“Like I was some kind of a dog:” Pickering Councillor pays price for standing up to censorious thugs


what in blue hell is going on and Pickering why is this Council and this mayor using so many control measures to shut down debate and discussion I I think they enjoy being almost like a dictatorship I would have to say they seem to really enjoy censoring the people’s voices I mean not only you know as you mentioned before bringing delegations down from 10 minutes to 5 minutes and removal of question and answer period they actually increase the fines too from like $65 to like $650 if you talk poorly about the city of Pickering and if they know who you are underneath their new nuisance bylaw and their code of conduct policies and whatnot they can actually just trespass you if you give any kind of blowback whatsoever he resorts to name calling or telling me that he wants to keep me on a short leash like I was some kind of a dog or something because I have opposing views

Rebel News journalist David Menzies speaks with Pickering City Councillor Lisa Robinson about City Council’s attempts to stifle debate and freedom of the press.

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  1. Canada has become accustomed to doing whatever big daddy government says. Oh, theres a little grumbling, but we all bend over and touch our toes. Sometimes, big daddy uses lube, and sometimes not

  2. Absolutely cannot wait to escape Canada and move to the States. This sh*t is everywhere here- totalitarian freaks with control fetishes control almost every aspect of life here, now.

  3. They are just following what they know to be correct based on their downloads from above and their own in-doctrinal views of which their minds are squared to. This is how higher up levels of control wants you to react based on the other sides limited view and vested interest. I’m so tired of these old time conclusions that are supposed to make others believe. Papagaios está falando sobre tudo que o poder tá mandando de engano mas as pessoas não vê!

  4. Freemasons the global satanic cult as infiltrated police department's court systems in municipal politics municipalities are corporations corporations cannot dictate the common man because corporations can only contract with other corporations it's a complete fraud system based by the enforcement of of mercenaries for the corporation IE police

  5. Uh huh show some evidence not some talking heads and maybe ill believe it answer this are you a maga supporter? If so you dont even have a shred of credibility your compromised by a cult if not maybe ill listen to what you have to say but theres a brain rot in right wing media and its name is american politics

  6. A TREASON Camp for people in Leadership roles in Canada that are misinforming and disinforming their constituents should be built in a remote area only accessed by air and powered by CLIMATE Hoax friendly conveniences. These folks need a lesson in LIFE!!!!


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