Woman credits TTC driver with saving her life


I’m alive because of this amazing woman that wouldn’t let me off a street car cuz she saw me Michelle Marie beer hasn’t made it home yet from a May 31st Jay’s game she went from a 510 street car straight to the ER at St Mike’s hospital by ambulance now she’s recovering from an emergency brain surgery that removed a life-threatening tumor she didn’t know she had she may still not have known about it if she hadn’t met this street car driver who she now calls her guardian angel had I gone home that night and Fallen uh I would have either slipped into a coma uh lost my eyesight because it was attached to the uh the the nerve uh or died that’s how that’s how close it was to uh to being done to this day it’s so real like I I I just I didn’t think it would turn into something this big to know that it went so far um as to um saving a life I’m honestly I’m I’m humbled truly Monique Blake was driving the street car and had just unloaded passengers at Spadina station when she spotted beer sitting down looking flushed and in distress and I noticed when she got up she was shaking she had Tremors in her like it was like her left hand and I was like okay that’s that’s not good beer protested not wanting to hold up service she thought she was having a postconcussion dizzy spell in January she fell and hit her head exiting the same 510 street car but when Blake saw her she knew something more was wrong and wouldn’t let her leave the station until she got medical attention first my mom is actually um a retired nurse and she um you know I guess in her coming home after uh she worked at a Senior’s home she’d make mention sometimes of um people with brain injury how they had Tremors and that was something that kind of triggered in my mind that um maybe you know something like that is happening turns out that beer needed to remove a tumor that had been growing for years and she says if wasn’t just taking a toll on her health but her happiness I spent the last 5 years thinking I wanted to die because I was in such a dark place because of the tumor unbeknown to be eating my brain beer says her and Monique’s story is incredibly poetic because the theme of the Jays game she was at earlier that life-changing evening was City connect a TTC operator saves the life of the world’s biggest blue jays fan on City connect like what connects the city the TTC Blake says the message in this story is that it’s okay to ask for help and to accept help when someone offers you’re not inconveniencing anyone to ask for help if you need help you need help and I do believe that even though we do live in a fastpac um environment if you do reach out for help people will take the time to help because you know we all need that human connection Blake and beer have both been invited to share their story at a TTC board meeting at City Hall Thursday and that’s where Blake will be acknowledged for her outstanding service Britney belet CBC News Toronto

A Toronto woman is calling a TTC employee her guardian angel and says without her, she might not be alive. It all started when Michele-Marie Beer started feeling dizzy while riding the streetcar. CBC’s Britnei Bilhete explains what happened.

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