave days, costing the board millions in replacement costs. With an average of nearly 20 sick days taken last year, compared to the provincial average of 16 days, the impact on the board’s finances is staggering. But what lies behind these high absentee rates, and what is being done to address this issue?

Exploring the Reasons Behind High Absentee Rates

The TDSB’s report attributes the high absenteeism to various factors, including the demographic makeup of the areas where teachers work, commutes, and the presence of students with special needs. However, critics argue that these could be convenient excuses and that the real issue might lie in a culture of absenteeism that has been tolerated for too long.

Addressing the Issue Moving Forward

The TDSB has acknowledged the need to address this issue and plans to implement an attendance support program to improve tracking and clarity around sick leave use. However, questions remain about the effectiveness of these measures and whether they will truly tackle the root causes of absenteeism.

A Thought-Provoking Call to Action

As discussions about absenteeism in the TDSB continue, it is essential to consider the impact not only on the board’s finances but also on the quality of education provided to students. By addressing the underlying issues contributing to high absentee rates, the TDSB has an opportunity to create a more supportive and accountable working environment for its educators. It is crucial for all stakeholders to work together to ensure that teachers are present and engaged in their roles, ultimately benefiting the students they serve."



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