Copa América kicks off: Canada vs. Argentina | Canada Tonight


Canada is getting ready to kick off one of the biggest tournaments in soccer tomorrow the Men’s National Team is making its debut at the Copa America in the US after a disappointing outing at the World Cup in Cutter two years ago they’ll hope to do better on the international stage but it won’t be an easy task for the men in red first up for them is a clash with reigning world Champs Argentina who will be led by lonel Messi the CEO of Canada Soccer is in the Canada tonight’s spotlight Kevin blue joins me now from Atlanta where Team Canada is preparing for tomorrow’s opening game good to see you thanks for having me on listen uh this is happy to have you this is the first time Canada has qualified for Copa America uh what is this moment mean for you and also for the team well it’s a big moment for the the program on the men’s side for sure and uh the team is really eager to be in the spotlight you know the match against Argentina is going to have the attention of the global football world and the the players and coaches are ready to compete and represent Canada on the biggest stage absolutely it’s a huge stage many see Canada though is an underdog in this tournament especially against Messi and Argentina what is your response to that well we are going up against the number one ranked team in the world that has uh the greatest player of all time on it so it’s uh it’s hard to be favored in that situation but you know truthfully I think our our players and coaches are really focused on themselves and and and and doing what they can to compete and uh you know we’ll see what happens it’s that’s why we play and it’s and and everybody’s looking forward to a really competitive uh competitive game and absolutely people love an underdog uh what do you think the team success will be here the the key to their success that is well you know it’s it’s still early under uh you know Jesse as a as a new manager um it’s it’s early in his ten years so you know of course competing successfully and you want to win every time you’re out there but really what what the players and coaches are thinking about is continuing to improve as a as a group every single time out every day every training session every time they play and um you know to the extent that they can continue growing and continue their March towards the home World Cup in 2026 uh you know this this this event is really important and we want to obviously win win matches U the bigger picture of course is continuing to get better as we build towards 2026 you mentioned Jesse this is the the first International Tournament for new head coach Jesse Marsh te tell us about the leadership that he brings to the table here Jesse is a fantastic leader he’s he he has a lot of experience around the world in uh you know in global football uh you know managing at the highest level and he does have quite a bit of international experience as well as part of the US system um you know through their World Cup run several years years ago uh so it’ll be you know it is his first major International Tournament as a as a head coach and but he’s bringing his his experience and his Global Perspective to bear on the guys and it’s been it’s been fun to see the first few weeks under his his leadership absolutely uh tell me you know you you are there uh the nation’s going to be watching tomorrow do the the guys kind of feel the weight of that that the nation is watching and and tell me kind of about that the the fan connection here the fact that the entire country is going to be cheering our guys on I think the the players feel the opportunity of the fact that everybody’s watching and frankly like this is uh what they all are excited to do and and excited to these moments excite them and they are really amazing opportunities in their careers and obviously that they’re appreciative of the support nationally and and I think are leaning into the moment and leaning into the opportunity you know with uh like tremendous anticipa anticipation as as we you know engage in the first match of Copa America tomorrow Beyond just this tournament how hopeful are you that this will chart A New Path for Canada on the international soccer stage well I think the path that Canada’s been traveling internationally over the last several years has been very positive in Trend and you know what we’re trying to do um you know both on the men’s side and the women’s side is continue building on that continue growing uh continue Canada’s full arrival uh as a global football country and uh the opportunity to play these matches against you know world number one in Argentina is is uh certainly a part of that process best of luck we’re g all going to be watching Kevin appreciate it that is Kevin blue joining us from Atlanta

The Canadian men’s soccer team will take on Argentina in Copa América’s opening game on Thursday. It is also the first time Canada qualified. Kevin Blue, Canada Soccer CEO, says ‘it’s a big moment.’

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